Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

Tips To Overcome Insomnia To Prevent Acne, Hair Loss, Ulcer And Headache Problems

Are you suffering from acne problems, hair loss, ulcer attack or frequent headache? Or do you feel that you are constantly in stress? The most like causes of all these maybe perhaps be insomnia, or lack of sleep and rest. Today let us discuss how we can deal with insomnia.

If you have a rocky workplace, this can also be a good excuse for insomnia. You are going to be stressed and uneasy about a lot of things when you are worried about what is going on at work. You need to find out a way to work through these problems to make them better. Get help from your supervisor or manager to take this problem on. Once you get it sorted out, you will probably find that you can rest better at night and start sleeping through the night like you once did.

Do not overeat as heavy meals will drain out your energy. Instead of eating a large meal, you need to eat three smaller meals throughout the day. You need to have your blood sugar and your insulin levels more even. You will also find it easier to sleep at night if you eat this way. You need to keep watch of what you eat so that you can dream away at night. Eating rich foods will help you out a lot when it comes to dieting. Remember that overeating can not only cause insomnia, it can also cause unwanted weight gain too.

Next, are you finding hard to concentrate while you sleep? Do you know that there are as many as 100,000 car accidents and fifteen hundred deaths that are from accidents caused by people that are driving while drowsy. This is a serious problem and one that more and more people need to address. There are lots of people that are sacrificing their sleep to do other things in life. It is not going to help anyone if a person skips the sleep that they need in order to do something else.

Insomnia is a leading cause in the United States for decreased productivity. Each year insomnia will cost the United States over one billion dollars for the research and the lost work that is not getting done. This is a serious condition and one that has to be taken more seriously. There are more and more people under stress and hectic lives. They are not allowing themselves enough time for rest and relaxation and this is leading to more severe problems for them such as headache, acne problems, and even hair loss.

You should also eat a great breakfast. You need to eat foods that boost your metabolism and give the body energy to burn off. The brain will depend on the glucose for fuel and so carbohydrates for breakfast is a great idea. You should try to not skip any meals. It is important to eat healthy and to eat when you are hungry. Cereals and wholegrain bread is the best way to get a good start on your day and keep you awake.

Lastly, about a third of the average persons life is spent sleeping. This means that sleep is very important to our health and us. Healthy sleep is more important. It is vital to a human's body and it is going to be essential for the brain to function the way that it is intended. Other organs in the body also depend on the amount of sleep that a person gets to function properly.

Alright! You've now completed the easy part. From here, you have to start to plan a regular and healthier plan for your daily life. By changing your lifestyle for a better, healthier one, you will ultimately enjoy a healthier, happy life.
by: Christopher Wen
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Beta-Glucan May Prevent Anthrax When Taken Orally

In a 2002 study, a group of researchers used oral Beta Glucan to treat mice infected with Bacillus Anthracites. With the high incidence of anthrax vaccine complications, an alternative preventative approach is sorely needed to deal with this frightening disease. Non specific immune stimulation methods, such as macrophage activation would be an excellent option.

The way that anthrax works is by secreting two toxins: edema toxin and lethal toxin. The first of these stimulates an outpouring of fluid into the lungs, while the latter inhibits nuetrophil phagocytosis and triggers destructive intracellular reactions, destroying macrophage cells. This is especially threatening because of the fact that the lethal toxin prevents the macrophages from releasing their immune messengers, including TNF-alpha.

The study in question showed that orally administered Beta Glucan greatly stimulates the levels of TNF-alph released from the macrophage, which overcomes the inhibition caused by the anthrax lethal toxin. Because of this, the mice that were treated with Beta Glucan experienced a significantly higher survival rate.

Beta Glucan was also shown to stimulate the effectiveness of neutrophils. In fact, one study indicated that the efficiency of neutrophils was increased as much as 50-fold by this powerful supplement, allowing for much faster and more precise immune reactions.
by: Jeremy Maddock
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ADHD and Iron Deficiency

About 8% of children, ages 4 years and under, are deficient in iron. Between the ages of 5 and 12, the percentage rises to 13%, and then settles back to 8% in people above the age of 15. Anemia is the best-known repercussion of iron deficiency. However, even minor deficiencies in iron may weaken the immune system, affect the thyroid, and impair general physical performance. Iron deficiency has also been implicated in a number of psychiatric and neurological conditions, including learning disabilities and ADHD.

Iron is a co-enzyme in the anabolism of catecholamines. That means it is essential for the creation of certain neurotransmitters. It helps to regulate the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which probably accounts for the association of iron deficiency with neurological problems. It makes sense that supplementing ADHD children, who have some level of iron deficiency, might have some effect on their ADHD. However, what makes sense in theory, does not always work in practice. Unfortunately, there have been very few studies done testing the effects of iron supplementation on ADHD.

One study, done in Israel, evaluated 14 ADHD boys for the effect of short-term iron administration on behavior. Each boy received iron daily for 30 days. Both parents and teachers assessed the behavior of the children. The parents found significant improvement in the behavior of the children. However, the teachers noticed no improvement.

In a second study, 33 iron-deficient, but otherwise normal, children were given an iron supplement. The children became less hyperactive. This study suggests that iron deficiency may cause hyperactive behavior in some children and that hyperactive behavior is reversible when the deficiency is treated.

A third study tested the affects of iron supplementation on a group of teen-aged high school girls who were determined to be iron deficient. At the end of the 8-week study, the researchers found that girls who received iron supplementation performed better on verbal learning and memory tests than those who did not.

This is about all the evidence we have. It’s not a lot and it’s not very impressive. None of the studies were double-blind studies, which means we cannot really rely on them all that much.

If this were the only consideration, I would say you should definitely try to treat your child for iron deficiency. The reason is that hyperactive children are more likely to be iron deficient than other children. Also, there is a possibility that your child has a higher than average iron requirement. That means that he might test normal on all the iron blood tests and still be iron deficient because he requires more than the average amount of iron.

So why not just give your child iron supplements and see what happens? Because iron functions in the body like a two edged sword.

Iron exists in the body in two chemical forms. There is the ferrous form, where the iron atom will bond to two electrons and the ferric form where the atom will bond to three electrons. Iron can go back and forth between these two forms. This is the property of iron that allows it to play a role in carrying oxygen as part of hemoglobin. However, it also makes iron an active player in oxidation-reduction reactions. What that means is that iron has the ability to act like a free radical and cause significant damage to tissues. Whenever iron is not bound to hemoglobin or to some other carrier protein, it travels around the body as free iron and can cause damage anywhere it goes. To further exacerbate the problem, excess iron is not eliminated well by the body. Most of the iron in the body gets recycled. Therefore, not only is excess iron toxic, but also once you have excess iron in your body, it is going to stick around for a long time. High amounts of iron have been ! found in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. It is very likely that excess iron can aggravate, if not cause, other neurological problems as well.

With that in mind we have to approach iron supplementation with caution. My feeling is that if your child turns out to be one of the 8-13% that is deficient in iron, it is worth giving iron supplements. I doubt that it will help much with his ADHD, but it should help with his general health. This advice applies to your non-ADHD children, also.

How should you test iron deficiency? The hemoglobin and hematocrit counts that come as part of the standard complete blood count (CBC) are good for diagnosing anemia. They do not really give you accurate information about the body’s iron status. The best test for iron status is the serum ferritin test, which measures how much iron is stored in your body. It will be low if you are deficient and high if you are overloaded.

If you find your child has an iron deficiency problem, there are several approaches to treat it. Probably the safest is by giving him more iron-containing foods. You can serve him red meat several times a week. Liver is an excellent source, if you can get him to eat it. You can enhance dietary absorption by supplementing with vitamin A (about 10,000 IU) and vitamin C (about 500mg) with the meals.

The most likely the reason that your child is deficient is because he is a poor eater; so, dietary intervention may not be practical. A second and far inferior source of iron is through supplements. The primary difficulty of iron supplements is that they do not get into the body. Fortifying foods with iron in general does not work. Many foods bind iron and, as a result, the iron is excreted rather than absorbed. The best form of supplemental iron is Ferrochel. Ferrochel is an amino acid chelated iron, which is highly bio-available and is not affected by foods that bind iron.

Most iron supplements have a ten percent absorption rate. That means if you take 10 mg of the supplement, your body absorbs 1 mg. Ferrochel is different. Ferrochel has a 75% absorption rate. That means 1.5 mg of Ferrochel provides more iron to your body than 10 mg of other supplements.

That is an interesting fact, but it is not why I am recommending it. The more important property of Ferrochel is that since it is already amino acid bound, it does not become free iron in the body. That means it does not have the dangers and side effects of other iron supplements. The FDA has given Ferrochel the designation of GRAS, (generally regarded as safe). No other iron supplement has this designation.

The take home message is that iron deficiency may be the cause of hyperactivity in some children. It is worth your while to have your child tested. If for some reason you suspect your child is iron deficient, the best approach is to increase your child’s iron intake through his diet. If that doesn’t work and you need to use supplements, the best supplemental iron is Ferrochel.
by: Anthony Kane, MD
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Causes and Prevention of Diarrhea In Labrador Retriever

A healthy Labrador Retriever will normally defecate firm stools once or twice a day. However, if your Labrador Retriever passes semi-solid or liquid stools more often than usual, then he is probably suffering from canine diarrhea. Diarrhea is common in Labrador Retrievers because of their hearty appetites. They tend to eat anything, digestible and non-food objects alike, especially if their owners are not looking. With immediate attention and proper care, diarrhea caused by ingesting foreign objects can be treated within a day or two.

Diarrhea has many other causes aside from eating unsuitable objects. It can be caused by intestinal viruses, stomach viruses or intestinal parasites. Problems within the digestive tract such as ulcers, cancer, food allergies and toxins can trigger diarrhea. Health problems not related to digestive tract can also trigger diarrhea. Some of these health problems are liver disease, kidney disease, Addison's disease and anxiety. Always remember that diarrhea is not a disease, but is a symptom of various diseases. It maybe just a symptom but may become life threatening if not treated immediately.

For simple cases of diarrhea in your Labrador Retriever, home treatment is enough. Provide plenty of fresh water or oral rehydration fluids to drink provided he is not vomiting. You can also try giving him an ice cube or two every four hours to help him not drink so much water. It is also advisable to put him on fast for 24 hours to rest his irritated tract and feed him only if he appears better after a day. You can start feeding him with small amounts of bland diet every four hours. If your Labrador Retriever appears better after bland diet and small amounts of food, you can gradually return to his regular diet.

Severe cases of diarrhea, if it persists more than 24 hours, if there is any blood and if accompanied with vomiting, immediate veterinary care is needed to prevent your dog from dehydration. If there is blood in his vomitus or stool, if he has fever and if it persists for more than one to two days, it could be sign of infection or other diseases. Visit your vet immediately for medication. He will usually recommend drink with electrolytes and dietary supplements such as probiotics for it has beneficial bacteria helpful in restoring the health of the dog's intestinal tract. Serious cases of diarrhea due to infection or inflammation of the intestine may require antibiotics.
by: Richard Cussons

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Acute and Chronic Sinusitis: What About?

We often experience sinus problems especially when it is cold. And sometimes we just disregard the signs and symptoms we experience knowing it is only a simple cold symptom, however from simple cold develops into a sinus infection. How hard to spot the difference isn’t it?

Here is a more specific presentation of the signs and symptoms of sinus infection depending upon which of the sinuses are affected and in cases where the infection is acute or chronic.

The following are the sinus infection cases under the Acute Sinusitis.

Frontal Sinusitis (located above the eyes in the region of the forehead) - In this case for sinus infection symptom there is severe ache in the forehead, fever, postnasal drip or nasal discharge and the sufferer is on a lot of pain when in a stretched out position but feels a bit better when the head is upright. Maxillary Sinusitis (located on either side of the nostrils in the cheekbones) - There is pain and pressure on one or both sides of the cheek; tenderness, redness and swelling of the cheekbone; pain is worse when the head is upright and feels better when in reclining position; pain across the cheekbone, under or around the eye or around the upper teeth; there is also nasal discharge.

Ethmoid Sinusitis (located behind the bridge of the nose and at the base of the nose between the eyes) - There is nasal congestion with nasal discharge; pain or pressure around the inner corner of the eye or on one side of the nose; headache in the temple or surrounding eye, pain or pressure symptoms worse when coughing, straining or lying back but better when the head is upright.

Sphenoid Sinusitis (located behind the ethmoid sinuses and the eyes) - The sinus infection symptom here are fever; nasal discharge; deep headache with throbbing pain behind and on top of the head, across the forehead, and behind the eye; pain is worse when lying back and bending forward; vision disturbances when pressure extends to the brain.

And for the sinus infection under Chronic Sinusitis here are the following symptoms.

Frontal Sinusitis –the sufferer will feel a constant low-grade headache in the forehead and accounted damage in the sinus area.

Maxillary Sinusitis - There’s pressure below the eye, chronic toothache, discomfort throughout the day with amplified cough at night are some of the effects.

Ethmoid Sinusitis - There is chronic sore throat that causes bad breath; chronic nasal discharge, congestion, and a bit of discomfort across the bridge of the nose; worse pain in the late morning and when wearing glasses, recurs in other sinuses.

Sphenoid Sinusitis - The sinus infection symptom in this sinus is low-grade headache.

Anyone can be a victim of this infection. It may sound impossible to prevent this but on the contrary you can get yourself be cured. Just be vigilant to detect such symptoms and be ready to prepare a proper medication if persist.
by: Marlon D. Ludovice
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Is Colloidal Silver A Treatment For Bronchitis?

What is Bronchitis?
Bronchitis is defined...

as an inflammation of the bronchi. Bronchi are airways in the respiratory tract that bring air into the lungs. This inflammation is typically caused by viruses or bacteria, but it may also be caused by inhaled irritants, such as cigarette smoke or harmful chemicals.

Most cases of bronchitis cases involve a viral pathogen. The inflammation is usually the result of the mucus lining of the airways becoming swollen due to irritation. Anyone may contract bronchitis, but people with weak immune systems, such as children and the elderly, are particularly vulnerable.

What are the Symptoms?

Coughing up phlegm or spit, difficulty breathing, and wheezing are all common bronchitis symptoms. Patients typically seek treatment for bronchitis once the coughing becomes uncomfortable or painful. If the inflammation is particularly severe, fatigue, fever, or chest pains may arise. In rare cases, gastrointestinal bronchitis symptoms may arise.

How can you Prevent Bronchitis?

A vaccine for a Haemophilus influenza, which commonly causes bronchitis, was developed in 1985. However, since the vaccine only boosts immunity for six months, it is typically only administered to those most at risk.

Anyone who wants to limit their risk of bronchitis should stop or not start smoking. Even secondhand smoke may lead to bronchitis. Workers who are often exposed to dust or irritating chemicals should wear a dusk mask to prevent inhalation. Everyone who wants to decrease their risk should also limit their exposure to air and traffic pollution.

How is Bronchitis Treated?

There is no medical cure for bronchitis. Typically doctors will treat the symptoms to alleviate the pain and discomfort, and wait from the body to naturally correct the inflammation. Far too often, doctors will prescribe antibiotics. However, for the large majority of cases of bronchitis, this is inadvisable.

Most bronchitis cases are the result of a virus, and antibiotics are only designed to treat bacterial infections. Many doctors are aware that antibiotics are ineffective for bronchitis, but prescribe them anyway because they feel pressured by the patient to treat something besides the symptoms.

A study from 2002 titled “Azithromycin for acute bronchitis” published in the medical journal “The Lancet” referred to this pressure from patients, concluding that “Many patients with acute bronchitis require their physicians to 'do something.' “And that it should not include the “defensive use of ineffective antibiotics."

Immunologists have long warned that over prescription of antibiotics will only lead to stronger and more resistant bacterial strains. Unnecessary prescription of any medicine can be harmful, and patients who take antibiotics may suffer side effects such as vomiting, headache, and rash.

Since the immune system is the best (and in most cases, the only) way to fight the infection that causes bronchitis, patients might benefit from taking supplements that support and boost the immune system.

Many have claimed good results with taking colloidal silver for bronchitis. Colloidal silver can be taken orally or through a nebulizer.

If you would like to take colloidal silver for the treatment of bronchitis, it may be interesting to note that some patients have reported the best results with true colloidal silver versus inferior products that are mostly ionic solutions.
by: Wyatt McKinney

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Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Ayurveda Epilepsy Treatments

Epilepsy (seizure disorder, fits) is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent instances of seizure or tremors. These are due to abnormal excitation from brain. Epilepsy treatment methods are aimed at controlling the disease. Most cases of juvenile epilepsy don't pass over to adulthood.

Not all epilepsy cases are alike. Sometimes there can be apparent reasons like stress, brain injury, genetic conditions and parasitic infection of brain. It is also observed that instance of epilepsy can occur without any solid provable reason.

Epilepsy due to specific reasons like use of certain drugs, epilepsy as withdrawal symptom, seizure due to abnormal levels of sodium in blood are temporary cases and will be cured without any special treatments apart from the medicines and diet to return to normal health.

Epilepsy treatment in Ayurveda

Apasmara or apasmaram is the term used for epilepsy in Ayurveda. The reasons sited by Ayurveda scripts include stressful life, lazy life, poor diet and suppression of natural urges.

Each person is different and each case of epilepsy is also different. Thorough examination of the patient by an Ayurvedic physician is essential to identify the right treatment for a person.

Epilepsy in most cases is a vata disorder. However, it can also be caused by vitiation of pitta or kapha. Imbalances of all the three doshas are also not very rare.

Vata type seizure is mainly a mental problem. Stressful days, poor sleep and mental exertion are reasons. Digestive problems like gastritis, constipation etc. can also be reasons.

Rest, normalized diet and specific time to take food can help such persons control epilepsy. Abhayanga or Ayurvedic oil massage, shirodhara (pouring of medicated oil over head), thalam (retaining medicated oil on head) helps in pacifying mind. Nerve tonic herbs like Aswagandha (Withania somnifera), Brahmi (Bacopa monniera), Jatamamsi (Nardastachys jatamansi), Shanka pushpi (Evolvulus alsinoides) etc are used to pacify nervous system and to reduce instances of abnormal brain functioning.

Inflammations inside head due to diseases like Encephalitis cause pitta type seizures. Exposure to heat is a high risk factor in such cases of seizures. Kapha type epilepsy is due to blocks in central nervous system. A sedentary or highly secluded life can lead to this condition.

Kapha type epilepsy is also characterized by excess salivation. Tulsi (holy basil), Acorus calamus, etc are the type of herbs beneficial in kapha epilepsy.

Prevention of Epilepsy Ayurveda way

Regulate the lifestyle with Ayurvedic daily routine (dinacharya).

Stay as much positive about the day and life as possible. Don’t allow tensions to creep in to your mind. Don’t get excited at anything. Start practicing yoga meditation.

Keep your daily diet fully nutritive. Don’t eat late at night. If possible go for five or six small meals a day, instead of one or two big meals.

Massage your soles with coconut oil or sesame oil before going to bed. This give your head a cooling effect.
by: Dev Sri

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What is the Best Hemorrhoids Medicine

These following products are some of the best hemorrhoids medications. Here we'll go ahead and provide a brief summary of each of the characteristics of each treatment.

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of these treatments and maybe be able to recognize which one is more suitable for you.

H Miracle Guide

As it turns out, one of the best treatments for hemorrhoids is actually a guide on how to treat hemorrhoids and make them go away once and for all.

If you want to get rid of your hemorrhoids naturally, this is the way to go. The H Miracle System doesn't just talk about 2 or 3 ways of treating hemorrhoids. Instead, it provides a plethora of hemorrhoid treatments so you can benefit. The many treatments will be useful because not everyone will be able to cure their hemorrhoids with the same treatment.

Preparation H

There is a wide array of Preparation H products including creams, gels, suppositories, and wipes. Hemorrhoid sufferers use this products extensively and are very popular. These products work by tackling the swollen veins to reduce inflammation and itchiness. The actual cause of hemorrhoids is left unattended by this product and so in the long run the problem of hemorrhoids cannot be cured by Preparation H.


Venapro uses herbal ingredients to treat hemorrhoids. Venapro comes in bottled capsules with the ingredients. The results vary from hours to days before people see results. No results at all can happen since some haven't had any change in their condition. Vanapro is designed to be taken during a period of time, such as for a month for example.
by: Michelle Perkins

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Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Clouded Vision - Cataracts

When the normally clear lens of the eye have a painless clouding, it is called cataract. If you do not treat it in time, it causes blindness. Surgical treatment can however, cure it in time. Most of the people over 60 do suffer from some clouding of the lens. But you can prevent them or treat them by following the simple home remedies below.

If you have cataracts or want to prevent them, do the following simple home remedies to take care of the situation:

• Drink orange juice: Increasing your intake of Vitamin C will reduce the risk of developing cataracts. It is recommended that you take two times the recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin C to protect against the occurrence of cataract. That means you should include 11/2 cup of strawberries, 1 cup of orange juice or 2 oranges.

• Take beta-carotene and Vitamin E: Research has shown that increasing the beta-carotene and Vitamin E intake offer some protection against cataract. Have more of orange and yellow vegetables like carrots, squash and sweet potatoes for beta-carotene and almonds, fortified cereals, peanut butter and sun flower seeds for Vitamin E.

• Use sunglasses or hat: Covering your eyes by sunglasses or hats while out in the sun has shown to reduce the incidences of cataracts. Choose sunglasses that have UV protection. There is no need to spend a lot of money on designer glasses. You can purchase sunglasses from the local shops too.

• Look away from harmful radiation: Whenever you are near a microwave, oven or x-ray, always look away. Though many manufacturers claim that their microwaves are safe, it is always better to avoid looking at them in order to protect the eyes. The same holds true for x-rays.

• Control your drinking habits: Having occasional drinks will not harm your eyes. But prolonged drinking will certainly harm your eyes. This is because alcohol interferes with the nutritional supplies to the lenses and thus leads to cataract formation. Even the alcoholics having good diets can have cataracts due to the interference of the alcohol with the nutrient supply to the eye.

• Stop smoking: Research has shown that smokers are more likely to develop cataract than non-smokers. Toxic substances from the smoke of a cigarette damage the lens nucleus and thus cause cataract. When you quit smoking, you have the risk of developing cataracts.

• Take pain relievers: People who take pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen have a reduced risk of developing cataracts. This is due to the fact that these drugs, the rate at which your body uses glucose and lesser the blood sugar, lower is your risk of developing cataract. This is also one of the reasons why diabetics are more prone to cataracts.
by: Sharon Hopkins
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How to Deal with Baby's Fever

My baby Rian was 1 1/2 years old when she had a fever because of her teething. This is one of the most painful times for mommy’s when you know that your baby is hurting. It becomes harder when you don't know how to deal with your baby fever .

However, I think it is much worst when you know what to do but you simply cannot do anything because you are at work while your baby is not well at home. This is one of the times when I wish I could just stay home to take care for our baby but of course this is not possible due to financial concerns. Well enough with my wishes in life, let me impart to you how I am dealing with my baby's fever:

As I have said, I was at work when I got a message from my husband that says my baby have a fever @ 38.5 degrees. I replied to him to wash her whole body with wet hand towel and give her Paracetamol 2 ml every 4 hours (this was the last dosage given to her during her last check-up to her pediatrician). At 12:00 noon, my husband called me asking me to go home since my baby's fever continues to go up by 39.8 degrees. Even I wanted that time to go home I simply cannot. I am working in a manufacturing company and I need a shuttle service before I can go the nearest bus going to our house. I got another phone call from my husband and this time he was almost crying on the phone telling me that he is bringing our baby to the hospital since our baby vomited due to very high fever and so I said ok and I said again to continue wiping her wet towel, this will help to lower down her fever. My husband was very nervous it was his first time to take care of our baby with very high fever since most of the month in a year he is abroad working.

Fortunately, a shuttle was available at 2:30 PM and so I got home at 4:00 PM in the afternoon and they just arrived as well from the hospital. My baby was prescribed also with paracetamol but this time with higher dosage to 5 ml every 4 hours. When I saw my baby she was wearing a pajama, t-shirt and socks very hot with fever and crying. I immediately take off her socks and wrap her with wet body towel. I also put wet face towel on her forehead. I rocked my baby until she fell asleep. I took her temperature and it reads 38.9 degrees still bad. After 30 minutes, she woke. We changed her clothes to dry one then gave her paracetamol. After that I ask again for a wet towel; but this time I removed her clothes then wrap her again with wet towel for 20 minutes. After that I dressed her with her dry clothes then checked again her temperature and still her fever is 38.9 degrees. I repeat the same routine a couple of times more. At 6:00 PM when we checked again her temperature, it was now 37.4 degrees thank God. She started playing. By 7:00 PM, her fever was then down to 36.8 degrees she was back to her normal activities running with glee.

At night my husband said, "I thought our baby will be advised to be confined at the hospital" and I said we'll I wasn't actually expecting that, our baby was in a much worst condition. She's a strong baby; she can deal with fever without being confined in the hospital. You just have to be strong as well to be able to take care of her at you best. My husband said well I'll know better next time; I'll know how to deal with your baby fever .
by: Sheila Hernandez

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How To Treat Baby's Diarrhea

If you see these signs in your baby, you must treat her by giving as much fluid as you can. You can give either breast milk or formula (if your baby is not more than 6 months old). Water and soup are other alternatives for older babies.

There are also special fluids designed to replace water and salts lost during your baby's diarrhea. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, these fluids are very useful in home management of mild to fairly severe illnesses.

However, you should not prepare these fluids by yourself because you may make bad liquids for you baby, which of course can worsen her condition. You can easily get the fluids in nearby pharmacies.

When should you take your baby to a doctor?

You should take her see a doctor if these conditions below occur:

- You find blood in your baby's feces. This can be a sign of bacterial infection.

- There are changes in your baby's behavior, like she cries most of the time and you can't calm her down or she refuses to eat and drink.

- Your baby has a high fever, which is above 39°C.

Nonetheless, no need to be worried if:

- your baby acts normally as usual.

- your baby has no fever.

- your baby still wants to eat.

Generally, diarrhea recovers by itself without medicine. You just need to be patient and not to worry too much. Always observe your baby's condition and examine whether her feces get solid or not and whether there's blood in them.

The key is to keep give her as much fluid as you can. If she refuses, try to give the drink in small amount but do it frequently.
by: Adwina Jackson
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Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Causes of Bronchitis and Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Bronchitis – causes and Ayurvedic home remedies for bronchitis.

Bronchitis is inflammation of bronchi or air passages that carry air to lungs. People suffering from bronchitis see a heightening of this disease in damp climate.

In Ayurveda, bronchitis is termed as kasa roga (casa roga). According to Ayurveda concepts, germs cause this disease. However, accumulation of phlegm in the digestive tract after indigestion is the primary reason for bronchitis.

Thus treating bronchitis primarily aims at treating abnormalities in digestive system. The medicines also have curative powers to treat lung diseases.

Herbal remedies for Bronchitis

Tulsi (Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum), adathoda (Adathoda vasika), linseed, etc are used in the treatment of bronchitis.

You can chew two or three fresh tulsi leaves daily to keep yourself free from almost all of the diseases that affect you. Tulsi leaves also form constituent of several Ayurvedic preparations aimed at treating bronchitis. The other herbs are used in the concoctions (Ayurvedic preparations). They give the best results when used in the right proportions in the combination.

Precautionary measures include avoiding exposure to humidity, dust and other allergens.

You should also take care of your food and diet. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Avoid smoking, alcohol and other addictives. Canned foods items are also best avoided. Easy to digest food items should form the main meals. Eat lots of fibrous food items and avoid the chances of constipation. Problems in digestion are the beginning point of bronchitis and you need to take extreme care in ensuring you have smooth digestion.
by: Dev Sri
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Sinusitis Causes Headaches

Anyone who’s ever suffered from sinusitis will confess to having had bouts of headaches. However, it may not always be caused by sinusitis.

An interesting case was written by a certain “DP” to Doctor Vincent Martin detailing the hardships “he” bore in connection with headaches seemingly caused by sinusitis. The patient has consulted with different specialists but still the condition persists.

There is evidence linking sinus infections to the headaches being felt by people who suffer from the disorder. Headache specialists agree that sinus infections can trigger headaches.

A number of mechanisms are responsible for triggering this effect. Chronic nasal or sinus disease are said to lead to headaches through these mechanisms theoretically. One of these would be through the obstruction of the nasal passage when the membranes of the nose swell or through abnormalities in the bone structure of the nose. There are instances when the drainage of our sinuses are also plugged making way for changes in the air pressure in the sinuses and this causes the pain we perceive as headaches. This is the other mechanism which contributes to the headache effect of sinus infections.

There are reports that people who suffer from this headache found an improvement after having been treated of their nasal and sinus disorders. These are the ones who have undergone treatments that included antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays containing steroids. These medications often improve nasal congestion and/or drainage of the sinuses.

However, I have to agree with Doctor Martin that the sinus infection per se is not the real cause for these headaches. There may be instances when it will be the cause but oftentimes they only serve as trigger for the headaches which might be caused by other disorders. Fact is, these headaches that are attributed to sinus infections may be migraine or other forms of vascular or "tension" headaches that also give pain in the forehead and around the eyes

Undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis with a competent physician will yield an accurate assessment of your condition. Great is the discomfort suffered by people afflicted with sinus infections and seeking medical help as soon as possible is very much advised.
by: Paul Hood

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Understanding Osteoporosis in Women

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is prevalent in women after their menopausal period. It is characterized by a reduction in bone density and leads to an increase in the risk of having bone fracture. In osteoporosis, the mineral content in the bones as well as the structure of the bone itself is greatly altered, making the woman susceptible to bone injuries and their complications.

Detecting Osteoporosis

By itself, osteoporosis has no specific symptoms. The risk or presence of the disease is only detected if the woman becomes injured or suffers bone fractures in circumstances that healthy people would normally not suffer the same fate. In this case, the situation is described as fragility fracture because the injury is greatly due to the weak structure of the bone.

In the more advanced cases of osteoporosis, vertebral collapse is also noted. This is a condition that indicates that the vertebra is no longer able to support the woman’s body weight. This is also accompanied by severe back pain, and regular and stinging pain caused by nerve compression. Fractures may also occur in other body parts, and depending on the severity and state of health of the patient, surgery may be recommended.

A very delicate situation is when a hip fracture occurs. In this case, prompt surgery is required because the condition brings with it deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism with fatal consequences.

Treatment of Osteoporosis

Thanks to modern technology, there are now varied means for treating osteoporosis:

*Medication is the most common and a readily available form of treatment. In medication for osteoporosis, bisphosphonates are the most commonly used drug and is the first-line treatment for women who are affected with osteoporosis. However, the drug has a record of poor absorption. In order to maximize the potency of the drug, the patient must not take anything for at least 30 minutes after taking the medication. Another drug commonly used is teriparatide. The teriparatide drug is given to women with confirmed cases of osteoporosis or those who have already suffered bone fractures. Moreover, it is also used as an alternative to bisphosphonates especially when the patient cannot tolerate the latter. Teriparatide is administered in small injections.

* Another treatment that holds the future for the treatment of osteoporosis is hormone replacement. Although this process holds a lot of promise, its application as treatment for osteoporosis is not strongly recommended unless there are other uses for it.

* Nutritional factors. Calcium and Vitamin D are two very important nutrients a woman must have to effectively counter osteoporosis. Calcium is essential for bone growth, bone healing, and for maintaining bone strength. Calcium supplements are easily available in the market and it can contribute much toward countering osteoporosis. On the other hand, vitamin D helps reduce the incidence of fractures in women.

* Exercise. The proper amount and regular exercise are also very vital in ensuring that osteoporosis is treated and the woman’s bone health restored to top condition.
by: James Pendergraft

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How To Manage Your Osteoporosis

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (http://www.nof.org) : “Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. If not prevented or if left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These broken bones, also known as fractures, occur typically in the hip, spine, and wrist.”

While any bone can be affected, of special concern are fractures of the hip and spine. A hip fracture almost always requires hospitalization and major surgery. It can impair a person's ability to walk unassisted and may cause prolonged or permanent disability or even death. Spinal or vertebral fractures also have serious consequences, including loss of height, severe back pain, and deformity.

If you look at healthy bones you will see that there are small holes between the bone cells. In osteoporosis those pores are larger making the bones brittle and easy to break. The best way to prevent osteoporosis is to prevent bone loss in the first place. In Rio Del Mar, California, there are many people who have homes there so they can easily get exercise walking on the beach. Rio Del Mar beach homes are favored by many, but one of the advantages they have over other Santa Cruz beach homes is a very nice long beach and easy access to the sand. This invites exercise which helps strengthen bones.

Children and teenagers form new bone faster than they lose the old bone. This means their bones get denser and denser until they reach what experts call peak bone mass, which happens around 20 years old. After you reach peak bone mass, the balance between bone loss and bone formation might start to change. In other words, you may slowly start to lose more bone than you form. In midlife, bone loss usually speeds up in both men and women. For most women, bone loss increases after menopause, when estrogen levels drop sharply. In fact, in the five to seven years after menopause, women can lose up to 20 percent or more of their bone density.

The best ways to prevent that massive loss of bone is to make sure you keep your calcium levels up. Taking a multivitamin can be helpful, but for menopausal/post menopausal women a higher dose of calcium may be needed. Calcium is nice on its own, but it is only part of the story. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium.

The NOF recommends 1,200 mcg of calcium and 1,000 mcg of vitamin D each day. If you have a severe deficiency of vitamin D you may need to take as much as 100,000 mcg per week.

The third aspect of preventing and treating osteoporosis is exercise. Bones are like muscles-- they strengthen as they are used. Here are some exercises that can be done: some are high impact and others are low impact for those who cannot do the high impact exercises.

High Impact Exercises
• High-impact aerobics
• Hiking
• Jogging/running
• Jumping Rope
• Stair climbing
• Tennis
• Dancing

Low Impact Exercises
Elliptical training machines
• Low impact aerobics
• Stair-step machines
• Walking (treadmill/outside)

The best approach to preventing osteoporosis is really three-pronged: keeping up levels of calcium, vitamin D, and exercise. Some of the calcium can be taken from your diet, so can the vitamin D. Leafy green vegetables are often good sources, such as spinach, kale and others. Exercise is a necessary evil for every age group, but is especially important for those of us who are over 50. Getting out and walking is an easy way to start your exercise. While you don’t need a Rio Del Mar beach house, to start, a walk around the block is a great way to start.
by: Gregg Camp

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Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

A Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Face Cleansing

Acne is caused by overactive hormones which signal glands to produce too much oil (Sebum). The oil cannot be secreted quickly enough and eventually combines with dead skin cells and bacteria to clog up our pores. An outbreak of acne is the result of this accumulated mess. Acne affects every part of your life when you get a moderate or severe outbreak. But you don't have to continue living this way . . . You can STOP ACNE and get the clean and clear complexion you've always wanted!

Beautiful skin is something we all want. A clean and clear complexion is attractive and just sends out a message that we're healthy and that we look after ourselves with care and attention. But it feels so unfair that acne has nothing to do with how healthy we are, or how carefully we look after our skin! The fact is that acne is the result of overactive hormones. Throughout time, the onset of puberty and the natural changes in the adolescent body mean that hormonal changes are occurring. Women are also regularly subjected to increased hormonal activity until the age of menopause.

But it is now well-known that our environment has had a huge impact on us – our size, weight, growth and aging patterns, fertility and general health are all affected by the amount of pollution and quality of air we breathe, by the amount of UV rays from the sun, by the food we eat and by the water we drink and bathe in.And today's environment has created such horrific hormonal imbalances that our bodies struggle just to keep working at 100% efficiency. The level of hormones in our bodies is mostly responsible for causing the glands to produce an excess of oil. Eventually, this combines with the uneven shedding of dead skin cells and ends up clogging our pores.When our pores get clogged, this causes blackheads and whiteheads, which can stay clogged up in our pores for years and years. More serious acne problems, like pimples, nodules and cysts form when bacteria becomes part of the mix.

If you want beautiful skin, you’re going to have to help your body to balance your hormones. That’s why the Healthy Pores™ Acne System is the best choice to fight acne – the nutritional supplement is formulated to regulate your system and help balance those hormones that cause acne! Controlling toxicity in the body and balancing your hormones is just one reason why this system works when so many others fail!

When treating acne, a common mistake is thinking that we should scrub our face harder to "get cleaner" in an effort to get rid of acne. In fact, scrubbing vigorously is not only hard on your skin, but AGGRAVATES ACNE AND MAKES IT WORSE! Don't over scrub your face to get rid of blackheads and pimples. Clean your face the right way and use an acne product that attacks acne where it begins by exfoliating dead skin cells and reopening clogged pores. When cleansing, pat your face gently with circular motions. It’s not the scrub action that determines how clean your face gets, but the products you use to clean it with that make the huge difference in whether or not your acne is controlled.

Get clear skin todayA Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Cleansing

1. Remove your makeup before washing your face.

Most cleansers work better and more efficiently if your face is thoroughly wet. Removing your makeup ensures that the oils in the cosmetics would not repel water and allow the cleanser to reach a good lather. You can do this by using baby oil or makeup remover on cotton balls and rubbing the makeup lightly off your face.

2. Wash your face thoroughly using lukewarm or room-temperature water.

Never wash your face with water that is too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures can break capillaries, dehydrate skin, or even aggravate pimples. Studies also show that there is a marked improvement between the effectiveness of cleansers used with water of the right temperature over those that were applied with hot or cold water.

3. Use a gentle anti-acne cleanser specially formulated for your skin type.

If you have hypersensitive skin, you should choose a product that is mild and hypoallergenic. Meanwhile, if you have very oily skin, you might want to choose something that's slightly stronger than your regular cleanser. If you're uncertain about what kind of product to use, you should consult your dermatologist first or just go for one of those dermatologist-tested products that are good for any skin type like the Healthy Pores acne system.

4. Apply a small amount of cleanser on your face.

Pour a pea-sized amount of cleanser on your wet palms and lather it before applying on your face. Since most cleansers are concentrated, they can dehydrate your face and strip it of necessary moisture. Diluting it with water activates its ingredients and allows it to be spread evenly on your face.

Some cleansers have microbeads loaded with antibacterial agents that act like scrubs so let it work for you. Most people think that the more they scrub, the more dirt they can get off their faces. This is wrong. Not only do they risk breaking capillaries, but scrubbing can also aggravate acne by pushing dirt and bacteria deeper into the pores. What you should do is massage the lather or foam onto your face in a gentle circular motion. This facilitates the blood flow in your face which improves your complexion while allowing the ingredients of your cleanser to penetrate deep in your skin.

5. Rinse your face completely and pat it dry.

Rinse your face with lukewarm running water thoroughly. Although trusted cleansers have easy-rinse formulations, it is best to ensure that you thoroughly wash your face of any trace of foam or lather. Not doing so might leave residues behind that can block your pores and aggravate your acne. After rinsing the cleanser off, use a soft, clean towel to dry your face. Never rub the towel on your face as though you are removing stubborn dirt. Just pat it dry with a non-abrasive towel.

If you are using a skin care system, you could follow this cleansing ritual with a special toner and moisturizer. Remember that when choosing a toner and a moisturizer, you should go for the ones that are compatible with your cleanser and your skin. However, if you are using a skin care system, product incompatibility should not be a problem.

Now that you know how to properly cleanse your face, your acne should surely become the least of your worries. Your face is the first thing people see when they look at you, so it's really important that you keep it clean, smooth, and acne-free. The only way you can do that is if you follow a good skin regimen. Always keep in mind that a clean skin is a beautiful skin.

My last advice in obtaining beautiful skin is that there is only one good skin regimen and it includes three (sometimes four) steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. These three skin care steps are the basics, and they should be done everyday if you really want to maintain your beautiful skin You should do this skin regimen twice a day, right after you wake up and right before you sleep. Since acne starts in the pores, keeping the pores clean is one of the best ways to keep acne from plaguing your skin.
by: Simon Jones

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Correlating Menopause and Osteoporosis

Menopause occurs when there is not enough supply of estrogen in the body. With the absence of this important hormone in a woman’s body, there are lot of adjustments to be done and changes to prepare for.

Studies show that the loss of estrogens accelerates bone loss in the span of five to eight years. One of the most common areas affected by the loss of estrogen in the body is the skeletal system—specifically the bones that lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, as defined, pertains to the thinning of the bones. As the bones become thinner and thinner, it becomes weaker and breaks more easily. The bones that are often affected include those of the spine, wrists, and hips.


As women grow older and older, risks of having osteoporosis becomes greater. Studies show that aside from aging, more and more women and men suffer become prone to osteoporosis especially if he/she has a family history of osteoporosis, fair skinned like blonds and red heads, engage in low calcium diet, lives a sedentary or physically inactive, underweight, obese, smokers and those with serious illness and disease.

In order to avoid, or at least, lessen the burden of having osteoporosis, here are some recommended lifestyle changes that you can do by yourself.

1. Have enough calcium in your body. In order to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, men women alike should start taking about 1,000 mg of calcium every day that is equals to about three serves of dairy food. Calcium is naturally found in various foods and can also be added in powder form. Having enough calcium supply in your diet will ensure strengthened bones. Aside from eating foods rich in calcium, taking in calcium tablets can also support your calcium supply. For those who are drinking calcium to avoid further osteoporic problem, bear in mind that you should reach a total daily intake of 1,000 milligrams daily before menopause and 1,500 milligrams daily after menopause.

2. Physical activity is quite crucial to avoid further complications of osteoporosis. Recent studies show that people with or without osteoporosis can also benefit from spontaneous physical activity. Doing regular exercises like walking throughout your life can help in the reduction of osteoporosis risks because it reduces the rate of bone loss while protecting the remaining bone tissues. Experts say that the required minimum exercise for people who are suffering with osteoporosis is still unknown, but physical activity of 15 to 60 minutes at least thrice a week in highly recommended. Here are some of the general recommendations for exercise approved by most experts.

- Make sure that you have visited your doctor or health care provider before you start any exercise program.

- If you are already suffering from osteoporosis, avoid high impact activities or those exercise requiring sudden and forceful movements.

- Light weight-bearing exercises such as walking, dancing, and weight training are generally recommended.

- Make sure that you can sustain the frequency of your physical activity.

- Take strength training at least once or twice a week to prepare your body to more strenuous physical activities.

- Choose exercises that flexibility exercises or stretching.

- No matter how you love the water, avoid swimming because it’s not a weight bearing exercise. The buoyancy of the water will only counteract the effects of gravity and will be more difficult for you to maintain your balance.

- Choose exercises that will help you reduce bone loss, improve your muscle strength, balance, and fitness so the incidence of falls and fractures will be lessened.

Indeed, there is no easy way to address osteoporosis. Being a complex condition involving hormonal, lifestyle, nutritional, and environmental factors, osteoporosis can only be cured through proper exercise, diet, and supplements. Aside from these, medical preventions and treatments such as hormone therapy (HT), Bisphosphonates, selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), potential therapies like Tibolone (Livial) and parathyroid hormone are available today.
by: Nathalie Fiset

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Mengatasi Alergi Obat

IBARAT makan buah simalakama, alergi obat memang sangat merepotkan. Jika tidak diminum, penyakit tidak sembuh dan semakin merajalela, jika diminum akan menimbulkan alergi.

Penelitian terhadap alergi obat sudah sering kali dilakukan. Beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan reaksi yang tidak diinginkan pada penggunaan obat terjadi sekitar dua persen dari sejumlah pasien yang mengonsumsi obat. Reaksi alergi obat ini biasanya ringan.

Tapi ada juga yang sampai mengancam nyawa. Alergi obat memiliki banyak perbedaan pada masing-masing orang. Misalnya pada penderita udem laring (sembab), syok anfilaktik, serta sindrom Stecvvens-Johnson. Udem laring atau penderita sesak napas, jika mengalami alergi obat akan merasakan seperti orang tercekik.

Pada penderita syok anfilaktik terjadi penurunan tekanan darah dan pada penderita sindrom Stevens-Johnson akan merasakan kulit dan selaput lendir berubah bentuk. Kematian karena alergi, tidak hanya terjadi di negara berkembang, juga di negara maju yang fasilitas kesehatannya supermaju. Bahkan, di negara-negara Eropa masih terjadi kematian karena alergi obat.

Oleh karena itu, di Eropa dibentuk jaringan pemantau alergi obat yang merekam semua kejadian dan memberikan informasi alergi obat yang sering terjadi.

"Alergi obat biasanya terjadi karena tubuh seseorang sangat sensitif sehingga bereaksi secara berlebihan terhadap obat yang digunakan. Tubuh berusaha menolak obat tersebut, namun reaksi penolakannya amat berlebihan sehingga merugikan tubuh sendiri. Reaksi itu bisa berupa gatal, sesak napas, penurunan tekanan darah, reaksi kulit disertai kelainan pada selaput lendir saluran cerna, sindrom Stevens-Johnson pada saluran napas dan kemaluan," kata dokter spesialis kulit Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Dr Abdillah Achmad.

Abdillah menyebutkan, risiko alergi obat meningkat pada orang yang memiliki bakat alergi atau dalam istilah kedokteran disebut dengan atopi. Untuk menghindari terjadinya alergi obat, perlu kerja sama antara pasien dan dokter. Pasien harus mengemukakan pengalamannya menggunakan obat selama ini, apakah obat tertentu membuat tubuh alergi atau dicurigai menimbulkan alergi.

"Akan sangat bagus jika setiap orang memiliki catatan tertulis mengenai penggunaan obat dan apa yang dialami tubuhnya. Itu akan sangat memudahkan pemberian obat jika suatu saat dibutuhkan," katanya.

Obat yang dicurigai menyebabkan alergi harus dihindari dan jika diperlukan,dipilih obat yang lebih aman. Meski dapat juga terjadi walaupun tidak sering, seorang yang semula tidak alergi terhadap suatu obat kemudian hari bisa pula menjadi alergi obat.

"Hindari mengonsumsi obat jika tidak perlu. Vitamin diduga aman, sekalipun dapat menimbulkan alergi, bukan karena zat aktif vitaminnya, tapi karena zat tambahan dalam pembuatan obat seperti zat pewarna yang ada di dalamnya," sebut dokter berkacamata minus tersebut.

Pasien yang mengalami reaksi yang tidak diinginkan karena penggunaan obat, harus segera ke dokter untuk mendapatkan pertolongan. Untuk menghentikan alergi obat, hanya ada satu cara yaitu dengan menghentikan pemakaian obat itu, dan mengatasi keadaan yang timbul akibat alergi. Saat ini obat yang beredar di masyarakat jumlahnya jutaan.

Tiap tahun ratusan obat baru diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat. Sebelum obat diizinkan beredar, harus melalui pengujian ketat Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). Tentu obat yang diberikan izin beredar yang bermanfaat dan aman. Namun, tidak ada obat yang bermanfaat dan seratus persen aman.

Lebih lanjut ditambahkan Dr Abdillah Achmad, reaksi alergi terhadap obat muncul tanpa diduga. Seseorang yang tadinya tidak apa-apa minum obat tertentu, suatu ketika bisa saja merasa gatal sekujur tubuhnya setelah minum obat tersebut.

"Jangka waktu munculnya alergi bisa cepat, bisa sangat lambat, semuanya tergantung reaksi tubuh," tutur dia.

Demikian pula berat ringannya reaksi alergi. Seseorang mungkin langsung syok tak sadarkan diri sesaat setelah minum obat yang membuatnya alergi. Sementara yang lain hanya gatal, beberapa saat kemudian hilang gatalnya. Bagi kalangan awam, reaksi alergi dianggap keracunan.

Ini berbeda. Reaksi alergi adalah reaksi berlebihan tubuh terhadap bahan tertentu (dalam hal ini obat), sedangkan keracunan (intoksikasi) adalah reaksi yang muncul karena pemakaian obat yang berlebihan hingga melebihi batas toksis berdasarkan batasan farmakologi.

Di era modern seperti sekarang, rekam medik sangat mudah. Bisa menggunakan peranti apapun, pengolah kata, spreadsheet, database atau peranti lain seperti PIM (Personal Information Manager, dengan sedikit modifikasi) atau peranti khusus seperti Medibank. Bila dokter tidak memberikan catatan riwayat alergi obat, penderita berhak memintanya.

Sementara sejumlah pihak berpendapat bahwa kasus alergi disamakan dengan malapraktik, terlebih jika mengakibatkan efek berat semisal Steven Johnson Syndrome atau akibat fatal misalnya kematian. Terlepas dari kendala menyangkut alergi obat, sudah selayaknya para dokter melengkapi dirinya (praktik pribadi ataupun bekerja di institusi layanan medis) dengan peranti rekam medik.

Setidaknya menggunakan lembar status penderita agar alergi obat bisa dihindari. Salah seorang penderita alergi obat, Dewi Andika Pratama, mengaku sangat kaget ketika dirinya mengalami alergi karena obat. Padahal sebelumnya Dewi mengaku tidak ada masalah dengan obat apa pun yang dikonsumsinya.

"Saya alergi obat, baru-baru ini saja. Biasanya kulit saya langsung gatal dan bengkak-bengkak jika mengonsumsi obat penghilang nyeri. Itu membuat saya datang ke dokter dan berkonsultasi," kata Dewi ditemui di RSCM beberapa waktu lalu.
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Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

Five Key Elements for a Healthy Body

With so many different obstacles in our way today it’s essential to do the things that are necessary to keep our bodies in top condition. Between diseases and pollution in our air and water, we must stay tuned into the needs of our bodies in order to assure a long and healthy life. Making the right choices in these areas will allow us to remain happy and productive many years past retirement.

1. Get plenty of sleep

Being well-rested is one of the most important elements in maintaining a healthy body. Sleep deprivation whether purposely or the result of insomnia can cause your body to become tired, fatigued, and run down. This lends its way to an invasion of many infections because of a compromised immune system. Sleep is the body’s best defence, so you need to make sure you obtain what your body needs. Each person requires on average between six and eight hours of sleep nightly, although some may function on as little as five hours while others need up to ten hours.

2. Exercise regularly

Besides having the ability to boost the metabolism, exercise also helps the body sleep most restfully. Whether you do a complete workout or just take a walk several times during the day, you will feel much better by participating in some kind of exercise. That doesn’t mean you have to do something boring—you can swim, bicycle, play tennis, ski, water ski, or do any other type of activity that you enjoy. The important thing is to make sure you do it regularly.

3. Eat healthy foods

In order to maintain a body that is healthy and active all of your life, you need to learn how to eat foods that are good for you. Certainly that high fat, high calorie burger from the local fast food place tastes good, but it is not good for you. You need to develop the habit of eating lean protein, steamed or raw vegetables, fresh fruits, and carbohydrates containing a low glycemic index such as whole grain cereals, brown rice, and wheat bread and pasta. That doesn’t mean you have to give up sweet desserts and snacks for good, but you need to learn to eat them in moderation.

4. Maintain a normal weight

Having excess weight puts a strain on both the heart and the back. In order to assure that you can stay active and do the things you enjoy, you need to make sure your weight is within normal range. If you are overweight but think you are still healthy, you need to review the things you are able to do compared to some of the things you used to be able to do. Certainly you are older which causes some difference, but your weight definitely has a detrimental effect on the level of activities in which you are able to participate.

5. Make sure you have an adequate supply of essential nutrients

No matter how many healthy foods we eat, it is likely we are not getting all of the nutrients we need. This is especially true of the Omega-3 Fatty Acids that help us maintain the health of our hearts. Although this nutrient is found in fish, few of us can eat enough fish to compensate, so we need to supplement this deficiency with fish oil supplements. The same holds true of many other nutrients such as Calcium, Iron, Folic Acid, and the B vitamins just to name a few.

A healthy lifestyle will help us keep our bodies healthy into our golden years, and following these tips will certainly help you in that process. You don’t need to give up your favourite foods to be healthy, but you do need to make sure you eat unhealthy foods in moderation. You also want to make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and supplement your diet with important vitamins and minerals.
by: Marie Watson

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The Health Benefits of Drinking Wine... Loving Your Body

There are numerous benefits to drinking wine every day, in moderation. When the medical studies first came out with this news, not surprisingly people were somewhat sceptical. Drinking alcohol everyday was not something that was normally recommended by doctors or health care providers. However, when drunk in moderation wine can provide benefits to the heart in addition to many other health advantages.

Flavonoids Love Your Circulatory System

The wine that provides the most health benefits is red wine or wines made with dark grapes. Dark grapes contain a high amount of flavonoids. Flavonoids can prevent the platelets in your blood from clumping. This means you are much less likely to experience blood clotting, which can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Flavonoids decrease the rate of circulatory system aging and also slow down the decline of immune system functioning that normally comes with aging. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Antioxidants slow down aging in the body by preventing free radical damage to arteries and organs.

Resveratrol Loves Your Overall Health

There are many other benefits found in drinking red wine. The seeds and skins of grapes contain a substance called resveratrol. This substance is also an anti-inflammatory element and is believed to contribute to an improved circulatory system. Resveratrol is a non-flavanoid antioxidant which help arteries from becoming clogged.

Resveratrol is also being studied as a possible antioxidant which can assist in weight loss programs and for the control of diabetes. There is also continuing research into the ability of resveratrol to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and cataracts and even brain functioning.

The reason red wine has a much higher level of resveratrol than white wine is due to the fact red wine is fermented with the skin throughout the entire fermentation process.

Red Wine in Moderation Loves Your Heart

Alcohol can contribute to a healthy heart when used in moderation. Medical studies have shown that small amounts of alcohol can provide important health benefits that include the following.

* Protection against low-density lipoprotein cholesterol damage to arteries
* Increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels which prevents bad cholesterol build-up
* Contribution to a reduction in blood clotting

Defining Moderation

The definition of moderation is as follows:

* Women - one glass of wine per day
* Men - two glasses of wine per day

Drinking too much wine or getting inebriated only serves to negate these benefits as well as potentially being harmful. The health benefits of wine are enhanced when the wine is included in an overall healthy lifestyle. You should eat a low fat diet and get regular aerobic and non-aerobic exercise.

Taking care of your health is important if you want to live a long and healthy life. The power of antioxidants is already proven through research. Since red wine contains a high level of these powerful disease and aging preventers, it only makes sense to include regular consumption of wine in your program, in moderation.
by: Phillip Wainwright

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Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Radiation and Chemotherapy Side Effects

Formation of cancer cells results from mutation of normal cells that escape the normal restraint on cell division. That is, those cells function differently of other cells in a tissue. This anomie causes the development of cancer cells, which gradually multiply and possibly affect other normal tissues (metastasis). Without medical intervention, this abnormal overgrowth can cause a general degeneration of your body, and sometimes death. To stop the abnormal proliferation, your oncologist can use chemotherapy, radiation or both.

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment of cancer consists of a combination of drugs administered at a precised interval. This can be done intravenously or orally. Those antineoplastic drugs kill “rapidly dividing cells”, which include cancer cells and, unfortunately, certain normal cells (cells in the blood, in the mouth, in the stomach and bowel, in the hair follicles, in the skin, etc.). Due to its damage on healthy cells, chemotherapy always causes side effects, which sometimes, last a lifetime.

Radiotherapy – radiation, in the other hand, is a therapeutic method involves exposing cancer cells to a controlled dose of radiation to kill them or makes them unable to multiply. Unlike chemotherapy, radiation treatment is not systematic. It is, in contrast, a locoregional treatment, which focuses its therapeutic action on the exposed body part (a tumor for instance). However, normal cells exposed to the radiation are also affected, causing side effects. Those side effects can be diverse and varied depending on the location of the irradiation.

To be more effective, radiation therapy is often associated with chemotherapy, which leads to more side effects. The damages of those therapies are enormous; it is impossible to name all of them in this article. Some adverse effects reported by individual undergoing chemotherapy and radiation include infertility, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin disorders, constipation, nail problems, hearing loss, fatigue, decreased sexual desire, irritation of the mouth, change in sleep habits, lack of appetite, and range of emotional problems. Some chemotherapy drugs may even increase your risk of heart disease and other cancer.

Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation are multiple; it is not an easy task to describe all of them in this article. On our website, we content not only to name them, but also the way to reverse them. cancer treatment can make your life miserable; there are, however, steps you can take to prevent or reverse those effects. For descriptive details on each steps, visit chemotherapyradiation.com, or click on the link in the resource box below chemotherapy radiation, chemotherapy and radiation, chemotherapy radiation therapy, side effects of radiation, radiation treatment, radiation side effects, chemotherapy effects, cancer radiation treatment, effects of chemotherapy, side effects chemotherapy, chemotherapy drugs, cancer radiation therapy, breast cancer radiation, chemo therapy, breast cancer treatments, chemo side effects, side effects of chemo
by: Remy Vixama

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UV Radiation

Small amounts of UV are beneficial for people and essential in the production of vitamin D. UV radiation is also used to treat several diseases, including rickets, psoriasis, eczema and jaundice. This takes place under medical supervision and the benefits of treatment versus the risks of UV radiation exposure are a matter of clinical judgement.

Prolonged human exposure to solar UV radiation may result in acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eye and immune system. Sunburn (erythema) is the best-known acute effect of excessive UV radiation exposure. Over the longer term, UV radiation induces degenerative changes in cells of the skin, fibrous tissue and blood vessels leading to premature skin aging, photodermatoses and actinic keratoses. Another long-term effect is an inflammatory reaction of the eye. In the most serious cases, skin cancer and cataracts can occur.

Skin cancer data from UK

* Over 65,000 cases of skin cancer were reported in 1999
* The number of skin cancer cases has more than doubled since the early 80s
* Over 2,000 people die from skin cancer each year

Between 2 and 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers, e.g. basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, are diagnosed each year, but are rarely fatal and can be surgically removed. Approximately 130,000 malignant melanomas occur globally each year, substantially contributing to mortality rates in fair-skinned populations. An estimated 66,000 deaths occur annually from melanoma and other skin cancers.

Worldwide some 12 to 15 million people become blind from cataracts annually, of which up to 20% may be caused or enhanced by sun exposure according to WHO estimates. Furthermore, a growing body of evidence suggests that environmental levels of UV radiation may suppress cell-mediated immunity and thereby enhance the risk of infectious diseases and limit the efficacy of vaccinations. Both of these act against the health of poor and vulnerable groups, especially children of the developing world. Many developing countries are located close to the equator and hence, people are exposed to the very high levels of UV radiation that occur in these regions.

It is a popular misconception that only fairskinned people need to be concerned about overexposure to the sun. Darker skin has more protective melanin pigment, and the incidence of skin cancer is lower in darkskinned people. Nevertheless, skin cancers do occur with this group and unfortunately they are often detected at a later, more dangerous stage. The risk of UV radiation-related health effects on the eye and immune system is independent of skin type.

For further reading beyond the following web sites a comprehensive summary and review of UV-related health effects can be found in the WHO Environmental Health Criteria Monograph Ultraviolet Radiation
Global burden of disease assessment

WHO has now published the report entitled "Global burden of disease from solar ultraviolet radiation" that provides detailed estimates of UV-associated disease burden worldwide. Using established methodology and best available estimates on UV-related mortality and morbidity, this report estimates that annually around 1.5 mill DALYs (Disability-adjusted life years) are lost through excessive UV exposure. The report gives region, age and sex-specific estimates and includes detailed methodological considerations. A counterfactual zero population exposure to UV would generate a substantial burden of disease through diseases of vitamin D deficiency. This, however, is only a theoretical possibility since the large majority of people is casually exposed to UV radiation such that extremely low Vitamin D levels are rarely found.
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Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Avian Influenza

Avian influenza, sometimes avian flu, and commonly bird flu, refers to "influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds.Of greatest concern is highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

"Bird flu" is a phrase similar to "swine flu," "dog flu," "horse flu," or "human flu" in that it refers to an illness caused by any of many different strains of influenza viruses that have adapted to a specific host. All known viruses that cause influenza in birds belong to the species influenza A virus. All subtypes (but not all strains of all subtypes) of influenza A virus are adapted to birds, which is why for many purposes avian flu virus is the influenza A virus (note that the "A" does not stand for "avian").

Adaptation is non-exclusive. Being adapted towards a particular species does not preclude adaptations, or partial adaptations, towards infecting different species. In this way strains of influenza viruses are adapted to multiple species, though may be preferential towards a particular host. For example, viruses responsible for influenza pandemics are adapted to both humans and birds. Recent influenza research into the genes of the Spanish flu virus shows it to have genes adapted to both birds and humans; with more of its genes from birds than less deadly later pandemic strains.
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Influenza pandemic

Pandemic flu viruses have some avian flu virus genes and usually some human flu virus genes. Both the H2N2 and H3N2 pandemic strains contained genes from avian influenza viruses. The new subtypes arose in pigs coinfected with avian and human viruses and were soon transferred to humans. Swine were considered the original "intermediate host" for influenza, because they supported reassortment of divergent subtypes. However, other hosts appear capable of similar coinfection (e.g., many poultry species), and direct transmission of avian viruses to humans is possible.The Spanish flu virus strain may have been transmitted directly from birds to humans.

In spite of their pandemic connection, avian influenza viruses are noninfectious for most species. When they are infectious they are usually asymptomatic, so the carrier does not have any disease from it. Thus while infected with an avian flu virus, the animal doesn't have a "flu". Typically, when illness (called "flu") from an avian flu virus does occur, it is the result of an avian flu virus strain adapted to one species spreading to another species (usually from one bird species to another bird species). So far as is known, the most common result of this is an illness so minor as to be not worth noticing (and thus little studied). But with the domestication of chickens and turkeys, humans have created species subtypes (domesticated poultry) that can catch an avian flu virus adapted to waterfowl and have it rapidly mutate into a form that kills in days over 90% of an entire flock and spread to other flocks and kill 90% of them and can only be stopped by killing every domestic bird in the area. Until H5N1 infected humans in the 1990s, this was the only reason avian flu was considered important. Since then, avian flu viruses have been intensively studied; resulting in changes in what is believed about flu pandemics, changes in poultry farming, changes in flu vaccination research, and changes in flu pandemic planning.

H5N1 has evolved into a flu virus strain that infects more species than any previously known flu virus strain, is deadlier than any previously known flu virus strain, and continues to evolve becoming both more widespread and more deadly causing Robert Webster, a leading expert on avian flu, to publish an article titled "The world is teetering on the edge of a pandemic that could kill a large fraction of the human population" in American Scientist. He called for adequate resources to fight what he sees as a major world threat to possibly billions of lives.Since the article was written, the world community has spent billions of dollars fighting this threat with limited success.

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Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth. The inflammation can be caused by conditions in the mouth itself, such as poor oral hygiene, poorly fitted dentures, or from mouth burns from hot food or drinks, or by conditions that affect the entire body, such as medications, allergic reactions, radiation therapy, or infections.

Severe iron deficiency anemia can lead to stomatitis. Iron is necessary for the upregulation of transcriptional elements for cell replication and repair. Lack of iron can cause the genetic downregulation of these elements, leading to ineffective repair and regeneration of epithelial cells, especially in the mouth and lips.

When it also involves an inflammation of the gingiva, it is called gingivostomatitis.
Angular stomatitis

Irritation and fissuring in the corners of the lips is termed angular stomatitis or angular cheilitis. In children a frequent cause is repeated lip-licking and in adults it may be a sign of underlying iron deficiency anemia, or vitamin B deficiencies (e.g. B2-riboflavin, B9-folate or B12-cobalamins), which in turn may be evidence of poor diets or malnutrition (e.g. celiac disease).
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