Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Menentukan DNA Melalui iDNAtity

JAKARTA - Pakar sains dari University of Western Australia, Gary Cass, menggelar lokakarya bertajuk 'iDNAtity, Strike a Chord: The Science of Music' di Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (P-Iptek), Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, yang diikuti 11 siswa SMU Negeri 8 Jakarta.

Lewat iDNAtity, Cass ingin mengajak pelajar, seniman, dan masyarakat umum tentang pentingnya pemanfaatan bioteknologi dalam seni. Lantas apa itu iDNAtity?

Menurut Cass, iDNAtity merupakan sistem komputer untuk menghasilkan musik dengan menggunakan ururyan DNA unik masing-masing individu. "Kita dapat memecahkan pertanyaan tentang DNA unik lewat pengenalan wajah dan keunikan fisik. Contoh sederhananya adalah warna mata," papar Cass. Menurut Cass, warna mata memudahkan kita untuk memetakan aspek susunan genetisasi pemilik mata.

Dalam lokakarya itu, Cass terus mengingatkan pentingnya mempelajari iDNAtity. "Pentingnya iDNAtity adalah bukti peran bioteknologi dalam sains, seni dan kehidupan bermasyarkat," paparnya. Dia terus menyemangati pelajar untuk bersaing dalam bidang bioteknologi.

Cass lantas memperlihatkan rentetan kode DNA yang terpampang di layar monitor dan menjelaskan kombinasi DNA tersebut. Kemudian dia memperdengarkan alunan musik yang dihasilkan kombinasi DNA.

"Kita punya frekuensi bunyi yang berbeda. Anda juga bisa menghasilkan musik seperti ini," pesannya.

"Ada seorang pelukis asal Yogyakarta, Anang Saptoto namanya," katanya mengawali penjelasan mengenai DNA. Cass mengenal Anang sebagai pelukis yang unik. "Dia bisa menghasilkan karya yang berbeda dari pelukis lain," tuturnya.

Anang selalu menggunakan kode genetika dalam berkesenian. Cara ini ampuh untuk menghasilkan lukisan yang menarik. "Lihat lingkaran-lingkaran ini," kata Cass sambil menunjuk ke layar. Di layar tampak hasil lukisan Anang. Berbeda bukan? Tanya Cass yang diikuti dengan anggukan kepala peserta.

"Anda tidak perlu kuliah dengan biaya mahal hanya untuk menentukan DNA," katanya dengan suara lantang. Dia mengambil beberapa alat peraha dan membawanya ke depan siswa SMU 8.

"Anda akan lihat, saya bisa melakukan sulap. Lihat saja," katanya berkelakar.

Cass adalah ilmuwan yang energik. Dia bukan pembicara yang kaku, Cass memilih berdiri di tengah-tengah siswa SMU 8 untuk memberikan penjelasan sederhana tentang iDNAtity. Cass kerap memakai kiasan supaya pelajar mudah memahami pemaparannya.

"Saya ingin pelajar bisa mengeksplorasi genetis dengan menentukan keunikan fisik kita," papar Cass. Dia berlari kecil ke arah siswi SMU 8 dan beberapa menit berikutnya sudah beralih ke sekumpulan siswa yang tengah sibuk mendengarkan penjelasannya.

Pakar sains yang tampak santai dalam balutan celana selutu ini lantas mengajak peserta untuk berdiri.
"Bangun dan tentukan DNA-mu," katanya. Kemudian Cass mendekati setiap siswa SMU 8. Dia memberi tahu cara kerja alat peraga yang ada di atas meja. Dia meminta peserta untuk membuang ludah ke dalam tabung khusus, kemudian mencampurnya dengan etanol.

"LIhat, ini seperti sulap. Ini DNA-mu. kerja yang bagus, Teman," katanya memuji peserta.

Sebagai ilmuwan, Cass yang tinggal di Perth, Australia, telah melakukan berbagai kolaborassi sains. Hasil penelitian Cass diaplikasikan ke dalam ilmu pertanian, biologi, hingga proyek penelitian mahasiwa.
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How to Get a DNA Test

Being stuck in a scenario of questionable paternity can become a high stress situation. To avoid prolonging a stressful paternity situation, parents should consider DNA paternity testing. DNA paternity testing is designed to determine if a man and child share the same DNA. The man's DNA is analyzed and compared to that of a child to determine whether or not the man is, in fact, the child's father. Paternity testing is popular for women who had more than one sexual partner during the time the child was conceived.

DNA paternity tests are now available over the counter at the pharmacy. However, to ensure the reliability and authenticity of a DNA paternity tests, parents should consider using a professional paternity testing center. In order to get a paternity test, it's a good idea to first contact your doctor or the local authorities to get information on legitimate locations that offer paternity testing. If you're paternity test has been court order, the court system will provide you with a list of acceptable laboratory facilities.

The second step in paternity testing is to contact and organize the time of testing. In most cases, the mother, child, and the men that are suspected to be the father of the child will be required to visit the facility for testing. Legitimate DNA testing will typically require a blood draw from each of the participating individuals. However, some locations use a cotton swab on the inside of the cheek to determine DNA through saliva collection.

Once all of the participating individuals have been tested, laboratory officials will process the information to determine accurate paternity. DNA testing results are usually available within a week. There are some facilities that offer results within 24 hours. Most of the time, DNA tests are boasted at more than 99% accurate - It is important to note DNA paternity testing is considered to be 100% in terms of determining fatherhood.

If the results of a paternity test are surprising, or create some form of trauma between mother and child or the mother and her current partner, it's a good idea to seek the services of a professional counselor. Because DNA paternity testing can be surrounded by dramatic and stressful personal circumstances, consulting with professional counselors can help to ease any transition that takes place. In some situations, counseling is court ordered in paternity cases. If you're involved in a custody battle, consider asking your legal counsel for advice on DNA paternity testing for information on any counseling you wish to seek after the testing has been completed.
DNA paternity tests are now available over the counter at the pharmacy. However, to ensure the reliability and authenticity of a DNA paternity tests, parents should consider using a professional paternity testing center. In order to get a paternity test, it's a good idea to first contact your doctor or the local authorities to get information on legitimate locations that offer paternity testing. If you're paternity test has been court order, the court system will provide you with a list of acceptable laboratory facilities.

The second step in paternity testing is to contact and organize the time of testing. In most cases, the mother, child, and the men that are suspected to be the father of the child will be required to visit the facility for testing. Legitimate DNA testing will typically require a blood draw from each of the participating individuals. However, some locations use a cotton swab on the inside of the cheek to determine DNA through saliva collection.

Once all of the participating individuals have been tested, laboratory officials will process the information to determine accurate paternity. DNA testing results are usually available within a week. There are some facilities that offer results within 24 hours. Most of the time, DNA tests are boasted at more than 99% accurate - It is important to note DNA paternity testing is considered to be 100% in terms of determining fatherhood.

If the results of a paternity test are surprising, or create some form of trauma between mother and child or the mother and her current partner, it's a good idea to seek the services of a professional counselor. Because DNA paternity testing can be surrounded by dramatic and stressful personal circumstances, consulting with professional counselors can help to ease any transition that takes place. In some situations, counseling is court ordered in paternity cases. If you're involved in a custody battle, consider asking your legal counsel for advice on DNA paternity testing for information on any counseling you wish to seek after the testing has been completed.
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Early Symptoms Of Angina Pectoris

Angina pectoris is a chest pain which originated from the heart. This condition occurs when the heart did not receive enough oxygenated blood because the blood vessels may be partially blocked due to blood clots and hardened arteries.

This condition is usually due to cholesterol and fatty build-ups in the blood vessels of the coronary arteries. If the pain is predictable and can be triggered by different levels of exertion, it is considered as stable angina. However, if it becomes unpredictable and occurs even at rest, this is considered as unstable angina.

Unstable angina is life threatening condition and considered as a medical emergency. There is a 3rd type of angina called variant angina. It is caused by spasms in the blood vessels. These 2 types can occur in different circumstances and they also share common signs and symptoms. Here is a list of the primary symptoms of angina pectoris:

Symptoms Of Angina Pectoris

1. A feeling of pressure and pain around the chest.

This is the most common symptom of angina pectoris. Only one or both of them can be felt in the chest area, and can radiate into the left shoulders, left arm and jaw. The pain can be described as a sensation of pressure or something heavy or a squeezing feeling in the chest. Chest pains and pressure are more likely to be felt by men than women.

2. Shortness of breath or “dyspnea”

Shortness of breath is medically termed as “dyspnea”. In stable angina, shortness of breath can be triggered during activity and will subside when the person is at rest or with the use of drugs like a nitroglycerin (often prescribed to patients experiencing angina pectoris).

However, in unstable angina, shortness of breath can happen even the person is at minimal activity or at rest. This symptom can occur more likely to diabetics and elderly people.

3. Lightheadedness, anxiety and gastrointestinal problems.

These atypical symptoms occur more likely in women than in men. One significant symptom is a panic feeling or a sense of an impending doom. Gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and nausea are also considered as atypical symptoms of angina pectoris. Other symptoms are lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting.
by: Ethel Henry
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