Are you worried about the possible outbreak of the Avian Flu among humans? You should be! Hopefully, all of publicity about the Bird Flu will prove to be false alarms, but the worst thing any of us could do is to ignore it and hope it goes away, because it may not and one shudders to think about what could happen if it ever mutates to where it can be spread from human to human. Let's take a look at...
what we know so far about the Avian Flu:
First of all, the Avian Flu has not yet mutated and there is no need for panic, but there certainly is plenty of reasons for concern and a need to be vigilant, because the flu could easily mutate to one that is spread by humans - and it is the very nature of viruses to mutate. We should also be mindful of the fact that the world is due for another outbreak of a widespread and dangerous influenza epidemic of the kind that appear to occur on a regular basis about every 30 years.
If the Avian Flu does mutate to a human flu and is even partially as deadly as some predict, the resulting worldwide pandemic could be an epic modern day plague that changes the world as we know it and makes HIV, 9/11, the great Tsunami and the destruction of New Orleans seem mild by comparison - and there would likely be very little the world can do to prevent it. We can only hope that the next big worldwide influenza outbreak does not involve the current Avian Flu, or any other avian flu, because such flu would be a type that humans have not been exposed to and thus have no built in resistance to. Owing to this lack of built in resistance, such an outbreak involving that kind of flu could prove to be uniquely horrific.
In a normal outbreak of influenza, the most vulnerable are usually the elderly, the very young, and those who are already ill or otherwise in a weakened state - in other words, those whose immune systems are not strong enough to successfully ward off and fight illness. While a human version of the Avian Flu is likely to be every bit as deadly or more so for those who are the usual flu victims, unlike the usual varieties of influenza, the Avian Flu would actually be even more deadly for the group that is usually least affected by flu outbreaks: the most robust and healthy among us, the adults in the prime of life. That is because an avian flu like the Avian Flu turns the body's own immune system against itself and a strong immune system can become a deadly instrument of death as it over-reacts to a threat it has never been exposed to and releases a torrent of chemicals to combat the new threat which end up literally filling and eating up the lungs, suffocating what had been a strong and vigorous individual.
Such was exactly the case in a previous outbreak of another avian flu, one very similar to the Avian Flu. The Spanish Flu of 1918-19 was the most deadly epidemic in recorded history, killing 30 to 40 million or more people in one year – more than were killed in any war including Great World War, more than were killed in the 4 terrifying years of the Plague of Black Death (the Bubonic Plague) of 1347-1351, and more than were killed by HIV-AIDS in it’s first 25 years of existence. In the United States it infected 28% of all Americans, caused the deaths of at least 675,000 and in a single year was responsible for a 10 year drop in the life expectancy rate. In 1918, the death rate for influenza and pneumonia for 15 to 35 year olds was 20 times higher than in previous years.
Many authorities fear that if the modern day Avian Flu mutates to one that can be spread by humans, it could be an even more deadly flu than the one in 1918-19. Indeed, where humans have been exposed to infected birds and contracted the Avian Flu so far, the death rate appears to be significantly higher than it was for the deadly Spanish Flu.
The picture becomes truly staggering when you add to the expected high death rate the fact that the world population is now 2 1/2 times greater than it was in 1918-19 and not only is the population much larger, it is also much more concentrated with much more human interaction. And then you have the fact that, unlike the horse and buggy days of 1918-19, modern travel brings humans almost instantly to and from all points of the globe.
In all likelihood, only an immediate worldwide quarantine and shutdown of all travel would have a chance at stopping the spread of a worldwide pandemic, and that is something that is both unachievable and, at this point, unthinkable (although if the pandemic were to turn out to be as dire as some predict, such measures would probably be attempted out of desperation, but would surely prove far too late to stop the spread of the disease). Given the woeful response to the destruction of New Orleans, and the shortage of flu shots caused by the loss of a single facility only last year, perhaps one can more easily understand the estimates of many authorities and scientific figures that forecast staggering death tolls, some as high as 300 million or more worldwide.
The world has largely forgotten the horrible death tolls of the Spanish Flu, as well as the plague-like conditions that led to quarantines, death wagons, corpses lying abandoned in public streets, and breakdowns of social order and lawlessness that broke out in many places around the world. For those of us who would like a reminder, I suggest a trip to an old cemetery and take a look at the tombstones and grave markers for the years 1918-19, see how many there are compared to other years and how many times you will find multiple deaths in the same family for those years. It was a horrible time, now largely forgotten and to a great deal overshadowed by the end of World War I, but it is a lesson for us all if only we will open our eyes and see.
Perhaps the nightmare scenario I have painted is merely the stuff of dreams, and I certainly hope that proves to be the case. But I strongly suggest that we all take steps to prepare for the worst, just in case. Better that than be like the old fellow on the side of Mount Saint Helens who ignored all the warning signs, disbelieved all the scientists and scoffed at the idea of a deadly eruption right up to the point that he was incinerated.
While there may be little the world's governments may be able to do to stop the spread of a truly horrible influenza pandemic, there are things that we all can do to help avoid catching such a flu and to fight it off if we do catch it. Common sense tells us to practice very good hygiene and to avoid exposure to those who are infected. If a vaccine is available, it is probably a better idea to take it than not - even though vaccines are likely to be in short supply, will likely be mere guesswork since the virus has yet to mutate to a form that can be spread by humans and is likely to continue to mutate once it does, and is likely to contain mercury due to the probable use of an agent called thimerosal that is used to sterilize flu vaccines.
Beyond those obvious measures, I have also compiled the following information for anyone who wishes to avoid and combat influenza:
Avoiding the Flu:
The good news is that you can take steps to help you avoid the Bird Flu or any other flu when it comes, and to survive it if you happen to catch it. Included in these steps would be the things that you should do to protect yourself from virtually all diseases and illnesses: get plenty of rest, exercise, quit smoking, eat a nutritious diet, avoid stress and, above all, to make your body's natural first line of defense, your immune system, strong and robust.
Some of the very best immune boosters are:
* Echinacea (Despite the latest study)
* Pau d’arco
* Suma
* Astragalus
* Medicinal mushrooms
* Beta glucans
* Aloe vera
* Alkygycerol
* Lactoferrin
* Bovine colostrums
* Glutathione
* Mangosteen
The next thing you should do is to also take one or more good natural anti-viral agents, ESPECIALLY if the Bird Flu does mutate and begin to spread from human to human, because unlike other illnesses or flues, the Bird Flu will use your own immune system to attack you. This is because we have never been exposed to a strain of flu like the Bird Flu and it is likely that biochemical cascade of immune cells and immune system bio-chemicals such as interferon, interleukin, monokines and cytokines will literally pour into the lungs and eat your lungs up. With the Bird Flu, it is essential to also include good natural anti-viral supplements along with immune boosters - and it is a good idea to do that anyway.
Among the very best natural pathogen destroyers are:
* Garlic
* Olive leaf extract
* Oil of wild mountain oregano
* Grapefruit seed extract
* Colloidal Silver
A third thing to do would be to take regular preventative doses of a natural remedy known as “Oleander Soup”, which can be made at home according to the instructions in the e-book “Cancer’s Natural Enemy” (written by the author of this article).
Oleander extract has been proven in clinical trials, decades of medical practice and literally centuries of use as a folk remedy to be a very strong immune booster and disease and illness preventer. It has also demonstrated strong anti-viral abilities in the way that it attacks and kills cancer cells, as well as it’s effectiveness against hepatitis-C and HIV.
The fourth thing you should do is endeavor to stop the spread of airborne viruses during the flu season:
* Protect yourself from others by gargling daily with 1 drop each of the essential oils of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and lemon in a glass of warm water; stir well before each mouthful. Do not swallow.
* Mix a blend of essential oils to use in your diffuser or for use in steam inhalation.
Blend together:
* ravensare - 3 parts
* naiouli or eucalyptus - 1 part
* lemon - 1 part
* rosewood - 1 part
* lavender - 1 part
Ravensare and naiouli have antiviral properties, while the other essential oils in the blend act as antiseptics while at the same time providing a wonderful aroma.
Diffuser Application - Add about 50 drops of the above blend to your diffuser at a time.
Fumigate the house with oils to help prevent the spread of flu. Put 2-3 drops on a radiator to evaporate or add 10 drops of essential oils to a small plant spray filled with water. Spray the room frequently.
Hopefully, no serious flu outbreak will take place in your neighborhood, but forearmed is forewarned. Take the simple measures outlined above and your chances of beating the flu and perhaps avoiding it all together are much improved.
Live long, live healthy, live happy!
by: Tony Isaacs
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
Avoid And Beat The Avian And Other Influenzas
Avian influenza,
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