Common opinion notwithstanding, the proper purpose of abdominal exercises is to awaken control of the abdominal muscles so they coordinate better with the other muscles of the trunk and legs (which include the psoas muscles). It is that better coordination that improves alignment, and not merely higher tone or strength. When the psoas muscles achieve their proper length, tone (tonus) and responsiveness, they stabilize the lumbar spine in movement as well as when standing, giving the feeling of better support and "strength". Mutual coordination of the psoas and other muscles causes/allows the spine and abdomen to fall back, giving the appearance of "strong" abdominal muscles -- but it is not the strength of abdominal muscles, alone, but the coordination of all the involved muscles that gives that appearance.
To improve psoas functioning, a different approach to abdominal exercises than the one commonly practiced is necessary. Instead of "strengthening," the emphasis must be on awareness, control, balancing and coordination of the involved muscles - the purview of somatic education. I will say more...
.. but first: A discussion of the methods and techniques of somatic education is beyond the scope of this paper, which confines itself to a discussion of the relation of the psoas muscles, abdominal exercises, and back pain. For that, see the links at the bottom of this article.
The Relationship of Psoas, Abdominal Muscles and Back Pain
The psoas muscles and the abdominal muscles function as agonist and antagonist (opponents) as well as synergists (mutual helpers); a free interplay between the two is appropriate. The psoas muscles lie behind the abdominal contents, running from the lumbar spine to the inner thighs near the hip joints (lesser trochanters); the abdominal muscles lie in front of the abdominal contents, running from the lower borders of the ribs (with the rectus muscles as high as the nipples) to the frontal lines of the pelvis.
Take a moment to contemplate each of these relationships until you can feel or visualize them
In the standing position, contracted psoas muscles (which ride over the pubic crests) move the pubis backward; the abdominal muscles move the pubis forward. (antagonists)
In walking, the ilio-psoas muscles of one side initiate movement of that leg forward, while the abdominals bring the same-side hip and pubis forward. (synergists)
The psoas major muscles pull the lumbar spine forward; the abdominal muscles push the lumbar spine back (via pressure on abdominal contents and change of pelvic position). (antagonists)
The psoas minor muscles pull the fronts of attached vertebrae (at the level of the diaphragm), down and back; the abdominals push the same area back. (synergists)
Unilateral contraction of the psoas muscles causes rotation of the torso away from the side of contraction and sidebending toward the side of contraction (as if leaning to one side and looking over ones raised shoulder); abdominals assist that movement.
Now, if this all sounds complicated, it is -- to the mind. But if you have good use and coordination of those muscles, it's simple -- you move well.
Words on Abdominal Exercises
Exercises that attempt to flatten the belly (e.g., crunches) generally produce a set pattern in which the abdominal muscles merely overpower psoas and spinal extensor muscles that are already set at too high a level of tension.
High abdominal muscle tone from abdominal crunches interferes with the ability to stand fully erect, as the contracted abdominal muscles drag the front of the ribs down. Numerous consequences follow:
(1) breathing is impaired,
(2) compression of abdominal contents results, impeding circulation,
(3) deprived of the pumping effect of motion on fluid circulation, the lumbar plexus, which is embedded in the psoas, becomes less functional (slowed circulation slows tissue nutrition and removal of metabolic waste; nerve plexus metabolism slows; chronic constipation often results),
(4) displacement of the centers of gravity of the body's segments from a vertical arrangement (standing or sitting) deprives them of support; gravity then drags them down and further in the direction of displacement; muscular involvement (at the back of the body) then becomes necessary to counteract what is, in effect, a movement toward collapse. This muscular effort
(a) taxes the body's vital resources,
(b) introduces strain in the involved musculature (e.g., the extensors of the back), and
(c) sets the stage for back pain and back injury.
The psoas has often been portrayed as the villain in back pain, and exercise is often intended to overpower the psoas muscles by pushing the spine and abdomen back. However, it is obvious from the foregoing that "inconvenient" consequences result from that strategy. A more fitting approach is to balance the interaction of the psoas and abdominal muscles.
When the psoas and the abdominal muscles counterbalance each other, the psoas muscles contract and relax, shorten and lengthen appropriately in movement. The lumbar curve, rather than increasing, decreases; the back flattens and the abdominal contents move back into the abdominal cavity, where they are supported instead of hanging forward.
It should be noted that the pelvic orientation, and thus the spinal curves, is also largely determined by the musculature and connective tissue of the legs, which connect the legs with the pelvis and torso. If the legs are not directly beneath the pelvis, but are somewhat behind (or more rarely, ahead of the pelvis), stresses are introduced through muscles and connective tissue that displace the pelvis. Rotation of the pelvis, hip height asymmetry, and/or excessive lordosis (or, more rarely, kyphosis) follow, all of which affect the psoas/abdominal interplay.
Where movement, visceral (organ) function, and freedom from back pain are concerned, proper support from the legs is as important as the free, reciprocal interplay of the psoas and abdominal muscles.
More on the Psoas and Walking
Dr. Ida P. Rolf described the psoas as the initiator of walking:
Let us be clear about this: the legs do not originate movement in the walk of a balanced body; the legs support and follow. Movement is initiated in the trunk and transmitted to the legs through the medium of the psoas.
(Rolf, 1977: Rolfing, the Integration of Human Structures, pg. 118).
A casual interpretation of this description might be that the psoas initiates hip flexion by bringing the thigh forward. It's not quite as simple as that.
By its location, the psoas is also a rotator of the thigh. It passes down and forward from the lumbar spine, over the pubic crest, before its tendon passes back to its insertion at the lesser trochanter of the thigh. Shortening of the psoas pulls upon that tendon, which pulls the medial aspect of the thigh forward, inducing rotation, knee outward.
In healthy functioning, two actions regulate that tendency to knee-outward turning: (1) the same side of the pelvis rotates forward by action involving the iliacus muscle, the internal oblique (which is functionally continuous with the iliacus by its common insertion at the iliac crest) and the external oblique of the other side and (2) the gluteus minimus, which passes backward from below the iliac crest to the greater trochanter, assists the psoas in bringing the thigh forward, while counter-balancing its tendency to rotate the thigh outward. The glutei minimi are internal rotators, as well as flexors, of the thigh at the hip joint. They function synergistically with the psoas.
This synergy causes forward movement of the thigh, aided by the forward movement of the same side of the pelvis. The movement functionally originates from the somatic center, through which the psoas passes on its way to the lumbar spine. Thus, Dr. Rolf's observation of the role of the psoas in initiating walking is explained.
Interestingly, the abdominals aid walking by assisting the pelvic rotational movement described, by means of their attachments along the anterior border of the pelvis. Thus, the interplay of psoas and abdominals is explained.
When the psoas fails to lengthen properly, the same side of the pelvis is restricted in its ability to move backward (and to permit its other side to move forward). Co-contracted glutei minimi frequently accompany the contracted psoas of the same side, as does chronic constipation (for reasons described earlier). The co-contraction drags the front of the pelvis down. The lumbar spine is bent forward, tending toward a forward-leaning posture, which the extensors of the lumbar spine counter to keep the person upright; as the spinal extensors contract, they suffer muscle fatigue and soreness. Thus, the correlation of tight psoas and back pain is explained.
As explained before, to tighten the abdominal muscles as a solution for this stressful situation is a misguided effort. What is needed is to improve the responsiveness of the psoas and glutei minimi, which includes their ability to relax.
A final interesting note brings the center (psoas) into relation with the periphery (feet). In healthy, well-integrated walking, the feet assist the psoas and glutei minimi in bringing the thigh forward. The phenomenon is known as "spring in the step."
Here's the description: When the thigh is farthest back, in walking, the ankle is most dorsi-flexed. That means that the calf muscles and hip flexors are at their fullest stretch and primed for the stretch (myotatic) reflex. This is what happens in well-integrated walking: assisted by the stretch reflex, the plantar flexors of the feet put spring in the step, which assists the flexors of the hip joints in bringing the thigh forward.
Here's what makes it particularly interesting: when the plantar flexors fail to respond in a lively fashion, the burden of bringing the thigh forward falls heavily upon the psoas and other hip joint flexors, which become conditioned to maintain a heightened state of tension, and there we are: tight psoas and back pain. (Note that ineffective dorsi-flexors of the feet prevent adequate foot clearance of the ground, when walking; the hip flexors must compensate by lifting the knee higher, leading to a similar problem.)
Thus, it appears that the responsibility for problems with the psoas falls (in part, if not largely) upon the feet. No resolution of psoas problems can be expected without proper functioning of the lower legs and feet.
The psoas, iliacus, abdominals, spinal extensors, hip joint flexors and extensors, and flexors of the ankles/feet are all inter-related in walking movements. Interference with their interplay (generally through over-contraction or non-responsiveness of one or more of these "players") leads to dysfunction and to back pain. The strategy of strengthening the abdominal muscles has been shown to be a misguided effort to correct problems that usually lie elsewhere - which explains why, even though abdominal strengthening exercises are so popular, back pain is still so common. Sensory-motor training (somatic education) provides a more pertinent and effective approach to the problem of back pain than abdominal strengthening exercises.
by: Lawrence Gold
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Rabu, 30 September 2009
The Psoas Muscles and Abdominal Exercises For Back Pain
Natural Cure for Flatulence (Wind)
Why does it always happen in a crowded elevator? That's what I'd like to know. Or even worse, you are out with a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend, and you really want to impress, when all of a sudden, WOOMPPFF! Embarrassing or what???
But don't despair! The problem is probably a simple result of eating the wrong foods or too much beer. Lets check out some darn fine ways of dealing with bad smells that don't cost much, and are totally natural.
Tip 1 - try eating 'activated charcoal'. Charcoal tablets absorb the gases that cause wind, and you can eat 'em inconspicuously several times a day if the problem is really bad.
Tip 2 - Chew food thoroughly. At we always chew our food 100 times, whether it needs it or noMore chewing means less air when you swallow, and less air means less ammo for the old 'asscannon'.
Tip 3 - avoid know 'hell raiser' foods like cabbage, beans, sweetcorn, brussel sprouts, spinach, squid and monkfish. Although high-fibre foods are useful in your diet, they can lead to bloating, and unpleasant sound effects, especially when fermeted internally with any kind of alcohol.
Tip 4 - Fizzy drinks are a no-no. Give up the colas, 7-ups, beers, and other carbonated drinks. Champagne in moderation is actually ok, for reasons scientists don't fully understand yet.
Tip 5 - Caffeine causes colonic combustion! The caffeine in tea, coffee, pepsi etc can irritate the colon, and this obviously doesn't help.
Tip 5 - and this is the biggie, never try to 'hold it in'. Boffing is a natural function, and cracking one out is just the body's way of expelling un-needed gas. If you try to bottle it up, it will only come back later, double the strength. Don't give 'em time to brew, just sneak them out whenever you can!
by: Stu Collins
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14 Effective Home Remedies for Cough
Read this article to know the best Home Remedies for Cough. First of all let me tell you what is Cough?
Coughs caused by the common cold, or flu, generally clear up after a small number of days. Cough can be a troublesome problem for the patient and the physician similar.
Cough is an important protection mechanism that plays a major role in sustaining the integrity of the airways and can be voluntary or involuntary. Cough is normally triggered by mechanical or chemical inspiration of receptors in the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. Cough receptors also survive in the nose, paranasal sinuses, external auditory ear canals, tympanic membranes, parietal pleura, esophagus, stomach, pericardium and diaphragm.
A cough is a symptom of many illnesses and conditions including: asthma, bronchitis, common cold, influenza (flu)smoking, and whooping cough. The cure of cough is useful only if directed at the cause, but patients should be offered indicative relief while awaiting the results of specific therapy.
Cough is the most ordinary respiratory symptom for which patients look for medical attention.
Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Cough:
Home Remedies for Cough
1) Mix equal parts of ginger juice and honey and have it 2-3 times in a day which is fine for cough
2) Cinnamon is a well recognized herb which is used in cooking, and as addition to tea, apple cider and more. Make a cup of tea and put some cinnamon to it to relief the cough. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Cough.
3) To decrease the cough, boil oregano in water, filter and drink up.
4) Gargle sage leaves and elder blossom tea with a little almond oil, oil of clove, and honey to reduce the cough and soothe the throat.
5) One good Home Remedy for Cough is the root of the turmeric plant which is helpful in a dry cough. The root should be baked and crushed. This powder should be taken in three gram dosage two times daily, in the morning and evening.
6) Another effective Home Remedy for Cough is a sauce made from raisins. This sauce is made by crushing 100 gm of raisins with water. 100 gm of sugar should be mixed with it and allow the mixture to heat. When the mixture obtains a sauce-like constancy, it should be conserved. Twenty grams should be taken at bedtime every day.
7) Aniseed is another useful remedy for a hard dry cough with complex expectoration. It shatters up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken habitually for treating this state.
8) Put 2 cups of cherries in a pan and add just enough water to it. Add some lemon slices and 2 cups of honey. Boil the mixture until cherries are soft. Eradicate from heat. Take away the lemon slices and the cherry pits from the mixture. Store at a low temperature and take some tablespoons as needed for coughing.
9) A syrup of 1 teaspoon raw onion juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey kept over 3 to 4 hours serves as an excellent cough syrup. This is another superior Home Remedy for Cough.
10) Chewing betel leaf with 3-4 black Tulsi (Krishna Tulsi) leaves, a clove and a small quantity of menthol thrice a day provides relief from severe cough.
11) For dry coughs, start eating apples each day for 2-3 weeks until your cough is cured.
12) For severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoonful of this mixture taken once in every three hours will treat excessive cough.
13) A teaspoon of honey, a pinch of turmeric powder, chewing cardamom for a while, a stick of clove, all these have proven very beneficial in treating dry cough.
14) A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is recommended for cough relief.
by: Dr. John Anne
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Could Your Vitamins be Killing You?
Billions are being spent annually on vitamin and mineral supplements. It can also be argued that never in history has so much money been spent on the advertising and purchasing of any merchandise, with so little knowledge of the product itself, on the part of either the seller or the buyer,
Most consumers and even salespeople know the difference between a synthetic, a crystalline, and a truly natural whole food vitamin.
I feel that the following information is essential for you to read and hope that it will provide you with enough information and clinical evidence so that you can make an educated decision on the health and well being of you and your family members.
“You can trace every ailment, every sickness and every disease to a vitamin and mineral deficiency.” Dr. Linus Pauling, renowned scientist and two time Nobel Prize Winner
Chronic conditions like cancer and heart disease take decades to develop. So do wrinkles and fuzzy brains. The core foundation of how Young you feel, how much Energy you have, how healthy you remain and are able to function all starts with proper nutrition.
Research through numerous scientific studies have conclusively shown that proper daily nutrition when coupled with daily exercise, as simple as walking, promotes the very essence of how well you feel, and as you age your body’s ability to prevent, ward off, and minimize diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Lester Packer, Ph.D., a molecular and cell biologist at the University of California at Berkeley, after many years of research, worries that more than 70 percent of people will die prematurely from diseases caused by or compounded by deficiencies of antioxidants. But starting young – in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s – can help keep your body youthful and disease-free instead of in need of repair later. Antioxidants are also called phytochemicals and/or phytonutrients and carotenoids.
We are the direct product of what we eat and the lifestyles we have elected to live. Granted, there are diseases that are passed along to us genetically, but even in those instances through proper nourishment and lifestyle changes, we can greatly reduce our risk of premature illness and death causing diseases.
In the 1980’s, a study was conducted in the United States by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Using 50,000 people, it was found that not a single person was getting the recommended amounts of the 10 essential vitamins required for normal health.
For years you have been advised to look to the food pyramid, which recommends that you eat at least 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruits daily. Sadly, the vast majority of us, and you know who you are, fall woefully short of these guidelines. The problem is we can’t eat the volume of food it would require. More than 90 percent of people don’t eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Even if we did, food today doesn’t have the vitamins and minerals that they had 40 or 50 years ago. In those days farmers restored the soil by mulching, using natural fertilizers and rotating crops. Today, extensive use of chemical substances depletes the soil of many of the essential elements needed for adequate nutrition…giving us a supply of beautiful products that look great, but don’t have the vitamins and other important nutrients we think they should have and, not near the vitamin, mineral and other essential nutrients (phytochemicals) they had 50 years ago.
Another problem is that most vitamins and other valuable nutrients are lost in processing. Cooking and freezing dramatically reduce vitamins, nutrients and food value. Added to this problem, are the presences of flavor enhancers, artificial colors, stabilizers and chemical food preservatives. Additionally, studies show that the nutrient value of our food is continually decreasing due to more air pollutants and less oxygen.
Additionally, mainstream marketing of supplemental vitamins and minerals has successfully created the myth that vitamins and minerals may be isolated from each other, that correct amounts may be measured out, and then we can derive total benefit from taking these fractionated chemical (synthetic) creations. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Vitamins and minerals, and also enzymes, work closely together as co-factors for each other’s efficacy. If one part is missing, or in the wrong form or the wrong amount, entire chains of metabolic processes will not proceed normally. Result: a downward spiraling of health, probably imperceptible for long periods of time.
The dilemma we are faced with is; if we cannot get all of the nutrients we need through diet alone then how do we get them? We get them by taking supplements…but the right kind of supplements.
“We now have a substantial body of data showing that if everyone took a few supplements every day, they could significantly lower their risk of a multitude of serious diseases.” David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA
While you may think that you have filled this need, you may be getting little benefit from using the vitamin & mineral supplements available today. Studies show that 90 percent of vitamin pills pass through your body unabsorbed! This is primarily due to the fact that most all vitamin & mineral supplements contain nothing but laboratory developed synthetic ingredients. Natural ingredients are more effectively used by your body which is designed to reject synthetic and foreign substances.
Your synthetic, fractionated chemical vitamin never grew in the ground, never saw the light of day, and never was alive or part of anything alive. It’s a chemical. In your body it’s just another drug. Synthetic vitamins have toxic effects in mega-doses and actually can increase the white blood cell count. Vitamins are only necessary in minute quantities on a daily basis. Whole food vitamins, by contrast, are not toxic and trigger no immune response.
Whole food vitamins are obtained by taking a vitamin-rich plant, removing the water and the fiber in a cold vacuum process, otherwise known as freeze–drying, free of chemicals, and then packaged for stability. The entire vitamin complex in this way can be captured intact, retaining its “functional and nutritional integrity.” Upon ingestion, the body is not required to draw on its own reserves in order to complete any missing elements from the vitamin complex.
“We have yet to improve on what Mother Nature has given us to eat. Foods simply cannot be artificially duplicated in the science laboratory.” Gabriel Clousens, M.D.
Examples from clinical tests conducted in Finland and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.
• 25 mg of Vitamin C in its natural whole-food form will cure scurvy but, 250 mg of synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will not!
• “Saltwater” can be synthesized in a laboratory, but when you put a fish in it the fish dies.
Most people are not aware that most vitamins are processed at high temperature, contain petroleum derived chemical solvents, such as coal tar derivatives and ethyl cellulose and are coated with methylene chloride, a carcinogenic material. These sources are not living foods but dead chemicals and over a period of extended use can be potentially dangerous.
According to Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, M.D., “Although most healthy people will have no obvious side effects from ingesting small amounts of toxins found in most vitamins, the long-term consequences of continuous, daily intakes are potentially dangerous.” Dr. Rona says that reactions include fatigue, memory loss, depression, insomnia and potential liver disorders.
A recent Finnish study published in the New England Journal of Medicine states that “taking synthetic vitamins is worse than starvation! The synthetic vitamins will kill you quicker.” Admittedly, this statement is a bit aggressive, but does show the emphasis the researchers wanted to make regarding the potential health danger of using synthetic vitamins.
Living systems are very complex and specific in their need for building materials. In addition, living systems are constantly breaking down cells, organs and tissues, and rebuilding and repairing themselves. For these processes, the body must have a continual supply of specific, high-quality materials.
If you build a house with cheap, imitation construction materials, your house will quickly fall into disrepair. The same is true for the physical body. The body has a very precise design, which is so incredibly intricate and complex that even with all the scientific and medical research thus far; we have only scratched the surface of understanding it.
The following examples are a handful of hundreds that could be given to illustrate this point:
• Reported on April 14, 1994 in the New England Journal of Medicine was a study in which 29,000 male smokers were given synthetic beta-carotene and synthetic Vitamin E to evaluate the cancer-protective effect of the “vitamins”. After 10 years, the men taking the synthetic beta carotene had an 18% higher rate of lung cancer, more heart attacks, and an 8% higher overall death rate. Those taking Synthetic Vitamin E had more strokes. Food sources of these same nutrients, such as fruits, and vegetables, consistently demonstrate protection against cancer, heart attacks and stroke.
• On November 23, 1995, the following was reported in The New England Journal of Medicine. 22,748 pregnant women were given synthetic Vitamin A. After four years the study was halted because of a 240% increase in birth defects in babies of women taking 10,000 IU daily, and a 400% increase in birth defects in babies of women taking 20,000 IU a day. Women eating natural food sources of Vitamin A showed no increase in birth defects.
• Reported in Reuters Health, March 3, 2000 was a study of men who took 500 mg of synthetic Vitamin C daily. It was found that over an 18-month period, these men had a 250% increase of the intima-media lining (inner lining) of the carotid artery. This thickening is an accurate measurement for the progression of atherosclerosis. That is, synthetic Vitamin C induced atherosclerosis, even at 500 mg dose. Whole food Vitamin C protects and repairs the inner lining of blood vessels, and is preventative against atherosclerosis.
Using years of research and clinical data published by the National Cancer Institute, American Heart Association, USDA and the International Food Information Council Foundation, the American Diabetic Association and countless medical studies we need to keep our bodies free of refined and processed food, eliminate high fructose and artificial sweeteners . We need to consume a “Rainbow” of fruits and vegetables to get as much color variety in your diet as possible, so that you can maximize your intake of a broad range of nutrients. The colors of fruits and vegetables are a small clue as to what vitamins and nutrients are included. By getting a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables, you are guaranteed a diverse amount of naturally created essential vitamins and minerals. Choose grains, fruits and vegetables that are grown in deep mineral rich, alluvial soils without the use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides…there’re grown as mother-nature intended.
The Choice is yours
110 companies sell vitamins in the United States. Less than 5 of them use whole food vitamins. The reason is simple: whole food vitamins are expensive to make. A few of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world mass produce synthetic vitamins for the vast majority of these 110 “vitamin” companies, who then put their own label on them, and every company claims theirs is the best! Americans spend over $9 billion per year for synthetic vitamins and our health is worse now than it’s ever been…something is wrong….it’s called synthetics!
Don’t you think it’s time for a change?
by: Denise McKinley
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Exercising In Heat
Summer is officially here. Finally you can pack away your jackets and get outside. Summer offers extras hours of daylight and with it the opportunity to spend even more time enjoying outdoor activities. For many, this means more time doing physical activities and playing sports. So, it’s important to remember the potential dangers that also come with exercising in hot conditions. As long as you know the dos and don’ts of working out in the heat, then you can fully take advantage of all the fun of summer.
What you should do:
* Drink plenty of fluids. It’s extremely important to stay hydrated. If you’re thirsty then you are already dehydrated; drink before you feel a need to. Be sure to drink throughout the day (stick to non-caffeinated beverages, preferably water). Also, drink 15-20 minutes before beginning your workout and every 15 minutes throughout the exercise.
* Eat regularly. The heat can decrease your appetite, but it’s important to eat normally. Try to eat small meals 5-6 times per day. Include lots of fruits and vegetables. Aside from being nutritious, fruits also tend to help with hydration.
* Wear light, loose fitting clothes that can breath. Cotton is always a good choice. If your outdoor activity produces a lot of perspiration, consider clothing that is designed to wick the sweat away.
* Wear sunscreen. Even if you exercise early in the morning or late in the evening, if the sun can reach you then you can get burned. Not only is a sunburn bad on the skin and potentially dangerous but it also hinders your bodies ability to stay cool.
* Use common sense and don’t attempt strenuous activities that your body is not accustom to. Stick to exercises that you are very familiar and comfortable with.
* Check the weather forecast. It’s best not to participate in intense outdoor exercise sessions when the heat index registers in the dangerous zone.
What you should not do:
* Don’t try to diet by sweating. Excessive perspiration is not the key to permanent weight loss. Any decrease in the scale would simply be a result of water loss, not fat reduction.
* Don’t adapt the "no pain, no gain" motto. Ignoring your body’s signals could be dangerous. Heat-related illnesses come with warning signs. Be sure to learn how to recognize them and what actions to take.
* Don’t forget to drink plenty of liquid when swimming. Just because your body is surrounded by water does not mean that you are well-hydrated. As with any land exercises, you need to regularly replenish lost fluids when in the pool.
* Avoid physical activity during the hottest part of the day, which usually is between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
* If you want (or need) to be working in very hot temperatures, don’t do it until you become acclimated. Try to spend only a few minutes per day in the hot conditions for the first couple of weeks and then add time gradually each day.
* Avoid extreme changes in temperature. Don’t hop from being extremely hot and sweating excessively right into an ice cold, air-conditioned environment. Try to cool your body down slightly before exposing it to the extreme temperature variation.
Whether you have to work outside or do it for enjoyment, following the above tips will help you stay cool and safe during the dog days of summer. So, don’t spend the season cooped up, get out there and have some fun!
by: Lynn Bode
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Cranberry Juice For Cavities? Be Careful Of What You’re Buying
Researchers at the University of Rochester have published information showing that the cranberry may be effective at preventing tooth decay. The research focuses on the inhibiting effect of some compounds found inside the cranberry against a key bacterium blamed in the formation of cavities.
“Scientists believe that one of the main ways that cranberries prevent urinary tract infections is by inhibiting the adherence of pathogens on the surface of the bladder. Perhaps the same is true in the mouth, where bacteria use adhesion molecules to hold onto teeth,” says Dr. Michel Koo, an oral biologist and food scientist at the university's medical center.
While this may sound like good news for those who are looking for natural ways to support their body, it’s very important to understand what’s in cranberry juice before making a purchase. Always remember to read the labels. Most cranberry juice is cranberry flavored apple juice. Sometimes it is also mixed with grape juice. Other ingredients may even include high-Fructose corn syrup. Towards the end of the ingredient list is found cranberry concentrate.
While, drinking apple juice and grape juice is probably a dietary improvement for most people, juices that are made with so much processed sugar are clearly little more than cranberry flavored juices. They’re unlikely to contain significant amounts of the compounds that make cranberries useful in the prevention of tooth decay and tend to contain large amounts of the compounds that are blamed on tooth decay.
Purer forms of cranberry juice have a very strong flavor. Some people can develop a taste for unsweetened cranberries, while other people can only handle cranberries when blended with some other juice. If choosing a cranberry blend, be sure to read the ingredient label and avoid juices that are sweetened with processed sugars and diluted with juices that are mostly the sugars that lead to cavities.
Further research will be necessary before cranberries can actually be promoted as a preventative for tooth decay. However others sugars such as Xylose, are already used in “sugarless gums” because of their proven ability to inhibit bacterial development on the surface of teeth. Such gums are of course called sugarless because they do not have sucrose and glucose which are the sugars associated with cavities.
Cranberries have also been shown to have beneficial effects for people with chronic urinary tract infections. The compound believed to be responsible for this is a simple monosaccharide sugar called Mannose. Identified in Harpers Biochemistry as one of eight sugars necessary for normal cellular function, Mannose has also been shown to prevent bacterial infection and development.
These necessary monosaccharide sugars can all be found in a single dietary supplement. It also contains the other sugars identified in Harpers Biochemistry, based of their importance in biological functions. This can provide a more convenient choice for people wishing to improve their diets by increasing their nutrient intake while limiting the intake of food compounds which are not beneficial to good health.
by: Dave Saunders
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Dietary Recommendations After Gastric Bypass Surgery
When obesity gets out of hand, unresponsive to dietary, lifestyle and medical interventions, drastic measures are needed to cut down calorie intake. Morbid obesity with a BMI (body mass index, a measure of malnutrition) above 40 kg/m2 is an indication for surgical procedures such as gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass is now a well-trodden path to lower BMI’s and achieve healthier lives in 18 months or so. First used in the 1950’s, only the last two decades have seen safe and successful gastric bypass surgery with any consistency. Half a century of meticulous observations and patient follow-up has led to the formulation of strict guidelines to ensure desired results.
Gastric bypass is a series of steps initiated starting with the decision to undergo the procedure. Identifying existing nutritional deficiencies is the first step towards surgery. Vitamin and mineral deficiency often occur in obesity, and need to be addressed before the procedure. The surgery itself has two goals; to reduce the volume of the stomach and shorten the food transit time in the intestine. After surgery the stomach cannot receive large meals or participate in digestion. This by itself limits food intake. Food also bypasses a large part of the intestine and has little time to interact with liver and pancreatic enzymes. As a result, nutrition absorbed from diet drops drastically. In most types of gastric bypass surgeries done today only 50 cm of the intestine is allowed to function in normal fashion. Compare this to food absorption taking over 7 feet of small and large intestine before surgery.
With such a radical reduction in the capacity to assimilate food, the postoperative period can be rather tricky. Only clear fluids are advised for the first two days while waiting for gut to recover. The gut is then re-trained for about two months before it can go back to a normal diet. During the recovery period the limitations imposed by the gastric bypass procedure should be kept in mind. After surgery the stomach has become much smaller and can only hold approximately eight ounces at a time. The stomach has also lost its ability to pulverize food to initiate digestion. Consequently the appropriate diet for postoperative recovery would be a liquid to soft solid diet that can be taken six to eight times a day in small quantities. Nutrient fluids are preferable since they can provide hydration and energy at the same time. Non-nutrient fluids are best avoided or at least restricted to in-between meals.
The type of nutrient chosen also deserves due consideration. The chosen macronutrient should not affect the stomach emptying time while providing enough energy to recover from the surgery. In this regard carbohydrates and fats are at either end of a spectrum and neither is suitable. Carbohydrates pass through very quickly and produce very uncomfortable symptoms like vomiting, bloating, diarrhea and sweating. Fat slows the gut considerably, and it is oftentimes ruled out because of its direct link to obesity. Research suggests that the macronutrients of choice after gastric bypass surgery are proteins. Proteins do not change gastric transit time significantly. A high-protein diet can also provide enough amino acids for repair and growth after a major surgical procedure like gastric bypass.
Apart from these advantages, a high-protein diet has a special role in the treatment of obesity. Gastric bypass restricts excessive calorie intake to prevent weight gain. However, accumulated adipose tissue also needs to be expended to achieve the desired weight loss. The basal metabolic rate (energy expenditure) should be increased simultaneously to burn stored fat and reduce BMI. This can be achieved by a high-protein diet since proteins in diet increase the basal metabolic rate by stimulating protein synthesis. Observations made during the postoperative period also confirm this proposition. Unless a high-protein diet is provided, weight loss often ceases despite controlled consumption.
Currently, a protein intake of up to 90 grams per day is recommended in the post-operative period. Given the trauma and the limitations the gut is subjected to during the procedure, such a high protein intake can be difficult to maintain. The gut is hardly ready and often fails to assimilate proteins and energy from traditional foods and diets. Therefore, a sugar-free fluid protein concentrate with a high bioavailability, adequate essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals is the most appropriate diet in the post-operative period. Digestion is further facilitated if the protein concentrate is already pre-digested, or hydrolyzed. Such a nutrient fluid can simultaneously supply concentrated energy and hydration even when taken in small quantities.
After recovery and return to a normal diet divided over 3 to 4 meals per day, a high-protein concentrate is still a relevant supplement between or during meals. The protein supplement continues to provide thermogenic action necessary to lose weight essential to sustain weight loss. It also compensates for any amino acid deficiency in the diet and maintains nutrition on bad days not uncommon in the months and years after a major surgery.
1. Kellum JM, DeMaria EJ, Sugarman HJ. The surgical treatment of morbid obesity. Curr Prob Surg. 1998;35:791-858.
2. MacLean LD, Rhode BM, Nohr CW. Late outcome of isolated gastric bypass. Ann of Surg. 2000. 231:524-528.
3. Nutritional Implications of Bariatric Surgery: Perspectives of Practitioners Audiotape/Handout packages available post-conference.
4. Weight management—Position of ADA. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102:1145-1155
5. Faintuch J, Matsuda M, Cruz ME, et al. Severe protein-calorie malnutrition after bariatric procedures. Obes Surg 2004; 14:175–181.
6. Alvarez-Leite J.I. Nutrient deficiencies secondary to bariatric surgery. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 7:569–575.
by: Protica Nutritional Research
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Minggu, 13 September 2009
Whiten Tooth - Another Way of Saying a White Bright Smile
The term whiten tooth may seem a bit odd being as it seems to refer to a singular tooth. One has to look at the term "toothpaste" which again seems to refer to a single tooth, which we know, is certainly not the case. It is not likely that one would need to do a single whiten tooth procedure.
Whiten tooth is actually a term used to refer to products and methods for achieving that white bright smile that we are all after. There is certainly no shortage of teeth whitening products on the market and they can all fit into the whiten teeth category at various levels and expectations of what they are capable of doing.
A whiten teeth product may take many forms. It could be a whitening toothpaste, gel, cream, strip, or system. Which teeth-whitening product you would use would depend on the severity of the staining of you teeth.
If you have minimal staining then you could use a whiten tooth product such as a whitening toothpaste. These are really only going to be effective when the staining has been caused by food or a beverage for example such as wine or fruit juices. Then the whiten tooth product in this case would almost have to be used immediately after the consumption of the juices. A whiten tooth product such as whitening toothpastes are more beneficial as a preventative measure.
Then if your teeth are stained to a greater degree then you will most likely want a whiten teeth product that is a little more aggressive. Choosing the right product may be somewhat challenging though since there are so many from which you can choose. Some of your decision making is going to come down to not only how effective the whiten teeth product is but the time involved it takes to apply it as well as how long before results are noticeable. The other factor will be price as well.
When it comes to teeth whitening products you really need to do a thorough review of the various products that are available. This way you will be able to make an informed decision. This will help you cut down the costs of trying a whole range of the whiten tooth products before you find the one you are finally happy with. You are going to find that these products are not cheap and you want to invest in one that works.
by: Jeyanth Watson
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Understanding and Overcoming Back Pain
According to the reports of the mass communications media, back pain afflicts eight out of ten of us sometime in our lives. That's old news.
You may have tried the traditional medical solutions -- strengthening, stretching, pillows, braces, a special bed, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, massage, exotic surgeries, or other approaches -- acupuncture, biofeedback, relaxation techniques. For the good these approaches do, many people still have back pain after treatment and expect to have to live with it. It's either that, dependence on ongoing therapy, or muscle-relaxant drugs, which nobody likes because they dull mental clarity.
There's been nothing better, until now.
From your own experience, you probably know that traditional therapies often produce only short-term, partial relief or require regular -- even lifelong -- care. But it need not be that way.
There is something better available -- a new discipline in the field of health care: clinical somatic education. Most back pain sufferers who resort to clinical somatic education should expect full recovery in a space of days or weeks.
Clinical somatic education is not education of the thinking mind, but of the brain as master control center for the muscular system. Clients rapidly improve their muscular control and freedom of movement through a mind-brain-movement training process. Clinical somatic education affects the brain the way biofeedback does, but with importance differences, one being speed of results and the other being the durability of the improvement. Changes are usually definitive and need no further professional help.
Clinical somatic education recovers fitness for the activities of daily living.
New Information on Back Pain
Somatic educators are likely tell you something unusual: your back muscles are not weak, but musclebound -- tight by habit, not by disease. You can free yourself from back spasms by improving your muscular control of your back; you can relax back spasms and have them stay relaxed with a few minutes of structured movements, each day -- which beats paying your [fill in your favorite therapist]. This statement applies as much to people with degenerative disc disease and herniated discs to those who have only a twinge, now and then. The underlying cause is the same: muscle tension.
"If that's true," you may ask, "why doesn't my doctor (or therapist) know about it?"
The answer is that until recently, no method existed that could rapidly improve muscular control rapidly enough to be clinically practical. Word takes time to spread and gain credibility.
You may think, "Back spasms are too painful, too serious to be dismissed that quickly, or that easily."
That's understandable -- but a misunderstanding of your situation.
Conventional Therapeutics and Back Muscle Spasms
Conventional treatment methods, as you already know, are not effective enough for many people. Most therapies try to strengthen, stretch, or adjust people out of back trouble by working on muscles or the skeletal system. But bones go where muscles pull them, the control center for the muscular system is the brain (not the therapist), and these approaches don't address the brain's control of muscle action, so the problem remains or returns. The problem isn't in your muscles; it's in your brain, the organ of learning and the center of long-term reflex actions, such as postural reflexes.
That's why the relief obtained by conventional therapeutic approaches to back spasms is usually temporary and you remains subject to re-injury and to prescribed limitations to movement.
Habits, including muscular tension habits, exist as patterns of brain programming. They're learned or acquired. Tension habits can be unlearned, and actually, relearning muscular control is the only approach that works for long term relief of back pain. You must overcome the reflexes that underlie back pain and gain control of your back muscles, to the degree of being able to relax them.
Medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, osteopaths, and bodyworkers use predominantly manipulative methods. They mean well, but temporary or incomplete improvements are common; cures are rare.
Problems arising from muscle tension cannot be "cured" by manipulation because muscle tension is not a disease, but a habit maintained in the brain. Habits can't be "cured"; they can be changed through retraining.
A Correct Understanding of 'Strengthening and Stretching'
The idea behind the common "strengthening and stretching" regimen for back spasms is usually based on a misunderstanding; it's a misunderstanding because the muscles involved are almost never weak, but tired; it's a misunderstanding because the muscles involved are not "short" and in need of stretching, but "in contraction" and in need of relaxation. Sore muscles don't need strengthening; they need rest and refreshment. They don't need stretching; they need to relax and lengthen.
You need to regain your ability to relax, something you can't regain by being manipulated by someone else; you regain it by relearning to relax -- a form of learning, albeit a specialized one for which you will probably need training.
Back Muscle Spasms May be Painful, but Not Themselves an Injury
One of the automatic reactions of the body to injury is to tighten up. That's part of the pain of most injuries, particularly of musculo-skeletal injuries. It's a reaction that protects the body from further injury. There are cases where the tightening up of back muscles is such a protective reaction, and a necessary one -- where actual damage has occurred, such as a ruptured disc or a violent accident. In such situations, surgery may be necessary and somatic education will either not help or produce only temporary relief, at least until after surgery, unhappy news for some, but realistic.
If you've seen a doctor for your back spasms, he or she has either discovered that you need surgery or that you don't. Surgery is a last, desperate resort and most doctors are reluctant to recommend it. If you have been sent for therapy or given drugs, yours is not a surgical situation, meaning that your spasms are not a protective reaction against injury, but a reflex-conditioning problem.
In the majority of back spasms, there is no injury. The back spasms are just a movement malfunction -- a tension habit formed under stress. It's the "tension" part of "nervous tension."
So, why do back spasms occur? You now have part of the answer. Let's look a little more closely.
Your muscles obey your brain. Except for momentary reflexes controlled in the spinal cord (tested by your doctor's hammer tap), that's the whole story. So, if you have tight, spastic muscles, they're caused by your brain.
This answer is a "good news/bad news" type of answer. The bad news is that your muscles are out of control, and it's your brain's fault! Your brain isn't broken, just trapped by the memory of stress or injury in your history. The good news is that your brain can be relearn to relax those muscles.
Where do Back Muscle Spasms Come from?
One thing you will almost always notice about people with back spasms, if you exercise your powers of observation, is their high shoulders and swayback. Touch the muscles of their lower back, and you will find the same thing: hard, contracted muscles, not soft, weak, flabby muscles.
The major source of back spasms is the lifestyle of being "on the go" -- driven, driving, productive, on time, and responsive to every situation. This is a new idea for most people, so here's the explanation.
Our post-modern lifestyle triggers an ancient neuromuscular (bodily) response (known to developmental physiologists as the Landau Reaction); this reaction involves a tightening of the muscles of the spine in preparation for arising from rest (sitting or lying down) into activity (sitting, standing, walking, running). The Landau Reaction consists of the muscular responses involved in coming to a heightened state of alertness in preparation for moving into action; triggered incessantly for years, it becomes a tension habit -- one that often outlasts the moment (or stage of life) when it was necessary.
(The general viewpoint taught in physical therapy, it should be noted, is that the Landau Reaction is a temporary developmental response seen in infants, that does not persist into maturity. However, the muscular action pattern seen in mature adults under stressful conditions is identical to that seen in infants experiencing Landau Reaction -- shoulders, back, and hamstrings go into action (get tight).
Many Back Pain Issues Come from the Same Cause
Somatic educators usually find, upon examination of a person's musculature, that their pain comes not from an injury, but from overworked muscles; is not a medical problem or an injury, but a conditioning problem that often causes diagnosable medical problems. Their clients have back muscles conditioned into a painfully high state of tension. Most of the time, people can be brought to relax back spasms through brain-muscle training, and when they do, the pain and the problem disappear.
Though injuries from traffic accidents, falls, etc., also trigger muscular reactions that can become habitual, the Landau Reaction is behind most of the back-spasm epidemic in our society. It's a consequence of accumulated stress.
While you can't avoid the Landau Reaction (it's a necessary and appropriate part of life), you can avoid getting stuck in it. If your lifestyle puts you habitually in a state of reaction, you have to "de-habituate" yourself from it, so that your rise in tension occurs only as a momentary response to situations and does not become your chronic state.
Attempts to De-habituate the Landau Reaction
Most therapeutic approaches to back spasms are -- without knowing it -- attempts to de-habituate the Landau Reaction.
Cures for the tension and stress associated with the Landau Reaction include relaxation techniques, hypnosis, massage, skeletal adjustments, electrical stimulation, muscle relaxant drugs, and at last (as at first) pain medications.
Until recently, there was nothing better. Now, a clinical somatic education can rapidly improve muscular control, freedom of movement, and physical comfort. Once you have gained control of your Landau Reaction, a brief daily regimen of certain movements is sufficient to keep you from accumulating the daily tensions of a driven and overloaded life. You can keep refreshing yourself.
If you have numbness or tingling in your extremities, your problem is more severe and requires a medical evaluation to rule out serious conditions. Even if you have surgery, you will still need to learn to relax the tight muscles that initially caused the problem. If yours is not a surgical situation, then somatic education is probably viable for you.
The new methods used to de-habituate Landau Reaction are highly reliable and have no adverse side effects, apart from occasional temporary soreness the day after a session, soreness that fades out in a day or two, leaving you flexible, comfortable and stronger than before.
by: Lawrence Gold
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Jerawat atau acne
Jerawat (bahasa Inggris: acne) adalah kondisi abnormal kulit akibat gangguan berlebihan produksi kelenjar minyak (sebaceous gland) yang menyebabkan penyumbatan saluran folikel rambut dan pori-pori kulit. Daerah yang mudah terkena jerawat ialah di muka, dada, punggung dan tubuh bagian atas lengan.
Peradangan pada kulit terjadi jika kelenjar minyak memproduksi minyak kulit (sebum) secara berlebihan sehingga terjadi penyumbatan pada saluran kelenjar minyak dan pembentukan komedo (whiteheads) dan seborhoea. Apabila sumbatan membesar, komedo terbuka (blackheads) muncul sehingga terjadi interaksi dengan bakteri jerawat.
Jerawat digolongkan ringan bila bentuknya masih komedo dengan jumlah lesi kurang dari 30. Apabila jumlah lesi berkisar antara 30-125 maka dinamakan jerawat sedang (papule). Jerawat besar yang disebut nodul atau kista timbul bila lesi di atas 125.
Munculnya jerawat sering terjadi pada masa pubertas antara usia 14-19 tahun yang disebabkan oleh perubahan hormon pada remaja. Deteksi jerawat sejak dini sangat sulit sebab sebelum masa pubertas kulit anak akan mengalami pengelupasan tiga minggu sekali. Sedangkan ketika remaja, kulit mengelupas empat minggu sekali.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 85% populasi mengalami jerawat pada usia 12-25 tahun, 15% populasi mengalaminya hingga usia 25 tahun. Jika tidak teratasi dengan baik, gangguan jerawat dapat menetap hingga usia 40 tahun.
Selain menimbulkan bekas jerawat, efek utamanya adalah pada jiwa seseorang, seperti krisis percaya diri atau minder dan depresi.
Komponen konsep diri yang sering terganggu pada remaja dengan munculnya jerawat yaitu gambaran diri (body image) dan harga diri, dimana pada masa remaja fokus individu terhadap fisik lebih menonjol dari periode kehidupan lain. Bentuk tubuh merupakan bagian dari gambaran diri, pada remaja yang berjerawat mengakibatkan perubahan bentuk tubuh dari remaja tersebut yang akan berdampak pada interaksi atau hubungan sosial dilingkungan, dimana remaja menjadi minder dan merasa tidak percaya diri yang akan mengakibatkan rendahnya harga diri.
Tetapi tidak semua remaja yang berjerawat dapat mengalami gangguan konsep diri, hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan/ informasi yang didapat dari media seperti televisi, majalah yang diterima oleh setiap remaja.
Penyebab sebenarnya mengapa seseorang mempunyai jerawat dan yang lain tidak punya masih belum diketahui secara menyeluruh. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan jerawat ialah:
* Stres
* Keturunan dari orangtua
* Aktivitas hormon : Salah satu faktor penting yang menyebabkan timbulnya jerawat adalah meningkatnya produksi hormon testosteron, yang dimiliki oleh tubuh pria maupun wanita. Hormon testosteron yang terdapat dalam tubuh pria maupun wanita memicu timbulnya jerawat dengan merangsang kelenjar minyak (sebaceous gland) untuk memproduksi minyak kulit (sebum) secara berlebihan.
* Kelenjar minyak yang hiperaktif
* Bakteri di pori-pori kulit
* Iritasi kulit atau karena garukan
* Anabolic steroid
* Pil pengontrol kelahiran / pil KB, namun banyak wanita mengalami penurunan munculnya jerawat semasa pemakaian pil
* Berada dalam lingkungan dengan kadar chlorine yang tinggi, terutama chlorinated dioxins, yang menyebabkan jerawat serius yang disebut Chloracne
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Penyakit Kurap adalah satu penyakit kulit menular yang disebabkan oleh fungi. Masa infeksi kurap hingga terkena penyakit adalah beberapa hari. Gejala kurap adalah terdapat bagian kecil yang kasar pada kulit dengan dikelilingi lingkaran merah muda. Kurap dapat menular melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita maupun secara tidak langsung (melalui pakaian misalnya). Vektor penyakit biasanya adalah anjing dan kucing. Kurap dapat dicegah dengan mencuci tangan dengan sempurna, menjaga kebersihan tubuh, dan menghindari kontak dengan penderita.
Penggunaan obat anti jamur yang mengandung mikonazol (C18H14Cl4N2O) dan kloritomazol (C22H17ClN2) dengan benar dapat menghilangkan infeksi.
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Kamis, 10 September 2009
Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris, or acne, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or, it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).
Most young people get at least mild acne. It usually gets better after the teen years. But many adult women do have acne in the days before their menstrual periods.
How you feel about your acne may not be related to how bad it is. Some people with severe acne are not bothered by it. Others are embarrassed or upset even though they have only a few pimples.
The good news is that there are many good treatments that can help you get acne under control.
How is acne treated?
To help control acne, keep your skin clean. Avoid skin products that clog your pores. Look for products that say "noncomedogenic" on the label. Wash your skin once or twice a day with a gentle soap or acne wash. Try not to scrub or pick at your pimples. This can make them worse and can cause scars.
If you have just a few pimples to treat, you can get an acne cream without a prescription. Look for one that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These work best when used just the way the label says.
It can take time to get acne under control. Keep using the same treatment for 6 to 8 weeks. You may even notice that it gets worse before it gets better. If your skin is not better after 8 weeks, try another product.
If your pimples are really bothering you or are scarring your skin, see your doctor. A prescription gel or cream for your skin may be all you need. Your doctor may also order antibiotic pills. A mix of treatments may work best. If you are female, taking certain birth control pills may help.
If you have acne cysts, talk to your doctor about stronger medicine. Isotretinoin (such as Accutane) works very well, but it can cause birth defects. And using Accutane may be associated with depression. Let your doctor know if you have had depression before taking this medicine. And if you are female, you must protect against pregnancy by using two forms of birth control. Even one dose of this medicine can cause birth defects if a woman takes it while she is pregnant. You cannot take isotretinoin if you are breast-feeding.
What can be done about acne scars?
There are skin treatments that can help acne scars look better and feel smoother. Ask your doctor about them. The best treatment for you depends on how severe the scarring is. You can have scar tissue removed or have a shot of collagen. Collagen smoothes a pitted scar by plumping up the skin underneath. You may get the best results with a combination of treatments.
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Plag gigi ternyata berbahaya
Dr Ali El-Solh dari University of Buffalo New York (AS) mengingatkan agar semua orang bisa menjaga kesehatan gigi. Menurut penelitian kecil yang dilakukan Dr Ali menunjukkan bahwa gigi yang kotor atau bahkan sampai terjadinya `plag` akan membuat sang pemilik gigi bisa mengalami penyakit paru-paru dan pneumonia.
Dr Ali melakukan investigasi atas 8 pasien disebuah rumah sakit yang mengalami penyakit pneumonia. Dari pengamatan ini Dr Ali dengan jelas melihat bahwa penyakit pneumonia yang diderita oleh 8 pasien itu akibat plag pada gigi mereka sendiri.
Dr Ali juga mengatakan studi yang dilakukanya untuk melihat hubungan antara kesehatan gigi dengan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan pernafasan merupakan yang pertama. "Ini merupakan studi kali pertama yang melihat hubungan antara kesehatan gigi dengan infeksi pada saluran pernafasan."
Demikian jelas Dr. Ali El-Solh yang menjadi kepala tim peneliti. Hasil penelitian Dr Ali El-Solh ini dipublikasikan oleh the journal Chest. Selain melakukan penelitian atas para pasien penyakit pernafasan, Dr Ali El-Solh dan tekan juga melakukan pengujian atas 49 perawat rumah sakit tersebut.
Dimana semua perawat diketahui memiliki resiko yang besar terkena pneumonia. Karena molekul bakteri pneumonia melekat pada jari sang perawat. "Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa plag pada gigi bisa menjadi tempat bagi pathogen yang bisa menyebabkan pneumonia."
Sehingga Dr Ali El-Solh menyarankan agar para perawat yang membantu pasien agar selalu memelihara gigi mereka.
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Wanita Hamil Perokok dan Vitamin C
Mengkonsumsi vitamin C selama masa kehamilan akan sangat membantu para ibu yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok saat mengandung. Temuan tim dari 'the Oregon Healt & Science University' juga menyarankan agar para ibu perokok sebaiknya menghentikan kebiasaannya itu saat hamil.
Hasil penelitian tim pimpinan Dr Elliot Spindel ini membuktikan bahwa Vitamin C mampu menghadang efek negatif akibat aktifitas merokok yang dilakukan oleh sang ibu hamil. Dalam dosis yang tinggi, vitamin C mampu melindungi kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh `nicotine` yang dihasilkan dari rokok.
Hasil penelitian tim pimpinan Dr Elliot ini dipublikasikan melalui `the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine`. Selama percobaannya kepada binatang Dr Eliot Spindel melihat hubungan nicotin dengan aliran udara pada paru-paru.
Sementara kepada kera, tim peneliti memberikan vitamin C kepada ibu kera hamil dan bayi kera itu memiliki aliran udara paru-paru yang normal. Sukses di penelitian pada binatang membuat tim ahli merasa yakin bahwa penemuan mereka bisa mencapai sukses serupa jika diaplikasikan kepada manusia.
Meski demikian Dr Michael Gravet yang menjadi asisten penelitian ini tetap memberiakn saran sebaiknya seorang ibu hamil harus berhenti merokok demi keselamatan sang bayi.
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Calcium Kidney Stones - How to Pass Kidney Stones
Calcium kidney stones are by far the most common type of stones in the kidneys. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 kidney stone sufferers have a calcium stone. If you do, this article is for you!
In this article, you will learn some simple and valuable tips for how to pass calcium kidney stones. Let's get started with your alternative treatment.
Dissolving Calcium Kidney Stones
If you suffer from this disease, your body is not able to flush the calcium from your body effectively. Instead of flushing the calcium through your urine, the calcium deposits will sit in your kidneys and form a stone. Hence, the word calcium oxalate stones.
However, dissolving and flushing these types of stones is remarkably simple because the body does all the work. There have been numerous studies done on kidney stones because this disease will effect 12% of the population at some point in our lives.
Here are some of the tips these studies have shown us.
How to Pass Your Kidney Stones
1. Obviously, drinking plenty of water is very important for passing your stones. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (1993) showed the drinking water can greatly decrease your chance of forming kidney stones. You should drink 10+ glasses of water throughout the day.
2. Do not try to avoid calcium supplements and dairy. It has actually been found that calcium restricted diets can cause more occurrences of calcium kidney stones. How is that for irony?
3. You should try to avoid a diet rich in meat consumption. Try to get your protein source from nuts and legumes until your stones pass.
4. Eating vegetables with plenty of chlorophyll can be helpful for flushing the kidneys. Try to add spinach and fresh parsley to your diet.
5. Educate yourself about phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid is a common type of acid that is in everything from your common beverages to cleaning products. Phosphoric acid has been shown to help dissolve calcium in tubs and sinks and even kidneys.
Curing Calcium Kidney Stones
With 2 ingredients you can dissolve and pass your calcium kidney stones in less than 24 hours. Learn how a 100% guaranteed Kidney Stone Remedy Report can teach you a step by step method to be stone free by tomorrow.
by: Joe Barton
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A Serious Look into Uterine Artery Embolization
A uterine artery embolization or UAE is known to be an alternative to surgical procedures that could correct uterine fibroids. There are three main kinds of uterine fibroids and these are the subserosal, intramural, and submucous. If you have any of these three kinds of fibroids, the options for treatment might be limited. However, these are also dependent on whether there are organs affected by the fibroids and the symptoms you are experiencing.
Uterine Artery Embolization is Less Invasive
Although a myomectomy, which is a surgical operation that entails tumor removal from the uterus, could be done to address uterine fibroids, UAE is often considered as an alternative treatment for this. This is because it is a non-surgical operation that only calls for minimal invasiveness as a procedure.
Because uterine fibroids require blood supply in order to develop and flourish, uterine artery embolization is done with a focus on the arterial system. The doctor will determine the uterine arteries before he will proceed with the treatment. This is usually done through an x-ray followed by tiny particles injected into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroids.
The particles injected will impede the blood flow to the fibroids thus stopping excessive bleeding. This will also cause the shrinking of the fibroids over a period of time.
Disadvantages of Uterine Artery Embolization
by: James Pendergraft
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Selasa, 01 September 2009
Docs Giving Wrong Rx to Kids with Sore Throats?
For years, there has been concern that antibiotics are overprescribed, and with good cause. Despite clear guidelines calling for prior testing, physicians prescribed antibiotics in 53 percent of sore throat cases in children, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Children's Hospital Boston found in a recent study.
This represents significantly more prescriptions than warranted for actual rates -- 15-36 percent -- of strep throat among kids with sore throat. Furthermore, almost half of those prescriptions were given in the absence of a test. Details of this research appear in the November 9, 2005, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, or strep throat, is the most common cause of sore throat for which antibiotics are indicated. However, many leading health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics say that a common "strep" test should be performed prior to prescribing recommended antibiotics.
Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
"This study demonstrates that children with sore throat are frequently given unnecessary antibiotics," says lead author Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH, a BWH internist.
"This overprescribing of antibiotics could be easily remedied by following known guidelines, which include doing a simple, inexpensive strep test," he adds.
"This is critical for not just children but all patients," Dr. Linder notes, "as unnecessary prescription of antibiotics can lead to a variety of issues, including increased costs, the potential development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and adverse drug effects."
Researchers analyzed data from children aged 3 to 17 years from 1995 to 2003 with sore throat who visited office-based physicians, hospital outpatient departments and emergency departments.
Among an estimated 7.3 million visits for sore throat over this time period, physicians prescribed antibiotics in 53 percent of the cases, the researchers found.
Just 15 to 36 percent of children with sore throat actually have the strep throat bacterium, according to estimates. But only 53 percent of those who were given the antibiotics had been tested first.
Testing Is Underused
Over the eight-year time period of the study, physicians prescribed antibiotics less frequently, the researchers found, which suggests an encouraging trend. In 1995, 66 percent of cases were given antibiotics, decreasing to 54 percent of cases in 2003.
Still, there was no decrease in the prescribing of non-recommended antibiotics, which made up 27 percent of antibiotic prescriptions, Dr. Linder points out. Recommended antibiotics for the treatment of strep throat are penicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin and first-generation cephalosporins.
"Strep testing is underused, and physicians should be ordering this important diagnostic test before prescribing antibiotics to kids with sore throat," emphasizes Dr. Linder.
"Instead of writing a prescription, physicians should order a test and make sure they are treating kids' symptoms by offering a pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen," he advises.
by: Rita Jenkins
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Ringworm: Fungus Or Real Worm Under My Skin
If you are looking at a patch of skin that is kind of reddish and has rounded edges but normally is not in that area, YOU MIGHT HAVE RINGWORM! Not a real worm but a skin infection caused by fungus…
Most people don’t get a mirror to look in the mirror to see the area back of their neck. My adult daughter teaches grade school and we were at a basketball game. Her long hair was in a ponytail and draped in front of her. The reddish patch of skin about the size of a golf ball was obviously not there as she grew up so I asked if it itched. “What? What are you talking about?” “No its not ringworm! That’s gross!”
Most people have never heard of a yeast overgrowth in the body, or tinea, or dermatophytes. But they have heard of jock itch, athletes foot and women’s yeast infection. These are all caused by fungus overgrowth. One of these is called ringworm.
When changes occur in the body such as stress, menstrual cycle, hormonal change, or sometimes the taking of antibiotics can cause the ph balance in the body to change so that fungus can grow in abundance. The fungus is present in our body at all times but is not allowed to grow out of control because our immune system will kill off most of the fungus. Fungus spores are present in every area of the globe.
Ringworm may itch, may spread to large areas, may infect pets too, may be eliminated by topical solutions or in extreme cases require antibiotics.
The characteristics of skin infected in circular patterns evokes the name “ring”, the growing of the infection somehow was correlated to “worm”. The center of the ring of skin that is infected may clear up leaving the outer circle to define ringworm. In some cases the infection is so large that no ring is noticeable. The fungus can cause patches of hair to fall out in the scalp, beard or pet. The hair will grow back.
Ringworm is prevalent in children as they spend a lot of time outdoors and in contact with the ground.
Inspect your pets for ringworm fungus infections, as dogs, cats and horses are hosts of ringworm fungus. Prevent any member of the family from using communal hairbrushes and combs.
The ringworm fungus is described as expanding raised rings of pinkish inflamed skin, sometimes scaly on any location on your body, that can be a lesion, blistered or cracked skin. In most cases ringworm is described as a circular area of discolored skin that itches. Ringworm and all fungus overgrowth have had natural remedies attested to, on the World Wide Web, of tea tree oil, colloidal silver and oregano oil. These natural remedies will not further upset the ph balance of the body and will strengthen the immune support system. Going natural is no longer a Euell Gibbons “thing”; we now know that helping the body heal with natural support leaves fewer side effects and quicker healing time!
by: James Zeller
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Living Pain Free With Peptic Ulcers
Sufferers of peptic ulcers know that they are no laughing matter. These ulcers in the stomach and duodenum can come on no matter what age you are and they affect both genders. If they aren’t treated, the sufferer will go through a prolonged battle with them.
Fortunately, peptic ulcers are more manageable today than they were for people in previous generations. Very rarely is surgery required and new and improved medications act quickly and offer more relief than ever before.
The signs of a peptic ulcer are generally a constant discomfort in the abdomen, usually between meals or during the night. Some temporary relief can be gained by drinking milk or taking an antacid. However, because milk stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, it may not be in your best interests to use this as a remedy unless there is no other alternative as this acid intensifies the pain.
Before taking antacids, you should see your doctor, particularly if you are taking othr medications. Antacids can interfere with the absorption of some medications and may make them less effective because they are made from aluminum, calcium, or magnesium. The doctor may also be able to suggest a more effective remedy than antacids.
Whatever you do, you must heed the warning signs of an ulcer. Complications can be serious and life threatening. If ulcer pains continue for more than two weeks or returns after a period of treatment, you should consult your doctor immediately. If there is blod in your bowel movements, it may be the sign of a bleeding ulcer although it can be caused by other problems as well.
A bleeding ulcer can expand and create a leak in a major blood vessel. If a hemorrhage occurs, you only have minutes in which to have life saving treatment. Bleeding ulcers can also cause anemia or may perforate, completely eroding the stomach or duodenum wall. This causes the contents of the stomach to flow into the abdominal cavity, resulting in severe infection. A perforated ulcer requires immediate surgery and is an emergency.
Researchers believe that, if you are a smoker, you are twice as likely to develop an ulcer. Smokers also tend to heal much more slowly and have a higher rate of relapse.
Another group of people at high risk of developing ulcers is those who take aspirin and aspirin based medications. This includes the pain killers that are commonly used to relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis. These medications tend to irritate the lining of the stomach and can cause bleeding of the gastrointestinal organs.
There are a number of things that are known precursors of the ulcer. These include smoking, spicy foods, alcohol, and stress. It is also believed that it may be caused by a combination of conditions. Research continues into this in the hope that one day, the dynamics of this will be fully understood.
by: Anne Wolski
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Gastric Reflux and How To Stop It
The number of people that suffer from Gastric Reflux is in the millions. What people may not know about Gastric Reflux is that there are various of ways to deal with the problem effectively.
As many people suffer from Gastric Reflux, the cases can range from mild to severe. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Gastric Reflux or are suffering from it, this article will explain what steps you can take to cure or reduce the problem.
Defining Gastric Reflux
Gastric Reflux disease (GERD) is defined as the back flow of stomach acid into the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). The flow of food from the stomach into the esophagus causes a burning discomfort within the individual.The person can also experience a bitter aftertaste in their mouth and difficulty swallowing. Gastric Reflux disease is often times referred to as heartburn.
The fact is that many people experience Gastric Reflux at one time or another in their lives.The reason is because a great many people indulge in things that are not good for their health like smoking, greasy and fatty foods. Fatty foods in particular can cause a bout with Gastric Reflux. Why? Fatty foods can remain within a person's stomach for a long time after it has been eaten.
As stated earlier, a person can have an occasional bout with Gastric Reflux or it can become chronic.If a person suffers from chronic Gastric Reflux, other health problems can result ,such as a severe case of inflammation, ulcers, anemia or a low blood count.
Prescribed solutions
There are ways that a person can control Gastric Reflux, if it becomes a chronic problem.
First, if you are suffering from Gastric Reflux and you smoke, stop immediately.Although there is some debate on how much smoking effects gastric reflux, there is enough research to establish that it does have some negative effects. What has been established is that smoking can cause a delayed gastric emptying,which can lead to Gastric Reflux.
Second, if a person is overweight and suffers from chronic Gastric Reflux they should consider losing the excess weight. There is a theory that suggests that when you are overweight and suffering from Gastric Reflux,the weight compresses the stomach and raises the pressure inside.
Third, if a person is suffering from chronic Gastric Reflux they should limit or get rid of alcohol all together.If they continue to drink, then a person should limit himself or herself to one glass of alcohol a day.
Fourth,do not eat two or three hours before going to bed.
Fifth, people who suffer from Gastric Reflux should limited their caffeine. This includes coffee, chocolate and soda.
Sixth, if the Gastric Reflux is severe enough, go see a doctor and they can prescribe medicines to treat the problem. Medications that could be prescribed to you are H2blockers, which lessen gastric acid secretions. There are also Proton-pump inhibitors, which prevent gastric acid secretions as well by stopping the enzyme pump process.
Everyone suffers from Gastric Reflux at one time or another in their lives. When Gastric Reflux becomes chronic, one should see a doctor, and take a close look at their dietary habits. The causes of Gastric Reflux are usually dietary, and can be changed, which is good news. If Gastric Reflux cannot be changed through diet, a doctor can prescribe medication to get it under control.
So, don't wait, take action. What one does not want is to wait for the problem to get worse. Make the necessary changes, and by doing so, you can make the quality of your life so much better.
by: Jacqueline Courtiol
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Allergies And Clean Air
Allergies are caused by exposure to pollution of either a particulate form such as pollen or a chemical form such as polyvinylchloride. The results of exposure to a pollutant to which the body is allergic vary dramatically.
Hayfever with a few sneezes in the morning is a mild reaction while Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can completely debilitate a sufferer.
So, what can be done to reduce the symptoms from these allergies?
The answer is a lot.
While this article addresses the use of portable air purifiers, the first layer in a plan to reduce allergic symptoms must be to eliminate the source of the pollution. An air purifier is typically not able to keep up with an active source.
So, for instance, while a good home air purifier can reduce the smell and particulates from a cigar, it will not be effective while a cigar is being smoked.
Secondly, surfaces and materials that might harbor the pollutant such as rugs, walls, light bulbs, drapery, and upholstery must be cleaned or eliminated from the environment. All of these items will continue to return the pollutant to the environment.
Thirdly, if there is a forced air system in the home or office the filter must be changed regularly and duct cleaning should be considered in older homes and offices. Often these first steps remove the pollutant and the allergy sufferer finds relief without the use of an air purifier.
All of the effective air purifier technologies are simple. There is a box with a fan and some system, either electronic or mechanical, that removes pollutants from the airflow that is passing though the box. The real key to understanding how to use an air purifier is to remember that only the air that goes though the box gets cleaned.
So, if you have a very long room you may be better with two small air purifiers at either end rather than one large unit in the middle. Think logically and remember how these devices work.
The technology that you should employ is determined by what type of pollutant you are trying to remove. Adsorption media such as activated carbon or zeolite will remove chemical pollutants, HEPA and electronic technologies will remove particulates, and UV technology will disable microorganisms. Typically these technologies are used in combination.
Pollen is a particulate pollutant and is best addressed with either a HEPA system or an electronic system. HEPA is highly effective but the filters must be changes on an interval that varies from 6-months to 5-years depending on the manufacturer.
Electronic filter elements do not need to be changed but must be washed regularly to remain effective. Both of these technologies are usually combined with an activated carbon filter. These vary from pounds of media to a then mat. Since pollen is a particulate we do not need to worry about the activated carbon but do not expect much from the activated carbon mats. They do not offer enough exposure time to be effective at removing chemicals or odors.
Microorganisms are often a concern for those that have weak or damaged immune systems including the very young and elderly. The most effective way to address the spread of microorganisms is the use of UV light in the air purifier. This light affects the DNA of the organism and at least keeps it from reproducing but more often kills it. UV light is typically employed in conjunction with HEPA technology so that the air is clean of particulates that would shade the microorganisms from the UV radiation.
Chemicals are removed from the air via a process known as adsorption. A media is used such as activated carbon that has tremendous surface area. As the chemicals encounter the media they adhere to the media and coat it, thus removing the chemicals from the air. While activated carbon is a good general purpose media, there are other mixtures that have been created by the air purifier companies that address specific compounds. Therefore, if you know which compounds you are targeting for removal it is best to communicate this with the firm to get the proper mixture to address your issue. Much like UV, HEPA is usually used in combination with the adsorbing media. This assures that the media does not become clogged with particulate pollution and made less effective.
In summary, the first defense against airborne allergens to remove the source of the allergen and anything that will retain the allergen.
Secondly, pick a technology that is effective with the specific allergen that is the issue.
Thirdly apply air purifiers in such a way as to maximize the air that is going though the unit.
by: William Doyle
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Milk Allergies
More and more people are recognizing that they or a family member is intolerant of lactose. Scientists have made great inroads in the past decade regarding this phenomenon, but have yet to come up with a simple cure.
It is often hard on a person to be lactose intolerant. If you suffer, you know that such great foods as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream are sold and consumed everywhere you go. Cheese is a cooking ingredient that is frequently used in so many dishes that it is hard to eliminate.
Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products that is broken down in the lower intestines. The organ that helps the body digest the substance usually produces its own lactose, and in a way cancels out the ingested lactose. You may find that a medication taken before consuming dairy products will help your digestive capabilities. Other people will need to eat substitutes.
Some doctors recommend taking a calcium pill so you can receive nutrients needed for your teeth and bones that you may not get enough of when you avoid dairy products. You may also need to take a digestive aid pill after eating to help coat your stomach to reduce side effects.
If you are lactose intolerant you likely find that it's hard for you to digest dairy products. The first reaction is often your tummy. But you may feel sick, dizzy, and generally unwell after consuming these products. You may also develop systemic problems in your lower intestines.
This is because your body cannot process dairy matter and it can get lodged in your waste track and cause pain. In some people, the pains may be so severe that they are unable to function normally. Thus it is important that you lean how to balance your need for dairy and your allergic reactions.
Many people are forced to find their own path through the dairy eating world. Whatever works best for you is what you should do. Of course, milk has calcium, which our bodies need. If you are unable to consume milk or dairy products as part of your diet, then you will be required to take supplements. Some infants who are found to be lactose intolerant are fed special soy formulas to help the child get enough nutrients.
You should not hesitate to contact your doctor about supplements. He or she may even suggest that you drink soya milk. Soya milk, or soymilk, is produced by processing soybeans and contains no lactose. Many brands of soymilk are calcium fortified so that you can get the same amount of calcium as you would with a glass of milk. Recent enhancements in flavor, and texture of soymilk has sparked a growing industry, and most stores now contain at least one brand. Lactose intolerant people are not the only purchasers, as many other folks recognize the health benefits of soy, and the harm of consuming too much dairy. So experiment, test your reactions, and you should be able to live comfortably with your allergy.
by: John Brown
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