Were you aware that the most effective acne scar skin care formulas are made from all natural ingredients that can treat numerous problems that afflict the skin? Many people are constantly in search of effective formulas to reduce the scarring caused by blemishes on the skin, and the scarring that results from tearing of the dermis. There are several natural compounds that will help to fade these unsightly marks.
Stretch marks are a form of scarring caused by rapid stretching of the skin due to pregnancy and weight gain, or rapid growth during puberty or muscle building. The glucocorticoid hormones in your body prevent the fibroblasts in your skin from forming collagen and elastin fibers which are necessary for keeping rapidly growing skin taut. This causes there to not be enough supportive tissue within the skin to keep tearing from occurring.
Acne scar skin care is necessary due to the marks formed by the inflammatory strain of acne vulgaris, which tends to mostly affect areas of the skin that have the densest population of sebaceous follicles. The comedones, inflammatory pustules, nodules, and papules that develop due to the inflammation in the philosebaceous units often result in unsightly scarring. Let me tell you how you can treat both stretch marks and acne scarring.
Jojoba oil has been proven to be very effective in the reduction of stretch marks on the skin, and it has been shown to lighten and heal scarring caused by other problems as well. This effective skin softener and moisturizer is beneficial in treating acne, and is even used in the treatment of more serious skin ailments such as psoriasis. Jojoba has been used for hundreds of years for its ability to heal the skin, and it even reduces wrinkles.
Shea butter is an exceptional emollient, which has shown positive results when it comes to soothing inflammation, and reducing scarring, blemishes, and brown spots on the skin. Regular use of products containing Shea butter will help with itching, eczema, insect bites, sunburn, and other skin conditions. As in the case of Jojoba, Shea butter has also been proven effective for wrinkle reduction.
No acne scar skin care formula would be complete without the inclusion of grape seed oil. This compound is an extremely powerful antioxidant, which has proven especially effective for repairing the sensitive skin surrounding your eyes. Grape seed oil significantly reduces stretch marks and scarring on the skin, and is useful in protecting yourself from a variety of other problems unrelated to the skin.
Aside from acne scar skin care, grape seed oil is useful in treating and preventing circulatory disorders such as varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetic neuropathy, and myocardial and cerebral infarction. It is also effective for wound healing, macular degeneration, cancer prevention, and the prevention of collagen breakdown associated with aging and collagen diseases.
Well, there are the compounds that I recommend for acne scar skin care, and fading stretch marks. Since all of these compounds have an anti aging effect on the skin you can double your benefit. Your skin can be free of unsightly scarring, and remain firmer and younger looking, which is a win/win situation if I have ever heard one.
To learn more about unique ingredients for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you’ve probably never heard of, visit my website today.
by: Laurel Levine
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Minggu, 28 Maret 2010
The Most Effective Acne Scar Skin Care is Made from All Natural Ingredients
Inhalasi, Ketika Batuk Tak Jua Pergi
SAAT batuk berdahak si kecil tak reda-reda, napasnya pun tersengal-sengal akibat pilek yang tak kunjung sembuh. Ia jadi susah bernapas, mengingat dedek belum mampu mengeluarkan sendiri lendir di hidung atau tenggorokannya.
Kasihan, dedek jadi susah tidur, gelisah tak karuan, goyang kiri, goyang kanan. Padahal dia sudah diberi obat minum oleh dokter. Apa dia diinhalasi saja, ya? Hmm, mau dilakukan di mana, rumah sakit atau diuapin sendiri di rumah.
Untuk Anda yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh perbedaannya, dr HM Nana Karnaen SpA dari Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital memaparkannya.
Inhalasi: Aman Untuk Segala Usia
Para ahli paru anak sangat menganjurkan inhalasi sebagai pengobatan yang berhubungan dengan paru. Mulai dari flu ringan yang baru saja terjadi, batuk berdahak, paru-paru basah, batuk berdahak berat dan lama, batuk kronis atau batuk yang berulang-ulang.
Inhalasi -satu rangkaian dari proses fisioterapi- merupakan pengobatan dengan cara memberikan obat dalam bentuk uap kepada anak langsung melalui alat pernapasannya (hidung ke paru-paru).
Hal ini termasuk aman dilakukan untuk segala usia, mulai dari bayi yang masih berusia beberapa bulan hingga ibu hamil (bumil) sekalipun.
"Juga tidak ada efek negatifnya serta boleh dilakukan sekali pun orang tersebut mempunyai alergi terhadap sesuatu. Pasalnya, obat bekerja langsung pada sumber pernapasan yaitu paru-paru. Berbeda dengan obat oral atau suntik yang akan diserap dulu ke lambung, ginjal, dan jantung sebelum sampai ke paru-paru," ujar dr HM Nana Karnaen SpA dari Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital.
Penguapan Tradisional
Menghirup uap air hangat yang telah ditetesi minyak penghangat (misalnya minyak kayu putih) sebagai pengobatan alami untuk flu dan pilek bagi si kecil memang bisa dilakukan sendiri di rumah. Namun, ternyata hal itu tidak banyak membantu.
"Penguapan secara tradisional itu hanya berfungsi untuk melonggarkan saluran napas, bukan untuk mengeluarkan lendir," terang dr Nana.
Ya, pasalnya bahan-bahan dalam minyak kayu putih yang terhirup melalui uap air panas itu tidak mengandung zat penghancur lendir. Selain itu, Moms harus berhati-hati saat si kecil menghirup uap air panas. Tempatkanlah dalam wadah yang aman, jangan sampai si kecil ketumpahan air panas.
Inhalasi di Rumah Sakit
Beda halnya bila melakukan inhalasi di rumah sakit. Selain faktor keamanan lebih terjamin, inhalasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat khusus dan obat-obatan sehingga hasilnya lebih efektif.
"Pada teknik inhalasi, pengobatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan obat cair melalui wadah yang sudah tersedia dalam alat nebulizer. Selama 15 hingga 20 menit, masker akan dikenakan di seputar area hidung dan mulut bayi," jelas dr Nana.
Ia lalu melanjutkan, "Nantinya, obat cair yang dimasukkan ke dalam nebulizer itu akan keluar berupa partikel uap yang akan dihirup bayi dan masuk ke dalam saluran napas. Tujuan utamanya adalah agar saluran napasnya melebar, dahak akan encer sehingga mudah keluar melalui mulut atau feses bayi."
Beda Usia, Beda Pula Alatnya
1. Pada bayi, pipa dari tangki nebulizer perlu disambung dengan pipa berukuran yang lebih kecil diameternya, sesuai dengan mulut dan hidung bayi.
2. Pada batita, pipa dari nebulizer bisa disambungkan dengan pipa lebih kecil dan memiliki klep di ujungnya (baby haler). Sehingga, ketika sang anak melepaskan pipa udara sebelum terapi selesai, obat tak akan hilang ke mana-mana.
3. Pada usia di atas lima tahun hingga orang dewasa, bisa digunakan alat berupa masker yang menutup mulut dan hidung (micromized) atau pipa biasa yang dihirup melalui mulut. Bisa juga disambung dengan selang yang langsung menuju ke arah kedua lubang hidung.
4. Alat semprot (inhaler) yang dapat mengeluarkan uap dengan cara dihirup sebaiknya tidak dilakukan karena bayi belum bisa menghirup sendiri dengan benar.
Mom& Kiddie//nsa
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Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
Blood Pressure Treatment: High and Low Blood Pressure Tips and Medication!
High blood pressure is on the rise worldwide. But, doctors believe that small lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing this silent killer.
High blood pressure (BP) is one of the 10 leading health risks worldwide and causes seven million deaths a year, according to WHO report. The organsiation estimates that about one-third adults in most countries suffer from high blood pressure.
By 2025, more than 1.5 billion people will have high BP and most importantly, the world's poorest countries will be the worst hit, warns US experts. The expert's warning is the result of the study based on two decades of global data. Based on the trends, the researchers believe that the prevalence of high blood pressure will increase by about 60 percent by 2025. And they expect to see it slightly more in women(30 percent) than in men(29 percent)
Looking at these alarming figures, there could be a worldwide epidemic of strokes and heart attacks in the future.
Here are some steps to control your Blood Pressure (BP)!
. Shed those extra kilos. Cut down on calories. The more overweight you are, the more susceptible you are to high BP.
. Stop smoking. This will keep your BP in control and will also diminish your risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Must Visit: Find enormous quit smoking tips, motivation and an effective quit smoking program at http://www.weightloss-health.com/quit_smoking_ways.htm
. Add more fruits, vegetables and low-fat diary products to your diet.
. Eat foods high in calcium, magnesium and potassium like banana, raisins, potato and dates.
. Reduce your salt intake as it is linked to high BP. According to experts, one shouldn't consume more than 2 grams of sodium per day.
Must Visit: Get free low sodium diet and recipe at http://www.weightloss-health.com/low_sodium_diet_recipes.htm
. Curb your alcohol consumption as excessive alcohol raises your BP.
. Exercise regularly. A 30-minute workout is healthy.
. Use relaxation methods like yoga, meditation and biofeedback to lower your stress levels.
Caution: You may have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. Since high blood pressure is silent killer, only way to find out if you are suffering from it is to have your blood pressure checked regularly. The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of high blood pressure(JNC), has formulated norms to diagnose pre-hypertension, where blood pressure readings show 120-139 over 80-89 mmHg, which help identify people who are at a higher risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes.
Not many know that high blood pressure can lead to heart and kidney ailments and may be fatal too. Those who have recently become hypertensive can heal themselves by losing weight, increasing physical activity, curbing alcohol consumption, increasing fruit content in their diet and practicing yoga. Also one should watch out for sleep apnoea- a common cause for hypertension at http://www.weightloss-health.com/sleep%20apnea%20treatment.htm.
Exercise Tips to fight Hypertension!
. Low level aerobic training (biking, treadmill)
. Walking
. Water aerobics, swimming
. Resistance Training (Bench Press, squats and leg press).
. Circuit training
by: Ashley Green
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Kurangi Garam demi Kesehatan
GARAM memang sangat dibutuhkan untuk membuat nikmat masakan. Namun, terlalu banyak garam ternyata membahayakan kesehatan. Konsumsi garam berlebihan bisa tingkatkan tekanan darah
Barang yang satu ini kelihatannya sepele. Tapi sedikit kurang pada masakan, bisa membuat makanan hambar. Sementara bila kebanyakan akan mengancam kesehatan Anda. “Jika dilihat dalam ukuran individu, mengurangi konsumsi garam mungkin hanya akan berpengaruh sedikit pada tubuh. Namun dalam populasi yang lebih besar, dapat terlihat penurunan gangguan jantung yang signifikan dan tentunya menghemat biaya kesehatan,” kata penulis Annals of Internal Medicine Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler.
Untuk kepentingan inilah pemerintah AS mulai menggalakkan gerakan mengurangi garam. Selain menambah tingkat kesehatan, juga mengurangi anggaran negara. “Kami berharap agar pemerintah tidak menunda aksi ini. Dan kami mendesak Departemen Kesehatan,” Dr Walter Willett selaku kepala Nutrisi dan Epidemiology di Harvard School of Public Health, Boston. Walter.
Gayung bersambut, Departemen Kesehatan New York pun mendukung penuh kampanye ini, dengan memprakarsai gerakan The National Salt Reduction atau pengurangan konsumsi garam nasional. Kampanye ini berupaya memotong asupan garam sebanyak 20 persen selama lima tahun ke depan. Kampanye ini utamanya ditujukan bagi pihak restoran dan pengusaha makanan, yang sebagian besar berkontribusi pada asupan garam bagi penduduk Amerika Serikat.
Tindakan yang dilakukan pemerintah Amerika ini bukan tanpa alasan. Menurut Dr Thomas R Frieden, terlalu banyak mengonsumsi garam menyebabkan sedikitnya 100.000 kematian setiap tahunnya di Amerika. Lebih lanjut Thomas mengatakan, seperti dikutip dari webmd.com, ada setidaknya dua cara untuk memotong penggunaan garam dalam makanan dan membuat masyarakat hidup lebih sehat.
Jalan pertama, pemerintah berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan makanan untuk mengurangi jumlah sodium yang digunakan dalam pengolahan makanan. Tindakan ini serupa dengan yang dilakukan oleh negara Inggris sebelumnya. Dengan menjalankan hal ini, ada penurunan asupan garam sekitar 9,5 persen pada setiap penduduk Inggris.
Persentase yang sama bisa didapat oleh Amerika Serikat jika mengikuti cara yang sudah dijalankan oleh Inggris. Amerika pun dapat mencegah terjadinya kasus stroke sebanyak 531.885 dan 480.358 kasus serangan jantung, bagi mereka yang berusia antara 40–85 tahun. Hal ini sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup lebih dari 2,1 juta nyawa dan dapat menghemat pengeluaran medis sampai 32,1 juta dolar.
Jalan lain adalah dengan menarik pajak pada produk garam sehingga harga garam naik 40 persen. Dengan cara ini diperkirakan 327.892 kasus stroke dan 306.137 kasus serangan jantung dapat ditekan. Ongkos kesehatan pun dapat dihemat hingga 22,4 juta dolar, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup 1,3 juta jiwa.
Berkaca pada pengalaman negara lain, Inggris misalnya, yang menjadi pelopor gerakan mengurangi garam secara nasional, mengurangi kadar garam dengan seketika malah akan memunculkan pro dan kontra dalam masyarakat.
“Sebaliknya, jika pemerintah melakukan pemangkasan kadar garam ini secara bertahap dan perlahan, maka masyarakat tidak akan menyadarinya,” ujar Dr David Fleming, direktur Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk Seattle dan King County, Washington.
Agaknya Amerika memang jor-joran memerangi asupan garam. Bahkan Departemen Makanan dan Obat-obatan Amerika Serikat menyatakan, makanan sehat kandungan garamnya tidak boleh melebihi 480 mg dalam setiap penyajiannya.
Meski keberadaannya banyak dicerca, namun sejatinya sodium atau garam berperan besar dalam pengolahan makanan. Kandungan dalam garam berguna untuk menjaga bakteri berkembang biak dalam makanan. Terutama dalam produk keju, dressing salad, dan makanan fermentasi. Garam juga merupakan nutrisi esensial untuk menambah rasa dan pewarna makanan. Beberapa makanan yang ditambahkan garam di dalamnya, di antaranya saus tomat, sup, dan makanan kaleng.
Sebelum membeli produk makanan, ada baiknya Anda membaca dahulu label yang tertera. Kandungan garam pada makanan tersebut dapat dilihat dari label nutrition facts. Perhatikan berapa kadar sodium yang ada pada makanan, yang dihitung dalam miligram (mg). Baca pula apakah makanan itu mengandung soda. Soda di sini mengacu pada sodium bicarbonate atau baking soda.
Perlu diketahui pula, beberapa tulisan yang biasanya tercantum dalam label. Misalnya bebas sodium atau sodium free, maksudnya hanya menggunakan sodium kurang dari 5 mg dalam setiap produknya. Sedangkan sodium sangat rendah atau very low sodium, berarti mengurangi sodium sebanyak 35 mg dalam setiap produk. Adapun low sodium, berarti produk tersebut mengurangi 140 mg sodium dalam setiap penyajiannya.
Mungkin Anda sering pula menemukan produk yang ditulis tidak mengandung garam atau tanpa tambahan garam (unsalted atau no salt added). Produk ini memang tidak menggunakan garam seperti yang biasa digunakan. Namun bukan berarti bebas garam, tetap saja masih mengandung garam, namun garam tersebut merupakan bagian alami dari produk bersangkutan.
Kandungan sodium harus diwaspadai bukan hanya pada makanan. Pun demikian dengan obat-obatan. Faktanya, obat-obatan yang beredar di pasaran juga mengandung sodium. Maka itu, baca dahulu label yang ada pada obat tersebut. Perhatikan kandungan yang ada dalam obat dan baca dengan teliti apakah obat itu memang mengandung sodium.
Biasanya obat yang mengandung sodium terdapat 5 mg per dosisnya. Solusinya, beberapa perusahaan farmasi kini mulai memproduksi obat-obatan yang rendah sodium. Jika Anda masih ragu, ada baiknya bertanya dahulu kepada dokter atau apoteker sebelum memutuskan membeli obat. Jadi, sudahkah Anda mengurangi garam hari ini?
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Understanding and Overcoming Back Pain
According to the reports of the mass communications media, back pain afflicts eight out of ten of us sometime in our lives. That's old news.
You may have tried the traditional medical solutions -- strengthening, stretching, pillows, braces, a special bed, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, massage, exotic surgeries, or other approaches -- acupuncture, biofeedback, relaxation techniques. For the good these approaches do, many people still have back pain after treatment and expect to have to live with it. It's either that, dependence on ongoing therapy, or muscle-relaxant drugs, which nobody likes because they dull mental clarity.
There's been nothing better, until now.
From your own experience, you probably know that traditional therapies often produce only short-term, partial relief or require regular -- even lifelong -- care. But it need not be that way.
There is something better available -- a new discipline in the field of health care: clinical somatic education. Most back pain sufferers who resort to clinical somatic education should expect full recovery in a space of days or weeks.
Clinical somatic education is not education of the thinking mind, but of the brain as master control center for the muscular system. Clients rapidly improve their muscular control and freedom of movement through a mind-brain-movement training process. Clinical somatic education affects the brain the way biofeedback does, but with importance differences, one being speed of results and the other being the durability of the improvement. Changes are usually definitive and need no further professional help.
Clinical somatic education recovers fitness for the activities of daily living.
New Information on Back Pain
Somatic educators are likely tell you something unusual: your back muscles are not weak, but musclebound -- tight by habit, not by disease. You can free yourself from back spasms by improving your muscular control of your back; you can relax back spasms and have them stay relaxed with a few minutes of structured movements, each day -- which beats paying your [fill in your favorite therapist]. This statement applies as much to people with degenerative disc disease and herniated discs to those who have only a twinge, now and then. The underlying cause is the same: muscle tension.
"If that's true," you may ask, "why doesn't my doctor (or therapist) know about it?"
The answer is that until recently, no method existed that could rapidly improve muscular control rapidly enough to be clinically practical. Word takes time to spread and gain credibility.
You may think, "Back spasms are too painful, too serious to be dismissed that quickly, or that easily."
That's understandable -- but a misunderstanding of your situation.
Conventional Therapeutics and Back Muscle Spasms
Conventional treatment methods, as you already know, are not effective enough for many people. Most therapies try to strengthen, stretch, or adjust people out of back trouble by working on muscles or the skeletal system. But bones go where muscles pull them, the control center for the muscular system is the brain (not the therapist), and these approaches don't address the brain's control of muscle action, so the problem remains or returns. The problem isn't in your muscles; it's in your brain, the organ of learning and the center of long-term reflex actions, such as postural reflexes.
That's why the relief obtained by conventional therapeutic approaches to back spasms is usually temporary and you remains subject to re-injury and to prescribed limitations to movement.
Habits, including muscular tension habits, exist as patterns of brain programming. They're learned or acquired. Tension habits can be unlearned, and actually, relearning muscular control is the only approach that works for long term relief of back pain. You must overcome the reflexes that underlie back pain and gain control of your back muscles, to the degree of being able to relax them.
Medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, osteopaths, and bodyworkers use predominantly manipulative methods. They mean well, but temporary or incomplete improvements are common; cures are rare.
Problems arising from muscle tension cannot be "cured" by manipulation because muscle tension is not a disease, but a habit maintained in the brain. Habits can't be "cured"; they can be changed through retraining.
A Correct Understanding of 'Strengthening and Stretching'
The idea behind the common "strengthening and stretching" regimen for back spasms is usually based on a misunderstanding; it's a misunderstanding because the muscles involved are almost never weak, but tired; it's a misunderstanding because the muscles involved are not "short" and in need of stretching, but "in contraction" and in need of relaxation. Sore muscles don't need strengthening; they need rest and refreshment. They don't need stretching; they need to relax and lengthen.
You need to regain your ability to relax, something you can't regain by being manipulated by someone else; you regain it by relearning to relax -- a form of learning, albeit a specialized one for which you will probably need training.
Back Muscle Spasms May be Painful, but Not Themselves an Injury
One of the automatic reactions of the body to injury is to tighten up. That's part of the pain of most injuries, particularly of musculo-skeletal injuries. It's a reaction that protects the body from further injury. There are cases where the tightening up of back muscles is such a protective reaction, and a necessary one -- where actual damage has occurred, such as a ruptured disc or a violent accident. In such situations, surgery may be necessary and somatic education will either not help or produce only temporary relief, at least until after surgery, unhappy news for some, but realistic.
If you've seen a doctor for your back spasms, he or she has either discovered that you need surgery or that you don't. Surgery is a last, desperate resort and most doctors are reluctant to recommend it. If you have been sent for therapy or given drugs, yours is not a surgical situation, meaning that your spasms are not a protective reaction against injury, but a reflex-conditioning problem.
In the majority of back spasms, there is no injury. The back spasms are just a movement malfunction -- a tension habit formed under stress. It's the "tension" part of "nervous tension."
So, why do back spasms occur? You now have part of the answer. Let's look a little more closely.
Your muscles obey your brain. Except for momentary reflexes controlled in the spinal cord (tested by your doctor's hammer tap), that's the whole story. So, if you have tight, spastic muscles, they're caused by your brain.
This answer is a "good news/bad news" type of answer. The bad news is that your muscles are out of control, and it's your brain's fault! Your brain isn't broken, just trapped by the memory of stress or injury in your history. The good news is that your brain can be relearn to relax those muscles.
Where do Back Muscle Spasms Come from?
One thing you will almost always notice about people with back spasms, if you exercise your powers of observation, is their high shoulders and swayback. Touch the muscles of their lower back, and you will find the same thing: hard, contracted muscles, not soft, weak, flabby muscles.
The major source of back spasms is the lifestyle of being "on the go" -- driven, driving, productive, on time, and responsive to every situation. This is a new idea for most people, so here's the explanation.
Our post-modern lifestyle triggers an ancient neuromuscular (bodily) response (known to developmental physiologists as the Landau Reaction); this reaction involves a tightening of the muscles of the spine in preparation for arising from rest (sitting or lying down) into activity (sitting, standing, walking, running). The Landau Reaction consists of the muscular responses involved in coming to a heightened state of alertness in preparation for moving into action; triggered incessantly for years, it becomes a tension habit -- one that often outlasts the moment (or stage of life) when it was necessary.
(The general viewpoint taught in physical therapy, it should be noted, is that the Landau Reaction is a temporary developmental response seen in infants, that does not persist into maturity. However, the muscular action pattern seen in mature adults under stressful conditions is identical to that seen in infants experiencing Landau Reaction -- shoulders, back, and hamstrings go into action (get tight).
Many Back Pain Issues Come from the Same Cause
Somatic educators usually find, upon examination of a person's musculature, that their pain comes not from an injury, but from overworked muscles; is not a medical problem or an injury, but a conditioning problem that often causes diagnosable medical problems. Their clients have back muscles conditioned into a painfully high state of tension. Most of the time, people can be brought to relax back spasms through brain-muscle training, and when they do, the pain and the problem disappear.
Though injuries from traffic accidents, falls, etc., also trigger muscular reactions that can become habitual, the Landau Reaction is behind most of the back-spasm epidemic in our society. It's a consequence of accumulated stress.
While you can't avoid the Landau Reaction (it's a necessary and appropriate part of life), you can avoid getting stuck in it. If your lifestyle puts you habitually in a state of reaction, you have to "de-habituate" yourself from it, so that your rise in tension occurs only as a momentary response to situations and does not become your chronic state.
Attempts to De-habituate the Landau Reaction
Most therapeutic approaches to back spasms are -- without knowing it -- attempts to de-habituate the Landau Reaction.
Cures for the tension and stress associated with the Landau Reaction include relaxation techniques, hypnosis, massage, skeletal adjustments, electrical stimulation, muscle relaxant drugs, and at last (as at first) pain medications.
Until recently, there was nothing better. Now, a clinical somatic education can rapidly improve muscular control, freedom of movement, and physical comfort. Once you have gained control of your Landau Reaction, a brief daily regimen of certain movements is sufficient to keep you from accumulating the daily tensions of a driven and overloaded life. You can keep refreshing yourself.
If you have numbness or tingling in your extremities, your problem is more severe and requires a medical evaluation to rule out serious conditions. Even if you have surgery, you will still need to learn to relax the tight muscles that initially caused the problem. If yours is not a surgical situation, then somatic education is probably viable for you.
The new methods used to de-habituate Landau Reaction are highly reliable and have no adverse side effects, apart from occasional temporary soreness the day after a session, soreness that fades out in a day or two, leaving you flexible, comfortable and stronger than before.
by: Lawrence Gold
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3 Things to Avoid in Anti Aging Skin Care
Anti aging skin care has come a long way over the last twenty years. With cutting edge research, there are a variety of products released recently that have proven effective in clinical trials. Is your skin care regimen keeping up with the latest and best effective ingredients?
When looking at whats in your product, there are three things to avoid, that unfortunately, are all too common. Petroleum, parabens and mineral oils are commonly found in both high and low end anti-aging products, but they have few positive benefits. These chemical ingredients that are added to creams and lotions are not especially effective, and can actually cause problems for sensitive skin.
What's the alternative? More and more, people are turning to natural ingredients that are proven to be beneficial, even for those who have sensitive skin. Ingredients such as grape seed oil, vitamin e, and jojoba oil are being incorporated into the latest skin care products.
One of the major concerns that cause people to start using skin care products is to try to minimize wrinkles, sagging and fine lines. One of the most powerful ways to achieve these goals is to increase the production of collagen and elastin.
Two newer discoveries that have shown encouraging results are Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame. Instead of just providing filler, they actually help the body produce elastin and collagen, two compounds that break down as we age. As a result, skin is healthier, firmer and more youthful in appearance. By creating healthy skin from the inside out, the effects tend to be longer lasting.
Know that you are armed with more knowledge, its time to find out what's right for you. If you aren't seeing results from your anti aging skin care, it may be time to reevaluate what is actually going into your product. Is it helpful or harmful?
by: Amy Austen
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The Glycemic Index and Weight Loss
Have you ever felt yourself crash? Not the automobile type of crash, but the type of crash where you suddenly find yourself weak, tired, dizzy, or otherwise sluggish? This is because your blood sugar has dropped too low and your brain suddenly has too little. The way a human body would work best is if it had an IV drip of blood sugar throughout the day, because then it could respond very moderately to the intake of sugar. Unfortunately, that’s not realistic or practical, so the next best thing is to consider the glycemic index.
If you go for foods with a high glycemic index, you are choosing foods that will break down into sugar very quickly, which your body will clear out quickly with insulin. At a very basic level, this is how it works: When you eat something that has a lot of sugar in it, your body breaks it down easily, because it’s already practically sugar. Once all this sugar enters your bloodstream, your body reacts by getting insulin to clear it all out. As you know, too much sugar in your bloodstream is life-threatening. It’s called type 2 diabetes, where the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin anymore.
The glycemic index focuses on carbohydrates and their effect on your blood glucose levels. For your body, it’s ideal to have something resembling an IV drip of blood sugar––something that is broken down slowly and provides a slow stream of sugar, rather than an instantaneous surge of sugar that the body needs to clear out to keep you from dying. The glycemic index specifically looks at a 50-gram portion of various foods and evaluates how it raises your blood sugar levels, in terms of quantity and speed.
All food will create some sort of glycemic response, but not all carbohydrates are created equal. On an index of 1 to 100, 100 is considered to be pure glucose. Foods that are considered high on the glycemic index are 70 or higher; moderate foods are between 56 and 69; low foods are 55 and below. Pretzels are rated 81 on the glycemic index, which means they will cause a quicker glycemic response in your body than something like broccoli, which has a rating of 15.
What this means for you is that, if you want to eat healthier and feel your best, you need to look for foods with a low glycemic index. This means that you’ll have a steady stream of blood sugar, and you’ll also feel full in between meals. Again, consider what happens when you eat something like the pretzel. After you’ve eaten it, you might find yourself hungry in only a half hour or an hour. Then, you’ll crave another high glycemic food because your body cleared out too much blood sugar, and you’ll want to make up for it with something that can give you a quick response. This is a recipe for weight gain, not weight loss.
When figuring out how best to eat, find low glycemic foods that will keep you feeling full and give your body nutrients. As long as you know how to use it, the glycemic index is your best friend when it comes to health and weight loss.
by: Emile Jarreau
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Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
Turunkan Berat Badan Tanpa Rasa Lapar
JANGAN bangga dengan badan gemuk. Dahulu banyak orang mengatakan kalau gemuk sangat berarti makmur. Sebenarnya, obesitas atau kegemukan bisa menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit.
Penelitian terbaru yang dilaporkan pada pertemuan para ahli saluran pencernaan di Amerika Serikat menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang berbadan gemuk memiliki risiko terkena kanker usus besar 4 kali lebih besar daripada wanita berbadan normal. Sebuah penelitian baru yang dilakukan di Australia dengan mengambil sampel 109 wanita over weight dan 33 wanita yang memiliki berat badan normal untuk di-test fungsi jantung dan strukturnya menghasilkan; berat badan semakin meningkat maka otot jantung akan semakin menebal. Itu artinya, berat badan bisa mengakibatkan jantung tidak dapat berkontraksi dan berelaksasi secara normal. Selain itu, masih banyak penyakit yang timbul akibat obesitas seperti problem persendian, masalah dengan kesehatan jantung, hipertensi, diabetes meditus, gangguan hormonal dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Diet? Tapi pertanyaan berikutnya apakah Anda siap dengan cara-cara diet seperti yang biasanya. Banyaknya makanan yang harus dihindari dan ditambah dengan porsi yang semakin mnyusut membuat pelaku diet seringkali merasakan tidak mendapatkan manfaat positif melainkan hanya rasa lapar. Alhasil, tak jarang orang menyerah diet karena program tersebut dirasa sangat menyiksa. So, bagaimana caranya? Berikut beberapa tip yang bisa kamu coba untuk melakukan program diet tanpa perlu merasa kelaparan:
Lupakan kalori
Ingatlah bahwa kalori yang berbeda akan dibakar secara berbeda pula di dalam tubuh kita. Sering kali hanya lemak yang diperhatikan dalam diet untuk kalori rendah. Beberapa bukti menunjukkan bahwa ketika kalori yang dimakan sama, individu yang mengonsumsi lemak paling banyak sebenarnya kehilangan lebih banyak berat badan. Lagi pula, efek makanan terhadap selera akan menentukan berat badan dan kemampuan makan. Kunci untuk bisa menurunkan berat badan dalam jangka panjang adalah tidak berkonsentrasi pada jumlah yang Anda makan, tetapi kualitas makanannya.
Perbanyak makanan kaya protein
Protein bisa memuaskan nafsu makan lebih dari karbohidrat atau lemak. Oleh karena itu, makanan yang banyak mengandung protein dan memuaskan selera makan. Karena itu, konsumsi makanan kaya protein harus dikurangi. Makanan berprotein tinggi seperti daging, ikan, telur, kacang-kacangan, dan biji-bijian.
Utamakan makanan dengan Indeks Glisemik (GI) rendak
GI atau Glisemik Indeks merupakan ukuran seberapa cepat makanan melepaskan gula ke dalam saluran darah. Semakin tinggi jumlah GI dalam makanan, semakin rendah kepuasan yang di dapat. Dari 20 penelitian yang pernah dipublikasikan antara tahun 1997 hingga 1999, 16 penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makanan dengan GI rendah dapat memberikan kepuasan yang didapatkan dari makan dan mengurangi rasa lapar sesudahnya. Selain kentang makanan kaya protein yang juga memiliki jumlah GI sangat rendah adalah kacang-kacangan, miju-miju, dan sebagian besar buah dan sayuran.
Jangan lupa sarapan
Selain sebagai sumber energi pada pagi hari, sarapan bagi kebanyakan orang dijadikan sebagai pencegah makan terlalu banyak pada siang hari. Fenomena ini dipelajari dalam riset yang dipublikasikan dalam Journal of Nutrision. Studi menunjukkan jika kita makan lebih banyak pada malam hari, rata-rata memakan lebih banyak kalori daripada kita makan porsi besar untuk sarapan paginya. Jadi, pastikan Anda sarapan pada pagi hari agar mempunyai nafsu makan yang alami.
Jangan makan terlalu berlebihan
Tidak segampang yang dibayangkan, untuk mengontrol berapa banyak makanan yang sudah masuk ke dalam perut saat kita lapar. Meskipun masih merasa lapar, Anda bisa mensiasati dengan makan di antara waktu makan. Sedikit mengonsumsi kacang-kacangan atau buah-buahan pada siang atau sore hari dapat dipercaya membuat kita makan lebih sehat pada jam-jam makan. Perlu Anda ketahui makan secara teratur memiliki hubungan dengan rendahnya tingkat insulin (hormon yang bisa menstimulasi produksi lemak dalam tubuh).
Anda harus mengunyah
Kedengarannya sepele. Tapi disadari atau tidak, mengunyah sering dilupakan terutama oleh kaum laki-laki saat mereka makan. Dengan berbagai alasan mereka membiarkan makanan yang masih kasar masuk ke dalam saluran pencernaan. Selain mempermudah makanan diproses dalam saluran pencernaan, pada program diet, mengunyah dan makan lebih lambat bisa membuat Anda tidak mengonsumsi makanan secara berlebihan. Idealnya, makan harus dikunyah merata sebelum ditelan. Dengan ini Anda tidak akan terburu-buru bahkan bisa membuat Anda tidak menyentuh sisa makanan benar-benar dikunyah dan ditelan.
Pastikan diet ideal Anda
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian psikologis, setiap orang memiliki tingkat ketangkasan metabolisme yang berbeda-beda. Misalnya, sebagian memiilki metabolisme yang sangat bagus terhadap lemak, sedangkan lainnya memiliki metabolisme yang prima terhadap karbihidrat. Dengan hal ini, diharapkan bisa menemukan diet yang paling ideal untuk Anda sendiri.
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Tallying Your Glycemic Load
There are a number of benefits that you can get by following the glycemic index, but it can be pretty confusing unless you are already familiar with how it works. In order to get the best results, you should integrate it into your diet. So, first of all, what is a glycemic index?
All of the food you eat falls under one of three major macronutrient types: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Most foods have some of each, but usually are predominantly one category. As an example, potato chips are mostly carbohydrate, but they still have a little protein and fat. Any carbohydrate that you consume has a glycemic index, which is the way we measure how quickly a food is digested and released as glucose in your bloodstream.
While this is primarily useful for people with type 2 diabetes, it is also quite helpful for people who want to go longer without getting hungry between meals, and for anyone who wants to be healthier overall. There are many variables that go into calculating a food’s glycemic index, such as whether the food is grown, processed, or cooked; how much of the food a person eats; a person’s genetics; and what you combine the food with when you eat it.
There is a fundamental difference between the glycemic index and the glycemic load. With the index, it refers to how 50 grams of a certain food affects blood sugar levels in a person. The glycemic load takes the index into account, but goes one step further, by saying that while 50 grams of one food might cause a certain blood sugar reaction, if you take in 25 grams of a food with a higher GI (glycemic index), you might have a comparable glycemic load. It also accounts for the combination of foods eaten, instead of each food individually.
As a general guideline, a glycemic load of 20 or more is high, a glycemic load of 11 to 19 is medium and 10 or less is low. Consider a watermelon as an example. It has a high glycemic index at 72. In 120 grams of watermelon, it contains 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving. So, take the glycemic index of 72, divide it by 100, and multiply by the 6 grams of carbohydrate per serving, which leaves you with 4.32 (which you can round down to 4). The point of this calculation is to show that even though the carbohydrate in watermelon makes it show up high on the glycemic index, the glycemic load in watermelon is actually quite low because there actually isn’t a lot of carbohydrate compared to the total calories.
It’s important to understand the glycemic load and the glycemic index, regardless of your current health. Even if you are in good health, there is no reason not to consider your glycemic load, because too much sugar in your blood too quickly will result in hunger, and if you eat sugary foods too often, you’ll find yourself on the road to diabetes. Remember, the glycemic index helps you choose foods that have the potential to cause insulin resistance, while the glycemic load helps you to figure out what portions of each food will give you the best results.
by: Emile Jarreau
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