Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining of the first and longest portion of the large intestine. These cells have lost the normal control mechanism for growth. It is also termed as colorectal cancer because in time it can affect the rectum too. The rectum is the continuation of the large intestine into the pelvis that...

terminates in the anus.

The Causes and Symptoms

Primarily, there are two causes of colon cancer: the sporadic case and the genetic case. Exposure to the carcinogenic agents in the environment constitutes the sporadic case. It can induce mutation, and in time, it can also turn into a cancer. Specific carcinogens for colon cancer are still unidentified, but they can be narrowed down to the dietary factors of the person. Some of the probable causes of colon cancer include:

1) Diets that are high in fat and alcohol can predispose people to this disease.
2) Age and smoking habits of the person. A person over the age of 50 is more likely to have the disease than those who are under 50. Smoking individuals have risks too.
3) Patients who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the colon like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s colitis also have increased risks.
4) Genetics like familial cases are also factors that help spread the disease.

Symptoms of colon cancer are related to the release of bowel and wastes of the affected person. They may occur alone or in combination. These symptoms are as follows:

1) Change in the bowel habit of the affected person
2) Blood in the stool
3) Bloating or persistent abdominal distention
4) Constant constipation
5) Feeling of fullness after just having a bowel movement
6) Presence of ribbon stools
7) Persistent and chronic fatigue and anemia
8) Abdominal discomfort
9) Unexplained weight loss, resulting from a systemic disease
10) Nausea and vomiting, which can occur rarely

The Treatments Available

Treatment of the colon cancer first depends on the stage of the cancer. It can be curable when caught at an early stage, but if detected at later stages, when metastases are present, it is less likely to be curable. Up until now, surgery is still the primary treatment of colon cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy or the combination of both may be recommended on the patient, depending on their cancer’s stage and other medical factors. It can also be a challenge to determine how aggressive the treatment for the patient is because this type of cancer primarily affects the elderly; it is rare for young people to develop this disease. Some elderly people are not recommended for chemotherapy after the surgery because it can have ill effects on their health.

These are among the summarized treatments of colon cancer that are practiced today:

1) Surgery in the colon area
2) Chemotherapy
3) Radiation therapy
4) Immunotherapy
5) Vaccine for colon cancer
6) Treatment of liver metastases that can spread to the colon area
7) Support therapies
by: James Pendergraft
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Gestational Diabetes: Treatment with Cinnamon

Approximately 7% of women that carry a pregnancy to term develop Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy. The incidence of Gestational Diabetes doubled from 1992 to 2004. No one understands why this has occurred except that the incidence of obesity increased tremendously during this same period of time. Type II diabetes has a incidence of developing between 15 to...

60 percent 5 to 15 years after patients have had gestational diabetes. The three risk factors that indicate who will develop Type II diabetes are 1) BMI >27, 2) developing gestational diabetes before 24 weeks gestation, and 3) the use of insulin or not during pregnancy.

Sugars not controlled during pregnancy can lead to fetal abnormalities, fetal macrosomia (large fetus), hypoglycemia (low blood sugars), hyperbilirubinemia (elevated bilirubin) which can cause damage to the infant’s brain, and pulmonary ( lung) immaturity. These problems are reduced tremendously when blood sugars are kept under control.

Normally the way sugars are kept under control are diet, exercise, insulin, and glyburide. There are other alternative treatments that show promise and have minimal side effects:

1) Cinnamon

2) Chromium Piccolinate

3) Bitter Melon

4) Cane Sugar

5) Alpha Lipoic Acid

Today we are going to discuss Cinnamon. Cinnamon has been shown to decrease glucose significantly in patients. 1 gm, 2 gms, and 6gms of dried Cinnamon has been shown to decrease the fasting glucose by 18 to 30 percent. It does so by its anti-oxidant effects and increasing the sensitivity of the insulin receptors located in fat and muscle cells. In essence it activates the insulin receptors which allows efficient uptake of glucose into the cells so that it can be stored and metabolized properly.

With Type II diabetes there is an over abundance of insulin floating around and attached to receptors. For some reason the receptor is not sensitive to the insulin in order to allow sugars to be taken into the cells properly. This chronic elevated sugar state leads eventually to severe heart, kidney, peripheral nerve, and eye disease.

Dried Cinnamon has no side effects or teratogenic defects on the fetus in the recommended dosages. When given in extremely high doses in rats, it has been found to cause skeletal and kidney problems including death.

In summary; Cinnamon has been found to decrease fasting glucose significantly dosages ranging from 1 to 6 grams. With the decrease in the incidence of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality due to the significant decrease in maternal sugars, Cinnamon needs further study to determine whether or not it can be used as a first line agent to treat patients with Gestational Diabetes.
by: James Pendergraft

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Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Influenza A(H1N1) - update 40

27 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 27 May 2009, 48 countries have officially reported 13,398 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 95 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.
Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [jpg 1.37Mb]
As of 08:00 GMT, 27 May 2009...

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total
Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 19 0 14 0
Australia 39 0 20 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Bahrain 1 0 1 0
Belgium 7 0 0 0
Brazil 9 0 0 0
Canada 921 1 0 0
Chile 86 0 12 0
China 22 0 2 0
Colombia 16 0 0 0
Costa Rica 33 1 0 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Ecuador 28 0 4 0
El Salvador 11 0 5 0
Finland 2 0 0 0
France 16 0 0 0
Germany 17 0 0 0
Greece 1 0 0 0
Guatemala 5 0 1 0
Honduras 1 0 0 0
Iceland 1 0 0 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 1 0 0 0
Israel 9 0 1 0
Italy 23 0 4 0
Japan 360 0 10 0
Korea, Repu 21 0 0 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 4541 83 367 3
Netherlands 3 0 0 0
New Zealand 9 0 0 0
Norway 4 0 0 0
Panama 76 0 0 0
Peru 27 0 0 0
Philippines 2 0 0 0
Poland 3 0 0 0
Portugal 1 0 0 0
Russia 2 0 0 0
Singapore 1 0 1 0
Spain 138 0 2 0
Sweden 3 0 0 0
Switzerland 3 0 0 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 2 0 0 0
United Kingd 137 0 0 0
U S A 6764 10 0 0
Grand Total 13398 95 444 3
Chinese Taipei has reported 4 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

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Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Influenza A(H1N1) - update 40

27 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 27 May 2009, 48 countries have officially reported 13,398 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 95 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.
Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [jpg 1.37Mb]
As of 08:00 GMT, 27 May 2009...

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total
Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 19 0 14 0
Australia 39 0 20 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Bahrain 1 0 1 0
Belgium 7 0 0 0
Brazil 9 0 0 0
Canada 921 1 0 0
Chile 86 0 12 0
China 22 0 2 0
Colombia 16 0 0 0
Costa Rica 33 1 0 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Ecuador 28 0 4 0
El Salvador 11 0 5 0
Finland 2 0 0 0
France 16 0 0 0
Germany 17 0 0 0
Greece 1 0 0 0
Guatemala 5 0 1 0
Honduras 1 0 0 0
Iceland 1 0 0 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 1 0 0 0
Israel 9 0 1 0
Italy 23 0 4 0
Japan 360 0 10 0
Korea, Repu 21 0 0 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 4541 83 367 3
Netherlands 3 0 0 0
New Zealand 9 0 0 0
Norway 4 0 0 0
Panama 76 0 0 0
Peru 27 0 0 0
Philippines 2 0 0 0
Poland 3 0 0 0
Portugal 1 0 0 0
Russia 2 0 0 0
Singapore 1 0 1 0
Spain 138 0 2 0
Sweden 3 0 0 0
Switzerland 3 0 0 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 2 0 0 0
United Kingdom 137 0 0 0
U S A 6764 10 0 0
Grand Total 13398 95 444 3
Chinese Taipei has reported 4 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

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Artificial Diet For Infants

It should be as like the breast-milk as possible. This is obtained by a mixture of cow's milk, water, and sugar, in the following proportions.
Fresh cow's milk, two thirds; Boiling water, or thin barley water, one third; Loaf sugar, a sufficient quantity to sweeten.
This is the best diet that can be used for the first six months, after which some farinaceous food may be combined.
In early infancy, mothers are...

too much in the habit of giving thick gruel, panada, biscuit-powder, and such matters, thinking that a diet of a lighter kind will not nourish. This is a mistake; for these preparations are much too solid; they overload the stomach, and cause indigestion, flatulence, and griping. These create a necessity for purgative medicines and carminatives, which again weaken digestion, and, by unnatural irritation, perpetuate the evils which render them necessary. Thus many infants are kept in a continual round of repletion, indigestion, and purging, with the administration of cordials and narcotics, who, if their diet were in quantity and quality suited to their digestive powers, would need no aid from physic or physicians.

In preparing this diet, it is highly important to obtain pure milk, not previously skimmed, or mixed with water; and in warm weather just taken from the cow. It should not be mixed with the water or sugar until wanted, and not more made than will be taken by the child at the time, for it must be prepared fresh at every meal. It is best not to heat the milk over the fire, but let the water be in a boiling state when mixed with it, and thus given to the infant tepid or lukewarm.

As the infant advances in age, the proportion of milk may be gradually increased; this is necessary after the second month, when three parts of milk to one of water may be allowed. But there must be no change in the kind of diet if the health of the child is good, and its appearance perceptibly improving. Nothing is more absurd than the notion, that in early life children require a variety of food; only one kind of food is prepared by nature, and it is impossible to transgress this law without marked injury.

There are two ways by the spoon, and by the nursing-bottle. The first ought never to be employed at this period, inasmuch as the power of digestion in infants is very weak, and their food is designed by nature to be taken very slowly into the stomach, being procured from the breast by the act of sucking, in which act a great quantity of saliva is secreted, and being poured into the mouth, mixes with the milk, and is swallowed with it. This process of nature, then, should be emulated as far as possible; and food (for this purpose) should be imbibed by suction from a nursing-bottle: it is thus obtained slowly, and the suction employed secures the mixture of a due quantity of saliva, which has a highly important influence on digestion. Whatever kind of bottle or teat is used, however, it must never be forgotten that cleanliness is absolutely essential to the success of this plan of rearing children.

Te quantity of food to be given at each meal ust be regulated by the age of the child, and its digestive power. A little experience will soon enable a careful and observing mother to determine this point. As the child grows older the quantity of course must be increased.

The chief error in rearing the young is overfeeding; and a most serious one it is; but which may be easily avoided by the parent pursuing a systematic plan with regard to the hours of feeding, and then only yielding to the indications of appetite, and administering the food slowly, in small quantities at a time. This is the only way effectually to prevent indigestion, and bowel complaints, and the irritable condition of the nervous system, so common in infancy, and secure to the infant healthy nutrition, and consequent strength of constitution. As has been well observed, "Nature never intended the infant's stomach to be converted into a receptacle for laxatives, carminatives, antacids, stimulants, and astringents; and when these become necessary, we may rest assured that there is something faulty in our management, however perfect it may seem to ourselves."

The frequency of giving food must be determined, as a general rule, by allowing such an interval between each meal as will insure the digestion of the previous quantity; and this may be fixed at about every three or four hours. If this rule be departed from, and the child receives a fresh supply of food every hour or so, time will not be given for the digestion of the previous quantity, and as a consequence of this process being interrupted, the food passing on into the bowel undigested, will there ferment and become sour, will inevitably produce cholic and purging, and in no way contribute to the nourishment of the child.

The posture of the child when fed:- It is important to attend to this. It must not receive its meals lying; the head should be raised on the nurse's arm, the most natural position, and one in which there will be no danger of the food going the wrong way, as it is called. After each meal the little one should be put into its cot, or repose on its mother's knee, for at least half an hour. This is essential for the process of digestion, as exercise is important at other times for the promotion of health.

As soon as the child has got any teeth, and about this period one or two will make their appearance, solid farinaceous matter boiled in water, beaten through a sieve, and mixed with a small quantity of milk, may be employed. Or tops and bottoms, steeped in hot water, with the addition of fresh milk and loaf sugar to sweeten. And the child may now, for the first time, be fed with a spoon.

When one or two of the large grinding teeth have appeared, the same food may be continued, but need not be passed through a sieve. Beef tea and chicken broth may occasionally be added; and, as an introduction to the use of a more completely animal diet, a portion, now and then, of a soft boiled egg; by and by a small bread pudding, made with one egg in it, may be taken as the dinner meal.

Nothing is more common than for parents during this period to give their children animal food. This is a great error. "To feed an infant with animal food before it has teeth proper for masticating it, shows a total disregard to the plain indications of nature, in withholding such teeth till the system requires their assistance to masticate solid food. And the method of grating and pounding meat, as a substitute for chewing, may be well suited to the toothless octogenarian, whose stomach is capable of digesting it; but the stomach of a young child is not adapted to the digestion of such food, and will be disordered by it.

It cannot reasonably be maintained that a child's mouth without teeth, and that of an adult, furnished with the teeth of carnivorous and graminivorous animals, are designed by the Creator for the same sort of food. If the mastication of solid food, whether animal or vegetable, and a due admixture of saliva, be necessary for digestion, then solid food cannot be proper, when there is no power of mastication. If it is swallowed in large masses it cannot be masticated at all, and will have but a small chance of being digested; and in an undigested state it will prove injurious to the stomach and to the other organs concerned in digestion, by forming unnatural compounds. The practice of giving solid food to a toothless child, is not less absurd, than to expect corn to be ground where there is no apparatus for grinding it. That which would be considered as an evidence of idiotism or insanity in the last instance, is defended and practised in the former. If, on the other hand, to obviate this evil, the solid matter, whether animal or vegetable, be previously broken into small masses, the infant will instantly swallow it, but it will be unmixed with saliva. Yet in every day's observation it will be seen, that children are so fed in their most tender age; and it is not wonderful that present evils are by this means produced, and the foundation laid for future disease."

The diet pointed out, then, is to be continued until the second year. Great care, however, is necessary in its management; for this period of infancy is ushered in by the process of teething, which is commonly connected with more or less of disorder of the system. Any error, therefore, in diet or regimen is now to be most carefully avoided. 'Tis true that the infant, who is of a sound and healthy constitution, in whom, therefore, the powers of life are energetic, and who up to this time has been nursed upon the breast of its parent, and now commences an artificial diet for the first time, disorder is scarcely perceptible, unless from the operation of very efficient causes. Not so, however, with the child who from the first hour of its birth has been nourished upon artificial food. Teething under such circumstances is always attended with more or less of disturbance of the frame, and disease of the most dangerous character but too frequently ensues. It is at this age, too, that all infectious and eruptive fevers are most prevalent; worms often begin to form, and diarrhoea, thrush, rickets, cutaneous eruptions, etc. manifest themselves, and the foundation of strumous disease is originated or developed. A judicious management of diet will prevent some of these complaints, and mitigate the violence of others when they occur.

by: Jamulco Setiawan

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Immunizations are a necessary evil of childhood. As a mother, it’s heartbreaking to have your one year old begin to cry as soon as you enter the pediatrician’s building out of fear of a shot, but every time you take him to the doctor, but immunizations are the reason the death rate for infectious disease among babies and young children is...

so low today. Following are the immunizations your child should receive, and the approximate ages at which they will receive them.

DTP - (Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis) – Your child will receive this vaccine at around two months of age, four months, six months, 12-18 months and the final dose between the ages of 4 and 6 years. The pertussis vaccine has a high risk of reaction, those most reactions are mild. However, you should ensure that your child is well at the time of the vaccine, and that you watch them closely for about 72 hours after the vaccine. Your doctor should provide you a complete list of possible reactions, and how to treat them. However, for certain, if your child runs a fever over 104°F or becomes limp or difficult to wake up, seek treatment immediately.

MMR – (Measles, mumps, rubella) – Your child will receive this vaccine between twelve and fifteen months of age, and then again sometime between the ages of 4 and 12 years old. Reactions to this vaccine are common, but mild, and don’t usually occur until about two weeks after the shot, so they are often not recognized as being associated with the vaccine. Some children have a mild rash and low grade fever, often accompanied by swelling of the glands in the neck.

VZV – (Varicella) – You probably didn’t receive this vaccine for chickenpox, but your child will receive it between 12 and 18 months of age. Reactions are few, and usually include just a mild fever.

Hib – (Hemophilus b) – This vaccine prevents a range of infections, including meningitis, caused by the hemophilus influenzae b virus. Your child will receive this vaccine at two, four and six months, and then again between 12 and 15 months. Some doctors offer Hib combined with DTP in one vaccine.

Hepatitis B – Your child probably will receive the first dose of this vaccine at birth, and will get doses again between two and four months and six to 18 months. This vaccine typically causes no reactions.

OPV – This is the polio vaccine, which has been successful at all but eradicating this crippling illness. Your child will receive doses at two and four months, at eighteen months and between four and six years. Children rarely suffer any reaction to this oral vaccine, though it is typically postponed if your child is sick.

Your child’s vaccinations are typically administered at well baby care visits. This is one of the reasons it is so important to regularly attend these appointments. Receiving the right vaccines at the right time is critical to your child’s health.
by: Sarah Veda
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Managing Your Cholesterol - The Best Way To Prevent Hearth Attacks

Cholesterol is one of the most familiar medical words today. Everyone knows “something” about it , but mostly cholesterol is associated in our mind with something “bad” and “unwanted” that happens to old and overweight people.The facts show that about...

20 percent of the U.S. population has high blood cholesterol levels.

Actually cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance (lipid) that your body needs for many important functions, such as producing new cells , some hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat.. It is present in cell walls or membranes everywhere in the body, including the brain, nerves, muscle, skin, liver, intestines, and heart.

In fact our bodies need cholesterol to function normally, but too much cholesterol can be bad for our health. Why ? Cholesterol and other fats can't dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers. Cholesterol travels through your blood attached to a protein. This cholesterol–protein package is called a lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are high density or low density depending on how much protein there is in relation to fat.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood. If too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the walls of the arteries feeding the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries. When the coronary arteries become narrowed or clogged by cholesterol and fat deposits (a process called atherosclerosis) and cannot supply enough blood to the heart, the result is coronary heart disease. If the blood supply to a portion of the heart is completely cut off by total blockage of a coronary artery, the result is a heart attack. This is usually due to a sudden closure from a blood clot forming on top of a previous narrowing. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol because it can cause cholesterol buildup and blockage of your arteries. LDL is mostly fat with only a small amount of protein.

About one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Medical experts think HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe HDL removes excess cholesterol from plaques and thus slows their growth. HDL is called "good" cholesterol because it helps prevent cholesterol from building up in your arteries. It is mostly protein with only a small amount of fat.

Since there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol it is not only necessary to know your cholesterol level ,it is also important to know your levels of LDL and HDL.

The fact is that there are no symptoms of high cholesterol. Your first symptom of high cholesterol could be a heart attack or a stroke. The level of cholesterol can be measured only with a blood test.The results come as three main numbers:

· Total Cholesterol

The level of LDL should be less than 160.

Total cholesterol should be less than 200.

The level of HDL should be more than 35.

Most Important: Your LDL level is a good indicator of your risk for heart disease. Lowering LDL is the main aim of treatment if you have high cholesterol. In general, the higher your LDL level, the greater your chance of developing heart disease.

Remember : Regular cholesterol tests are recommended to find out if your cholesterol level is within normal range.


The main cause of high blood cholesterol is eating too much fat, especially saturated fat. Saturated fats are found in animal products, such as meats, milk and other dairy products that are not fat free, butter, and eggs. Some of these foods are also high in cholesterol. Fried fast foods and snack foods often have a lot of fat.

Being overweight and not exercising can make your bad cholesterol go up and your good cholesterol go down. Regular physical activity can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It also helps you lose weight. You should try to be physically active for 30 minutes on most, if not all, days.

Cigarette smoking damages the walls of your blood vessels, making them likely to have cholesterol rich plaques rupture and have heart attacks. Smoking may also lower your level of HDL cholesterol by as much as 15 percent.

Also, after women go through menopause, their bad cholesterol levels tend to go up. There is also a rare type of inherited high cholesterol that often leads to early heart disease.Some people inherit a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia, which means that very high cholesterol levels run in the family.Other people, especially people for whom diabetes runs in the family, inherit high triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are another type of blood fat that can also push up cholesterol levels. People with high blood triglycerides usually have lower HDL cholesterol and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Progesterone, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones (testosterone) also lower HDL cholesterol levels.

So we can make a conclusion that the main therapy is to change your lifestyle. This includes controlling your weight, eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, exercising regularly, not smoking and, in some cases, drinking less alcohol.

But , depending on your risk factors, if healthy eating and exercise don't work after about 6 months to 1 year, your doctor may suggest medicine to lower your cholesterol level.

Now there are very effective medications called “statins”,such as Lipitor.

The drug works by helping to clear harmful low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood and by limiting the body's ability to form new LDL cholesterol. Each tablet Lipitor includes 20mg Atorvastatin. It is in a class of medications called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body. Lipitor has shown the ability to halt, not just slow, the potentially fatal buildup of plaque in clogged arteries. While a handful of drugs now available slow the buildup of new plaque, or atherosclerosis, in coronary arteries, no drug on the market has been proven to both stop new build-up and clear existing plaque.

So if you are loosing the battle with LDL levels , you can visit my site http://www.craforhealth.com/cholesterol.html, dedicated in the effective medical care , to find the proper treatment for your disease.
by: Richard Clement
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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Bird Flu Vaccines: What is Taking So Long?

With the current development of a vaccine for the H5N1 strain of the Bird Flu Virus still 2 to 3 years away. We don’t have much of a choice but to really be very cautious that the H5N1 strain does not mutate with a human flu virus.

If the outbreak we fear does happen without the vaccines ready yet, all we can

possibly do is just quarantine the geographical area where the virus is rampant. Give them the vaccines that have been developed and prevent them from spreading it further. This will only work if the outbreak is limited geographically. When the outbreak does happen to 10,000 places, we’re in Big S*%T.

The development of a vaccine is so slow because we still use methods dating back 50 years ago. Ironically this is because they still use chicken eggs to develop the vaccines. New methods are on the horizon, instead of using chicken eggs, they may be able to use mammal cells.

Scientist would be storing the mammal cells in large numbers. So that when a flu strain or threat develops, they can just inject it to the cells. The injected cells will then burst and die. The scientist will then harvest the proteins of the influenza and distribute them as vaccines already.

Vaccines made from DNA are really appealing because they could be made and administered quickly. However this kind of vaccine is still being tested on humans. DNA vaccine works by attaching itself to a segment of our DNA. It contains the coded information of the flu virus’ protein.
by: Michael Colucci
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How Vaccines Work

When an organism gets into your body and causes an infection, your body gathers its defences and fights against them. This is the basic principle of how vaccines work.

Certain cells in your blood make what are called ‘antibodies’, molecules which are designed to attack specific germs and viruses. These attach to

the invaders in your bloodstream and prevent them from invading other cells. Each virus or bacterium has an individual shape, and the antibodies are designed to fit exactly to that shape.

This is how vaccines work to convince your body that the vaccination is a ‘full-blooded’ attack by the offending viruses or bacteria, and stimulate them into action to develop the ‘memory’ or ‘blueprint’ for the antibody in the event of future invasion.

This is all done by your white blood cells. You have two types called B cells and T cells. The B cells manufacture the antibodies while the T cells have two functions. The ‘helper’ T cells help the B cells to make the antibodies while the ‘killer’ T cells kill any cells which have been invaded by the viruses or bacteria, and prevent them from reproducing. . How vaccines work to stimulate this action is to mislead the white cells into believing that your body has been infected.

Your body reacts to kill the invaders in two ways: directly through the antibodies, and indirectly through the T cells destroying any infected cells and preventing reproduction.

Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves: they have to use the host’s cells for this. If the T cells continually kill off any invaded cells, the invaders themselves must eventually be killed off by the antibodies If the virus or bacterium is strong and reproduce too quickly, the host can be overcome before it can produce enough antibodies to kill them off. The pus which occurs during an infection is the mix of dead white blood cells and bacteria/virus cells destroyed by them.

If your body survives the attack, your B cells retain a memory of the structure of the invaders and should the same viruses or bacteria ever return, antibodies can rapidly be produced and the infection killed off before it starts. The stimulation of this memory is exactly how vaccines work.

Vaccines produce the same memory effect without the patient having to suffer the disease. The organisms that cause the disease are either killed or weakened, then introduced into your body. The strength is calculated to be just enough to enable your white cells to manufacture the antibodies. This is how vaccines work to give you protection against future infection without actually making you ill. The strength of the vaccine is designed to allow this. The dead vaccine can also work, but less efficiently, and the effect is not generally as long lasting.

The ‘live’ vaccines produce life-long immunity after only one or two doses, but the ‘dead’, or ‘inactivated’, ones need multiple doses to get the correct effect. Some dead vaccines even need booster doses throughout your life. Examples of these are tetanus and diphtheria vaccines, normally given together every 10 years as the Td vaccine. The measles vaccine is an example of a ‘live’ vaccine’.

Vaccinations do not affect your ability to fight off other infections you have not been immunized against
by: Peter Nisbet
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Influenza A(H1N1) - update 39

26 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 26 May 2009, 46 countries have officially reported 12 954 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 92 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.
Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [jpg 1.35Mb]
As of 08:00 GMT, 26 May 2009
Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)...

Country Cumulative total Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 5 0 3 0
Australia 19 0 3 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Belgium 7 0 0 0
Brazil 9 0 0 0
Canada 921 1 116 0
Chile 74 0 30 0
China 20 0 5 0
Colombia 16 0 3 0
Costa Rica 33 1 5 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Ecuador 24 0 14 0
El Salvador 6 0 0 0
Finland 2 0 0 0
France 16 0 0 0
Germany 17 0 0 0
Greece 1 0 0 0
Guatemala 4 0 0 0
Honduras 1 0 0 0
Iceland 1 0 0 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 1 0 0 0
Israel 8 0 0 0
Italy 19 0 0 0
Japan 350 0 5 0
Korea, Republic of 21 0 18 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 4174 80 0 0
Netherlands 3 0 0 0
New Zealand 9 0 0 0
Norway 4 0 0 0
Panama 76 0 0 0
Peru 27 0 2 0
Philippines 2 0 1 0
Poland 3 0 0 0
Portugal 1 0 0 0
Russia 2 0 1 0
Spain 136 0 3 0
Sweden 3 0 0 0
Switzerland 3 0 0 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 2 0 0 0
United Kingdom 137 0 15 0
United States of America 6764 10 212 1
Grand Total 12954 92 439 1
Chinese Taipei has reported 4 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

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Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Cure Bladder Infection - A UTI Natural Remedy

Did you know that thousands of people will search the internet for the term, 'cure bladder infection'? Many people are avoiding antibiotics at all costs and looking for a UTI natural remedy.

Unfortunately, antibiotics are still doctors' best option for treating this type of infection. However, thousands of people will not find...

success with antibiotics.

If you are tired of repeat visits to the doctor but to no avail, it may be time to cure your bladder infection with an alternative treatment.

Try a UTI Natural Remedy

There are numerous things you can do to boost your immunity and health to naturally fight off an infection. Many experts believe that a well-informed patient is all it will take to cure a urinary tract infection.

Alternative treatments work because the body is typically able to fight off the infection naturally. Research has now found many fruits, vegetables, herbs, supplements, vitamins and remedies that work to flush the bacteria which are causing UTI, E coli.

Here are some simple secrets your doctor may have forgotten to mention.

Cure Bladder Infection with these Secrets

1. Routinely supplement with acidophilus capsules or eat yogurt several times per week. This will supply your urinary tract with 'good' bacteria in your digestive and urinary systems.

2. You should avoid alcohol and coffee until you cure your infection. These drinks are very acidic and can cause more problems.

3. Instead, drink plenty of water. Water can help to naturally flush the bladder and urinary tract. Try to drink at least 10-12 cups of water daily.

4. Make sure your clothes are loose fitting and you are wearing comfortable cotton underwear to avoid irritation and discomfort.

5. Always wipe from front to back.

6. Always urinate right after sexual intercourse. This will flush the 'bad' bacteria from the urinary tract.

7. Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to promote a healthy digestive and urinary system. Cranberry tablets have also been successful with many of our customers.

The Best Step by Step Treatment

Learn a step by step remedy that is guaranteed to work in 12 hours or less! If you are interested in the latest researched UTI Natural Remedy Report, please visit this site now. You will learn why a step by step remedy is all it takes to cure your infection.

by: Joe Barton
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Stop smoking: Is it really worth it to stop smoking?

You have been thinking that it’s time to quit smoking. But maybe you’ve been thinking that its time to quit smoking ever since you started and you are still smoking. You know that the health benefits of quitting are incredible. Still, you are smoking a cigarette or thinking of smoking one right now. Have you examined your...

reasons for not quitting? Maybe you think you can’t handle the withdrawal symptoms.

Try looking at it this way: Smoking cigarettes is like pointing a gun at your head. The gun won’t go off until ten or twenty years have passed. The thing is that the gun will go off eventually. How many years have you been smoking? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, forty? However long it’s been, the time to quit smoking is now. Really, it was yesterday, but now will have to do. Put that gun down. Stop embarrassing yourself in public. When nonsmokers see someone smoking, they make judgments about it. Stop giving them a reason to judge you.

Not only is there an increasing social stigma attached to smokers, but the health benefits of quitting are endless. Do it now. Don’t keep putting it off. You know that your body can’t handle smoking without taxing years off of your life. If the financial cost hasn’t caused you to stop smoking, then quit for the sake of the health benefits from quitting.

No one thinks that it is easy to stop smoking, but it is worth it to quit smoking and quit committing slow and painful suicide.

• If you stop smoking, you will also eliminate over four thousand different poisonous chemicals from your body.

• If you quit smoking, you will be able to eat comfortably in any restaurant whether they allow smoking or not. You will also not have to wait for a seat in the smoking section if the state or country you are in allows for smoking in public eateries.

• If you stop smoking, you will be able to save a percentage of your income. You can put the money that you have been spending on smoking into a jar or a savings account. At the end of a year, you will probably have enough money to make a very nice purchase or go on vacation.

• If you quit smoking, you will not repel nonsmokers who see you smoking or smell the smoke on your clothes and skin. Smoking is such a stigmatized habit now that you will surely see a difference in the way that the world interacts with you if you stop smoking.

• If you’ve been smoking for many years, imagine what you have been missing out on in fragrances and foods. Maybe you don’t really know what different spices taste like because your taste buds and sense of smell are overloaded with the many different poisons that are in tobacco products. If you stop smoking, you will find out what fragrances you have been missing out on.

The health benefits of quitting are important. The social and financial benefits are also important. Quitting is important, but it is not easy. You will not only face the psychological struggle when you quit smoking. You will also face some physical challenges. Some of these common physical and psychological challenges are listed below.

• When you stop smoking, you might find yourself feeling depressed.

• When you quit smoking, you might find that you are struggling with insomnia or changes in your sleep patterns.

• You might find that you are cranky, frustrated or irritable when you stop smoking.

• You might find that your appetite is greatly increased, and this could lead to some weight gain when you quit smoking.

If you really think that you cannot handle the physical and psychological challenges, there are various methods that people have found to be very helpful when it was time to quit smoking. Research a bit on the new and powerful methods to stop smoking.
by: Sig Kabai

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Hypnosis Therapy: How It Could Help You To Stop Smoking

Will you have the willpower to stop smoking through Hypnosis Therapy? So what is in Stop Smoking Therapy all about? If you really decided to finally quit the habit for good but just doesn’t have the willpower, you should seriously consider joining a stop smoking hypnosis...

program. Each smoker should have been warned or alerted by friends, family members, doctors or even by the media about the hazards of smoking. Heart disease, emphysema, and most importantly cancer are just some of the health problems related with long-term smoking. In stop this kind treatment, you could influence or manipulate your subconscious mind into allowing and helping you break the psychological addiction in tobacco and cigarettes.

Additionally, the sooner you will be able to quit your destructive habit, the sooner your health risks would be minimized. What are the benefits of this hypnosis therapy? There are several advantages or benefits of joining a Stop Smoking Program. Hypnosis therapy has some distinct benefits as opposed to many products available in the market to help you to kick off the habit, such as gums and nicotine patches which all of them contain some side effects. On the contrary, hypnosis therapy has some better benefits like: 1.) The therapy uses no drugs. 2.) The treatment focuses more on the positive.

3.) This Hypnosis Therapy additionally increase your confidence. 4.) If the therapy becomes successful, there is a reduction in health risks. 5.) The therapy could be made to suit your personal habits and cigarette triggers. 6.) The therapy has no long-term cost and can be completed quickly. So how does this program work? Every person who smokes has their natural cigarette triggers such as eating, driving or watching TV with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting. Hypnotherapy will help to lessen your cravings and uplift and develop your confidence in your capability to quit. This kind of treatment is duly conducted by a professional hypno-therapist who has been trained to give various suggestions to your subconscious mind.

The use of hypnosis to heal or cure the smoking habit has different results. It really depends on your susceptibility in being hypnotized. Nevertheless, most people believe and agree that the hypnosis therapy let them to quit their habit with absolutely no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. This hypnosis could also be done within the comforts of your own homes by CDs or through other audios. So, where can you find a stop smoking hypnosis program? There are numerous ways to locate this program. Looking for the right therapist to help you kick off the destructive habit is just a matter of personal preferences.

Some therapists could be searched on the phone directory, while some therapists advertise on the Net. Choosing for your therapist on the World Wide Web can be easier and you could choose someone that’s closer to your location for convenience. Most individuals are apprehensive and not comfortable enough when meeting with somebody face-to-face. Not to worry, because there are lots of stop smoking hypnosis programs available in CDs and cassettes.
by: Amy Twain

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Micronutrient deficiencies

Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world. As well as affecting a large number of children and women in developing countries, it is the only nutrient deficiency which is also significantly prevalent in industralized countries. The numbers are staggering: 2 billion people – over 30% of the world’s population – are anaemic, many due to iron deficiency, and...

in resource-poor areas, this is frequently exacerbated by infectious diseases. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, hookworm infestation, schistosomiasis, and other infections such as tuberculosis are particularly important factors contributing to the high prevalence of anaemia in some areas.

Iron deficiency affects more people than any other condition, constituting a public health condition of epidemic proportions. More subtle in its manifestations than, for example, protein-energy malnutrition, iron deficiency exacts its heaviest overall toll in terms of ill-health, premature death and lost earnings.

Iron deficiency and anaemia reduce the work capacity of individuals and entire populations, bringing serious economic consequences and obstacles to national development. Overall, it is the most vulnerable, the poorest and the least educated who are disproportionately affected by iron deficiency, and it is they who stand to gain the most by its reduction.
The response: a three-pronged offensive

Invisible yet ubiquitous in many developing countries, the true toll of iron deficiency and anaemia lies hidden in the statistics of overall death rates, maternal haemorrhage, reduced school performance and lowered productivity. Iron deficiency anaemia affects millions. The health consequences are stealthy but devastating, invisibly eroding the development potential of individuals, societies and national economies. This need not be so. We not only know the causes; we also have solutions that are both inexpensive and effective. Because of their close links, iron deficiency and anaemia should be tackled simultaneously using a multifactorial and multisectorial approach. It should also be tailored to local conditions and take into account anaemia's specific aetiology and the population groups affected.

Iron deficiency anaemia
Eliminating iron deficiency anaemia demands truly courageous efforts from governments the world over and the international community. It is time to act.
It need not be so…

WHO has developed a comprehensive package of public health measures addressing all aspects of iron deficiency and anaemia. This package is being implemented in countries with high levels of iron deficiency and anaemia, malaria, helminth infections and schistosomiasis.

Increase iron intake. Dietary diversification including iron-rich foods and enhancement of iron absorption, food fortification and iron supplementation.

Control infection. Immunization and control programmes for malaria, hookworm and schistosomiasis.

Improve nutritional status. Prevention and control of other nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B12, folate and vitamin A.
Why stop iron deficiency anaemia?

The benefits are substantial. Timely treatment can restore personal health and raise national productivity levels by as much as 20%. To support countries in combating anaemia, WHO has developed guidelines on prevention and control of iron deficiency and anaemia together with a manual for assessing the magnitude of the problem and monitoring interventions.

Because iron deficiency anaemia drains the life and vitality out of development. We have both the means and potential to achieve widespread improvement. We need to apply both energetically.

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Influenza A(H1N1) - update 38

25 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 25 May 2009, 46 countries have officially reported 12 515 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 91 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.
Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [png 247kb]
As of 08:00 GMT, 25 May 2009...

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 2 0 1 0
Australia 16 0 4 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Belgium 7 0 0 0
Brazil 9 0 1 0
Canada 805 1 86 0
Chile 44 0 20 0
China 15 0 4 0
Colombia 13 0 1 0
Costa Rica 28 1 8 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Ecuador 10 0 2 0
El Salvador 6 0 0 0
Finland 2 0 0 0
France 16 0 0 0
Germany 17 0 0 0
Greece 1 0 0 0
Guatemala 4 0 0 0
Honduras 1 0 1 0
Iceland 1 0 1 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 1 0 0 0
Israel 8 0 1 0
Italy 19 0 5 0
Japan 345 0 24 0
Korea, Republic of 3 0 0 0
Kuwait 18 0 18 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 4174 80 282 5
Netherlands 3 0 0 0
New Zealand 9 0 0 0
Norway 4 0 0 0
Panama 76 0 0 0
Peru 25 0 20 0
Philippines 1 0 0 0
Poland 3 0 1 0
Portugal 1 0 0 0
Russia 1 0 0 0
Spain 133 0 7 0
Sweden 3 0 0 0
Switzerland 3 0 1 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 2 0 0 0
United Kingdom 122 0 5 0
United States of America 6552 9 0 0
Grand Total 12515 91 493 5
Chinese Taipei has reported 1 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

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Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Avoid And Beat The Avian And Other Influenzas

Are you worried about the possible outbreak of the Avian Flu among humans? You should be! Hopefully, all of publicity about the Bird Flu will prove to be false alarms, but the worst thing any of us could do is to ignore it and hope it goes away, because it may not and one shudders to think about what could happen if it ever mutates to where it can be spread from human to human. Let's take a look at...

what we know so far about the Avian Flu:

First of all, the Avian Flu has not yet mutated and there is no need for panic, but there certainly is plenty of reasons for concern and a need to be vigilant, because the flu could easily mutate to one that is spread by humans - and it is the very nature of viruses to mutate. We should also be mindful of the fact that the world is due for another outbreak of a widespread and dangerous influenza epidemic of the kind that appear to occur on a regular basis about every 30 years.

If the Avian Flu does mutate to a human flu and is even partially as deadly as some predict, the resulting worldwide pandemic could be an epic modern day plague that changes the world as we know it and makes HIV, 9/11, the great Tsunami and the destruction of New Orleans seem mild by comparison - and there would likely be very little the world can do to prevent it. We can only hope that the next big worldwide influenza outbreak does not involve the current Avian Flu, or any other avian flu, because such flu would be a type that humans have not been exposed to and thus have no built in resistance to. Owing to this lack of built in resistance, such an outbreak involving that kind of flu could prove to be uniquely horrific.

In a normal outbreak of influenza, the most vulnerable are usually the elderly, the very young, and those who are already ill or otherwise in a weakened state - in other words, those whose immune systems are not strong enough to successfully ward off and fight illness. While a human version of the Avian Flu is likely to be every bit as deadly or more so for those who are the usual flu victims, unlike the usual varieties of influenza, the Avian Flu would actually be even more deadly for the group that is usually least affected by flu outbreaks: the most robust and healthy among us, the adults in the prime of life. That is because an avian flu like the Avian Flu turns the body's own immune system against itself and a strong immune system can become a deadly instrument of death as it over-reacts to a threat it has never been exposed to and releases a torrent of chemicals to combat the new threat which end up literally filling and eating up the lungs, suffocating what had been a strong and vigorous individual.

Such was exactly the case in a previous outbreak of another avian flu, one very similar to the Avian Flu. The Spanish Flu of 1918-19 was the most deadly epidemic in recorded history, killing 30 to 40 million or more people in one year – more than were killed in any war including Great World War, more than were killed in the 4 terrifying years of the Plague of Black Death (the Bubonic Plague) of 1347-1351, and more than were killed by HIV-AIDS in it’s first 25 years of existence. In the United States it infected 28% of all Americans, caused the deaths of at least 675,000 and in a single year was responsible for a 10 year drop in the life expectancy rate. In 1918, the death rate for influenza and pneumonia for 15 to 35 year olds was 20 times higher than in previous years.

Many authorities fear that if the modern day Avian Flu mutates to one that can be spread by humans, it could be an even more deadly flu than the one in 1918-19. Indeed, where humans have been exposed to infected birds and contracted the Avian Flu so far, the death rate appears to be significantly higher than it was for the deadly Spanish Flu.

The picture becomes truly staggering when you add to the expected high death rate the fact that the world population is now 2 1/2 times greater than it was in 1918-19 and not only is the population much larger, it is also much more concentrated with much more human interaction. And then you have the fact that, unlike the horse and buggy days of 1918-19, modern travel brings humans almost instantly to and from all points of the globe.

In all likelihood, only an immediate worldwide quarantine and shutdown of all travel would have a chance at stopping the spread of a worldwide pandemic, and that is something that is both unachievable and, at this point, unthinkable (although if the pandemic were to turn out to be as dire as some predict, such measures would probably be attempted out of desperation, but would surely prove far too late to stop the spread of the disease). Given the woeful response to the destruction of New Orleans, and the shortage of flu shots caused by the loss of a single facility only last year, perhaps one can more easily understand the estimates of many authorities and scientific figures that forecast staggering death tolls, some as high as 300 million or more worldwide.

The world has largely forgotten the horrible death tolls of the Spanish Flu, as well as the plague-like conditions that led to quarantines, death wagons, corpses lying abandoned in public streets, and breakdowns of social order and lawlessness that broke out in many places around the world. For those of us who would like a reminder, I suggest a trip to an old cemetery and take a look at the tombstones and grave markers for the years 1918-19, see how many there are compared to other years and how many times you will find multiple deaths in the same family for those years. It was a horrible time, now largely forgotten and to a great deal overshadowed by the end of World War I, but it is a lesson for us all if only we will open our eyes and see.

Perhaps the nightmare scenario I have painted is merely the stuff of dreams, and I certainly hope that proves to be the case. But I strongly suggest that we all take steps to prepare for the worst, just in case. Better that than be like the old fellow on the side of Mount Saint Helens who ignored all the warning signs, disbelieved all the scientists and scoffed at the idea of a deadly eruption right up to the point that he was incinerated.

While there may be little the world's governments may be able to do to stop the spread of a truly horrible influenza pandemic, there are things that we all can do to help avoid catching such a flu and to fight it off if we do catch it. Common sense tells us to practice very good hygiene and to avoid exposure to those who are infected. If a vaccine is available, it is probably a better idea to take it than not - even though vaccines are likely to be in short supply, will likely be mere guesswork since the virus has yet to mutate to a form that can be spread by humans and is likely to continue to mutate once it does, and is likely to contain mercury due to the probable use of an agent called thimerosal that is used to sterilize flu vaccines.

Beyond those obvious measures, I have also compiled the following information for anyone who wishes to avoid and combat influenza:

Avoiding the Flu:

The good news is that you can take steps to help you avoid the Bird Flu or any other flu when it comes, and to survive it if you happen to catch it. Included in these steps would be the things that you should do to protect yourself from virtually all diseases and illnesses: get plenty of rest, exercise, quit smoking, eat a nutritious diet, avoid stress and, above all, to make your body's natural first line of defense, your immune system, strong and robust.

Some of the very best immune boosters are:

* Echinacea (Despite the latest study)
* Pau d’arco
* Suma
* Astragalus
* Medicinal mushrooms
* Beta glucans
* Aloe vera
* Alkygycerol
* Lactoferrin
* Bovine colostrums
* Glutathione
* Mangosteen

The next thing you should do is to also take one or more good natural anti-viral agents, ESPECIALLY if the Bird Flu does mutate and begin to spread from human to human, because unlike other illnesses or flues, the Bird Flu will use your own immune system to attack you. This is because we have never been exposed to a strain of flu like the Bird Flu and it is likely that biochemical cascade of immune cells and immune system bio-chemicals such as interferon, interleukin, monokines and cytokines will literally pour into the lungs and eat your lungs up. With the Bird Flu, it is essential to also include good natural anti-viral supplements along with immune boosters - and it is a good idea to do that anyway.

Among the very best natural pathogen destroyers are:

* Garlic
* Olive leaf extract
* Oil of wild mountain oregano
* Grapefruit seed extract
* Colloidal Silver

A third thing to do would be to take regular preventative doses of a natural remedy known as “Oleander Soup”, which can be made at home according to the instructions in the e-book “Cancer’s Natural Enemy” (written by the author of this article).

Oleander extract has been proven in clinical trials, decades of medical practice and literally centuries of use as a folk remedy to be a very strong immune booster and disease and illness preventer. It has also demonstrated strong anti-viral abilities in the way that it attacks and kills cancer cells, as well as it’s effectiveness against hepatitis-C and HIV.

The fourth thing you should do is endeavor to stop the spread of airborne viruses during the flu season:

* Protect yourself from others by gargling daily with 1 drop each of the essential oils of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and lemon in a glass of warm water; stir well before each mouthful. Do not swallow.

* Mix a blend of essential oils to use in your diffuser or for use in steam inhalation.

Blend together:

* ravensare - 3 parts
* naiouli or eucalyptus - 1 part
* lemon - 1 part
* rosewood - 1 part
* lavender - 1 part

Ravensare and naiouli have antiviral properties, while the other essential oils in the blend act as antiseptics while at the same time providing a wonderful aroma.

Diffuser Application - Add about 50 drops of the above blend to your diffuser at a time.

Fumigate the house with oils to help prevent the spread of flu. Put 2-3 drops on a radiator to evaporate or add 10 drops of essential oils to a small plant spray filled with water. Spray the room frequently.

Hopefully, no serious flu outbreak will take place in your neighborhood, but forearmed is forewarned. Take the simple measures outlined above and your chances of beating the flu and perhaps avoiding it all together are much improved.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!
by: Tony Isaacs
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Malaria Prevention - Five Ways To Avoid Catching It On Safari

Malaria is endemic to most of the areas in Africa where safari trips are still possible which means you will need to take malaria prevention precautions to protect yourself against catching

the disease when you travel there.

There are five things you can do to avoid catching malaria on a safari holiday.

1. Malaria Tablets

It's important to consult your GP when deciding on the brand of malaria tablets for your trip because they affect everyone differently and your medical history might play a role in the choice.

There are three types of tablets that are still considered to provide adequate malaria prevention (up to 98%) even though there is no drug that is 100% effective and some of them may have mild side effects - Malarone, Larium and Doxycycline.

Paludrine and Chloroquine are less than 60% effective because the disease has built up a resistance to these drugs over the years.

2. Safari Clothing

Mosquito's become much more active at dusk and during the night and early morning so you need to make sure that you cover up any exposed skin with the right clothing when you are outside.

It is often still very warm during the evenings but resist the temptation to stay in t-shirt and short trousers and rather cover up with long trousers, a long sleeve shirt and socks to protect your ankles against bites. They can't bite you through material.

Remember that malaria prevention is much better than cure.

3. Mosquito repellent

make sure that you apply mosquito repellent to any areas that your clothing doesn't cover particularly your hands and your neck.

Repellents that contain DEET are very good for keeping the mosquito's away but remember to re-apply periodically because the effect diminishes over time.

4. Mosquito Nets

Most safari companies do have mosquito nets installed in the accommodation they provide for their guests so make sure you check with them first if you are planning on buying one for your trip.

But not all accommodation in Africa has them and if you are going to be spending time before or after your safari it might be a good idea to have one handy.

Make sure that you purchase Permethrin treated nets as that stop the mosquitoes from biting through the material, protects against damaged or poorly erected netting and decreases the amount of insects in the room.

5. Malaria Free Safaris

The most effective way to avoid catching malaria is of course to stay away from the areas in which it occurs and there are some safari areas in South Africa which are malaria free and still provide an authentic safari experience with the big five animals available for viewing.

Madikwe, Shamwari, Pilansberg and Addo Elephant Park are examples of some fantastic game reserves that are completely malaria free making all the other malaria prevention measures unnecessary.
by: Bruce Whittaker
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Sex During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

When a pregnant woman is dealing with nausea, vomiting and fatigue, morning sickness, and weight gain, it seems that the last thing that she would think about is sex. There are many women who are active when...

they are pregnant. But they think that engaging in a sexual activity might be bad for the baby’s health. Is it really safe to have sex when you are pregnant?

Whether this would bring good news or not, having sex during pregnancy is safe for women who have uncomplicated and low-risk pregnancies.

Normal Pregnancy Allows for Sexual Activity

If you are not sure that you are fit for such an activity, consult a doctor or a midwife. The sexual desires of a woman tend to fluctuate when she is pregnant, but the activity can become awkward and uncomfortable since the body shape of a woman changes considerably.

Always remember that staying intimate doesn’t meant hat you have to engage in sex. Closeness and pleasure can be provided by kissing, touching, cuddling, and manual stimulation. These activities are low risk, and they could not add up to the problems of your pregnancy..

You just have to make sure that your pregnancy is healthy and fit.

Some Risks and Tips

You should also know that a pregnant woman who engages in sex is not a hundred percent safe. There are risks that are associated with the activity, and here are some things to consider:

1) Never engage in practices where your partner blows in the birth canal. It can cause blockage of the blood vessel, which is potentially fatal for the baby and for the mother as well.

2) Never have sex with a partner if you do not know his sexual and health history. This is a risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases and infections, which is very serious on the baby’s part. You are not only putting your life at risk but also the life of the unborn child.

3) Don’t engage in sex if the doctor doesn’t allow you to. This might end up in early labor, potential miscarriage, bleeding, cramping, amniotic fluid leaking from birth canal, cervix problems, and a condition called placenta previa.

4) You might also consider engaging in different sex positions while you are having sex. The traditional man-on-top and spooning position is very uncomfortable for a pregnant woman. It is also important to know that a pregnant woman should not lie flat on her back because the uterus might compress the major blood vessels. This can cause pelvic pressure, intense pain, dizziness, and other uncomfortable and dangerous situations.

Having sex while you are pregnant does not have a direct effect on the baby because it is fully protected by the amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus. Aside from these, there’s a thick mucus plug that seals the cervix and helps guard the baby against infection. It is good to know that the penis does not come into contact with the fetus during sex.
by: James Pendergraft

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What is a condom? ...

Condoms are thin latex or polyurethane sheaths that are worn on the penis or in the vagina (female condom) during intercourse to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted disease.

Latex condoms are best if you’re not allergic as they are more reliable and most readily available. Latex condoms can be used with water based lubricants, but not oil based products such as Vaseline as this will break down the latex. A small number of people are allergic to latex and can use polyurethane instead.

Polyurethane condoms are made from a type of plastic. They are thinner and allow for greater feeling and appearance. They are more expensive and somewhat less flexible which may require more lubricant. Both water and oil based lubricants can be used with polyurethane condoms.

Spermicides and Nonoxynol 9

Condoms and lubricants sometimes contain a spermicide called Nonoxynol 9. There are risks associated with Nonoxynol 9 such as an allergic reaction which can cause irritation if used many times a day. If this occurs it should be discontinued as skin irritations can increase the risk of HIV or STD transmission.

What are the advantages of using condoms?

Condoms are the only contraceptive that helps prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted disease when used properly and consistently. Condoms have none of the medical side effects of many other birth control methods. Condoms are available in various shapes, colors, textures, and sizes. The variations in shape and design are intended to suit different personal preferences in order to enhance love making pleasure. Condoms are widely available in drug stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and even vending machines. Condoms are safe, inexpensive and simple to use. Like all forms of birth control, when used properly, condoms can be highly effective and have no side effects if not allergic to latex.

Disadvantages of using condoms.

The disadvantages are very few compared to other forms of birth control. Some individuals feel that a condom dulls sensation. Others feel that sexual excitement is diminished when love making must be interrupted to put on a condom. But many are able to overcome this inconvenience and learn to incorporate condom use as part of sex play. And most say they have better sex because they are able to focus on the enjoyment without worrying about unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

How to use a condom.

You need to use a condom every time you have sexual intercourse. Never use the same condom twice. Each condom package includes detailed instructions. Be sure to read, understand and follow the instructions before you use the condom. Check the expiration date and do not use if it is expired.

The condom should be put on before touching the penis to any place on the partners body. Practice makes perfect. It is best if both partners know how to put on and use a condom. This will make using a condom easier and more pleasurable, and condom use more effective.

Open condom packages carefully to avoid ripping or tearing. Always check to be certain the condom is appears to be in good condition. Condoms can deteriorate if not stored properly. If a condom feels sticky or very dry, it should not be used.

Condoms should be rolled over the tip of an erect penis. If the condom does not have a reservoir top, pinch the tip of the condom enough to leave a small space to collect semen. Pull out the penis before it softens by holding the condom against the base of the penis to avoid spilling semen. Throw the condom away and do not reuse.

What if the condom breaks?

Sometimes condoms break. If you are aware the condom has broken during intercourse, immediately pull out and replace it with a new one. If the condom breaks and semen has leaked out, wash the semen away from the vulva or penis with soap and water. If the condom breaks and semen has entered the vagina, emergency contraception such as the morning after pill can prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse.

Condoms protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Don’t be shy about protecting the one you love!
by: James Pendergraft

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The Importance Of Good Nutrition In Keeping Your Smile Beautiful And Your Mouth Healthy

A beautiful smile and healthy mouth actually can come from in addition to regular brushing and flossing a daily diet that does not lack the essential vitamins and minerals that make vital contributions to a person’s oral health. Many people overlook the importance of good nutrition in keeping their smile beautiful and...

their mouth healthy.

The mineral calcium and Vitamin D are of particular importance to obtaining healthy teeth. These two substances work together as calcium absorption is enhanced by Vitamin D. Sufficient calcium is essential to the very structure of the teeth as are phosphorus and magnesium.

Vitamin A is an essential part of the production of the tooth enamel. A deficiency in Vitamin A can cause overgrown gums, bleeding gums and gum disease. Vitamin C because of its role in the health and function of the small capillaries that bring oxygen and nutrients throughout the body is also important to oral health. Vitamin C deficiencies can result in bleeding gums and loose teeth as well as mouth sores The Vitamin B complex is also essential to a healthy mouth as deficiencies can cause cracking and bleeding of the lips as well as open sores and lesions on both the inside and outside of the mouth. These open sores aside from the discomfort that they cause offer an opportunity for a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to enter the blood stream.

Fluoride is widely known as an important agent in the prevention of tooth decay and is the active ingredient in the vast majority of toothpastes in the market today. In addition to acting to prevent tooth decay it also strengthens tooth enamel, working in partnership with calcium and phosphorus. Copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium are other minerals that are essential to good oral health.

It is unfortunate but true that most people do not eat well enough to obtain all of the vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients through their daily diets alone. Failing to meet the recommended daily intake levels of vitamins and minerals can result in significant health problems. Therefore, if you find that you are consistently not achieving these intake levels in your day-to-day diet you may want to consider using dietary supplements to meet your nutritional needs. Dietary supplements are safe when used properly. However, they should not be used as a substitute for healthy food as they are meant to complement the diet and only work best when they have real food to attach themselves to. If you find yourself unsure of which daily supplements you should include in your day-to-day nutritional plan a consultation with your healthcare professional or a licensed nutritionist can help you to make the selections best suited to your individual dietary needs and health goals.

While a beautiful smile and healthy mouth are certainly aesthetically pleasing and uplifting to one’s self-confidence, attention to oral health serves a practical purpose as well. Strong teeth mean that a wide variety of foods can be eaten while a healthy mouth means that there are no open sores in the mouth that can serve as an open invitation for bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to enter the bloodstream to cause illness, infection and disease. Making sure that your daily intake of the vitamins and minerals associated with oral health is sufficient in addition to daily dental care will ensure that you can have a lovely smile.
by: Charlene J. Nuble
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Fight Cancer With Good Nutrition

Can we eliminate one of the most devastating illnesses known to modern mankind, an illness that has touched all of our lives in one way or another? We all know someone who lives with it, who has survived it or who has died of it. Some of you are currently living with it and some have miraculously survived it. I lost my father...

to it. I’m sure by now you know what I’m talking about; Cancer.

With all of our knowledge and all of the scientific breakthroughs we still have not found a cure for this debilitating illness. Why do doctors continue to be baffled and why does the treatment have to be so horrific? Cancer is a word no one wants to hear. The treatment alone can kill and can be draining on your system, so much so that many people opt to not have treatment at all. We have not even mentioned the costs associated with cancer treatment which can be astronomical. The “standard of care” consists of body altering surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy infuses poisoning chemicals that destroys the immune system and despite how sick they make you feel the cancer can grow so rapidly that your immune system never gets a chance to repair itself. If we know that ingesting chemically laden foods and breathing chemically laden air can cause cancer why would we want to put additional chemicals into our body in order to cure it? Two to five percent of the 350,000 people a year who undergo in-hospital chemotherapy treatments die as a direct result of the toxicity from the treatment itself. That’s 7000 to 17,500 people too many. Twenty one percent of patients receiving high-dose chemo die as a complication of the treatment. You or a loved one could be part of this statistic.

Don’t become a statistic! We need to get to the root of this evil before it strikes. Cancer can be a merciless adversary. One way that we can inhibit it and even stop it in its tracts is to keep our bodies as clean as possible. Clean by consuming the right foods and keep our bodies as free of toxins as we possibly can. Toxins cause irritation. Free radical damage is what occurs as a result of constant irritation in our body. These free radicals tear at the cell’s membrane, and in some cases, damage the cell’s DNA structure. When the DNA structure is interfered with, mutation can occur, which leads to the formation and growth of cancerous cells.

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock “The typical Western diet, high in red meats, bad fats, food additives and carbohydrates is a perfect cancer brew”.

Fighting cancer is a war and it involves life-style choices and changes of old habits. Changing old habits is never easy but it can be simple. This quote from Dr. Khalid Mahmud makes a lot of sense “Eat God-made foods, not man-made foods”. Remember the old adage, KISS (keep it simple, stupid) these words of wisdom can protect you from the ravages of cancer by just making a few simple changes in your everyday diet. According to Dena McDowell, MS, RD, for the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center agrees that eating the right foods actually helps prevent cancer. "There is a strong connection between what you eat and whether you develop cancer in your lifetime," says McDowell. The American Cancer Society Nutrition Guidelines calls for a diet that is as plant-based as possible.

Studies indicate that people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables have much lower cancer rates than those who eat few or none. Vegetarian’s have the highest cancer immunity and have about half the cancer risk of meat-eaters.

Start with eating at a minimum of five but on average seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. As you continue to change you’re eating habits your taste buds will change and good nutritious healthy foods will taste better to you than chemically laden, poor quality foods.

Eating foods that contain ample nutrients have been shown to prevent cancer. The damaging effects of free-radicals are minimized by nutrients known as anti-oxidants. These include Vitamins A, C, and E, calcium and vitamin D, the B vitamins and folic acid, the minerals selenium and zinc and beta carotene. The higher the amount of antioxidants you consume the better. A unit of measurement that defines the antioxidant value of foods is called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

Use healthy fats such as olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish and green plant food sources, especially spinach, flaxseeds, mustard greens and algae’s. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have an anti-carcinogenic effect in the laboratory.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of anti-oxidants that quench free radicals. They contain bioflavonoids (plant chemicals) that have anti-cancer properties, bioflavonoids turn on phase II enzymes that rid our body of cancer-causing toxins. Fruits and vegetables also contain fiber that binds the toxins excreted into the intestines, these toxins are then not absorbed back into the system. Studies indicate that people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables have much lower cancer rates than those who eat few or none. Vegetarian’s have the highest cancer immunity and have about half the cancer risk of meat-eaters. Scientists have learned that various components of plants (phytonutrients) can attack cancer cells at all levels but at the same time have no harmful effect on normal cells. These phytonutrients strengthen normal cells so that toxins or free radicals cannot affect those cells preventing cells from becoming cancerous. This is especially important in preventing secondary cancers that can be created in the wake of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Turmeric is the spice most often used in curry powder. It has an active ingredient called curcumin that has shown resistance to colon, breast, liver, oral, skin, and stomach tumors in laboratory testing on animals.

Yogurt with live probiotic cultures consumed in high quantities has been linked in some population studies to reduced risks of cancer, particularly of the breast and colon.

Green Tea is the best source of catechins in the human diet, containing about three times as many catechins as there are in black tea. The catechins found in tea selectively inhibit specific enzyme activities that lead to cancer and may also repair cellular damage caused by free radicals. Green tea has been shown to inhibit or block cancer development in colon, liver, breast, and prostate cells. Studies done in Asia show that frequent use of green tea can lower the risk of many common cancers including the recurrence of stage 1 breast cancer.

Grapes, especially red and purple varieties, contain high levels of resveratrol, which belongs to a classification of plant chemicals called polyphenols. Resveratrol has been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells and inhibit the formation of tumors in lymph, liver, stomach and breast.

Variety is certainly the spice of life. Pay attention to the colors of the fruits and vegetables you choose—green, red, yellow, orange, purple, blue, and white—as nature has imbued each with unique nutrients and phytochemicals that deliver a more complete nutritional benefit when consumed together. Think of assembling a rainbow of colors on your plate; it’s more pleasing to the eye and will give you a good balance of phytonutrients at each meal. I created NV so that we all could have a rainbow of essential fruits, vegetables, fiber, probiotics, turmeric, phytochemicals, carotenoids, ellagic acid, resveratrol, and antioxidants. NV has an ORAC value of 6880 per serving, that’s huge! NV has all the essential nutrients needed to prevent the onset of cancer.

Dr. Steve Nelson of the Synergy Wellness Clinic states that “If people don’t supplement, consume a nutritious diet, apply homeopathic therapies and pay attention to their bodies they are going to continue to get sick”. No one knows for sure if cancers are ever eradicated in your body. Sticking to a nutritious diet and supplementing with NV is so important since a dormant cancer can be reactivated by a bad diet. If we start right now we can improve our chances of having a healthy future.

Wouldn’t it be nice if future generations could say “once upon a time people got cancer” like we think of the black plague? The time is now to make that a reality.
by: Denise McKinley R.N.

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Influenza A(H1N1) - update 37

23 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 23 May 2009, 43 countries have officially reported 12 022 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 86 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map...

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 1 0 0 0
Australia 12 0 5 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Belgium 7 0 2 0
Brazil 8 0 0 0
Canada 719 1 0 0
Chile 24 0 0 0
China 11 0 0 0
Colombia 12 0 0 0
Costa Rica 20 1 0 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Ecuador 8 0 0 0
El Salvador 6 0 0 0
Finland 2 0 0 0
France 16 0 0 0
Germany 17 0 3 0
Greece 1 0 0 0
Guatemala 4 0 0 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 1 0 0 0
Israel 7 0 0 0
Italy 14 0 4 0
Japan 321 0 27 0
Korea, Republic of 3 0 0 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 3892 75 0 0
Netherlands 3 0 0 0
New Zealand 9 0 0 0
Norway 4 0 1 0
Panama 76 0 3 0
Peru 5 0 0 0
Philippines 1 0 0 0
Poland 2 0 0 0
Portugal 1 0 0 0
Russia 1 0 1 0
Spain 126 0 13 0
Sweden 3 0 0 0
Switzerland 2 0 1 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 2 0 0 0
United Kingdom 117 0 5 0
United States of America6552 9 788 0
Grand Total 12022 86 854 0
Chinese Taipei has reported 1 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

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Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily


Swine Flu:

The current issue of the swine flu, this is caused by an Influenza A type virus.

This determines the characteristics, such as shape and make up of the virus.

Byotrol from Northern Environmental kills this type of virus...

It is the infections that are caused by the swine flu virus that are difficult to control/treat.

Byocare Handmousse used on hard surfaces or hands kills the virus it does not treat the disease. Byotrol helps ‘prevent’ and protect – EN1500 with 30 minute and 16 hours control!

This may not be as direct proof as we like but we can be very confident that Byotrol is effective against flu virus

Below are some guidelines on our website – I have highlighted in red several of the many key features whereby simple, back to basic measures underpinned by the Byotrol Technology can help.

Swine Flu - Byotrol Publishes Guide Lines To Help Businesses

27th Apr 2009

Pandemic Flu Policy & Contingency Plan


A Swine Flu ( influenza) pandemic has the potential to severely affect UK

Business, employees and their families, and requires specific planning over and above that made for disasters It is recommended the planning focuses on:

• Raising employees awareness of the threat of a pandemic and testing staff preparedness:

• Maintaining health surveillance and hygiene measures:

• Producing action plans that are specific to each of the business’s locations, taking into account local healthcare provision and regulatory systems governing drug licensing and stockpiling : and

• Enhancing protection for high risk and vulnerable employees.

2 Background

Pandemic influenza (flu) is a type of influenza that occurs every few decades and which spreads rapidly to affect most countries and regions around the world.

Unlike the “ordinary” flu that occurs every winter in the UK, pandemic flu can occur at any time of year.

Pandemic flu is much more serious than “ordinary” flu. As much as a quarter of the population may be affected – possibly more.

Pandemic flu is likely to cause the same symptoms as ordinary flu but the symptoms may be more severe because nobody will have any immunity or protection against the particular virus.

Swine influenza or “Swine Flu” is a contagious disease caused by mutation in influenza A viruses.

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily

3 Planning for a PANDEMIC

3.1 The CEO should be the business’s designated pandemic coordinator and a pandemic response team from across the business should be set up and trained in clearly defined rolls.

3.2 The functions of the pandemic response team includes

• Maintaining the team’s own awareness of global developments in Swine Flu (including guidance on containment strategies and vaccines)

• Developing training and awareness materials for the business

• Briefing the Management Board

• Ensuring links are maintained with external stakeholders in planning for a pandemic flu (e.g. suppliers, customers and where relevant the Public)


Working practices and social distancing

• Employees who are fit to return to work following an absence due to pandemic flu (and who have therefore developed immunity to the disease) might be considered for high-risk, essential roles.

• The company should establish flexible working policies, enabling line managers to agree home working, different shift patterns, or relocation to a site more local to the employee’s home where appropriate.

• Employees will be required to work at least one metre away from colleagues to ensure social distancing and managers will reconfigure work-site layouts to enable this to take place

• Other social distancing responses are likely to include:

o Absolutely no shared use of Telephones and mobiles

o Advising employees to avoid face-to-face meetings and to use telephone and internet services instead, where possible

o If this is not possible, meeting only in a large room and maintaining a distance of at least one metre between participants

o Advising employees to avoid crowded places (lifts) or heavily populated gatherings (e.g. sporting events)

o Advising employees to avoid travelling at busy periods on public transport

• Essential workers who are totally reliant on public transport may be offered dedicated transport to and from work

Infection Control

• During a pandemic the business should seek to reduce the overall and specific risks to members of staff by taking appropriate infection control actions (e.g. strengthening guidance on hand washing, unnecessary contact such as hand shaking and isolataion of any member of staff with symptoms such as coughing)

• Basic health protection advice including the following guidance:

o Avoid close contact

o Staying at home when sick or sickening

o Covering completely with disposable tissues mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing sanitising hands afterwards

o Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth

• Additional protection measures will be taken to ensure that influenza does not spread through contaminated objects and surfaces, such as handles, railings and counters. Surfaces touched by hands will be cleaned at least daily using Byotrol products.

• Staff with flu-like symptoms will be required to stay at home until the symptoms disappear and will be allowed in the workplace only in extreme circumstances

• Staff developing symptoms at work will be accommodated in a designated isolation room while arrangements are made to transport them home. Precautions will be introduced for all those entering and leaving this room.

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily

Staff at risk of developing influenza-related complications (e.g. pregnant workers and those with compromised immune systems) will be reassigned from high-risk work sites and locations in the event of a pandemic.

Business and personal travel

• Only essential business travel should be considered during a pandemic and procedures for approving travel need to be tightened, requiring authorisation from a senior manager

• The pandemic response team should monitor travel plans and new procedures for notifying employees’ location during periods of business travel will be introduced in the event of a pandemic

• Staff required to visit pandemic-affected areas on business will be provided with appropriate health advice and personal protective equipment (e.g. masks, Byotrol based handwipes) and employees will have the right to refuse to travel to such areas

• Staff visiting affected areas for non-business purposes during a pandemic may need to be required to stay away from work for a period of quarantine on unpaid leave.

3.3 Goods services and functions of the business that are essential to its operations and survival will be defined and the Business will:

• Carry out devolution planning: i.e. plan which services can be carried out by other sites:

• Develop an order of succession: i.e. plan which services can be carried out by personnel other than those who normally given the task and train non-essential back-up staff to perform essential tasks

• Stockpile small quantities of essential supplies, materials and equipment

• Ensure that maintenance plans are up to date to guarantee that all equipment essential to the business’s operation is capable of sustained operation in the event of a pandemic

• Prepare time lines for how long it will be possible for the Business to carry out its essential functions without critical supplies, personnel and equipment

• Produce forecasts of employee sickness absence during a pandemic flu

• Put in place policies to enable flexible working (e.g. home- working ) in the event of a pandemic flu:

• Put in place a pandemic response team that will take steps to heighten awareness of the Business infection control procedures, particularly provisions covering hand hygiene:

• Provide specific training for all employees and students on personal, workplace and family protection and actions to take as a pandemic develops;

• Prepare employee support services, including grief counselling and psychiatric care ;

• Ensure that adequate supplies of infection control materials (Byotrol mousse for hand hygiene, surface sprays, wipes, gloves and masks) are held in preparedness for a pandemic.

The Byotrol hand hygiene programme is just one element of our ‘Hygiene Revolution’ whereby we can challenge and manage the Critical Control Points within food processing / preparation / service:

Floors / Food Contact surfaces / Hands

Product offering:

Hand Hygiene / Skin care Unit Pack End user unit price

Byocare Mousse

50ml 30 x 50ml £2.99

Byocare Mousse

600ml 12 x 600ml £8.50

Byocare Mousse

5L - re-fill 4 x 5L £16.00

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily


For Food-processing, food-preparation and food-service there are complex hygiene issues such as:

 Food preparation: deli, bakery, on site food prep: sandwiches etc

Floors: HD Food Safe Degreaser/ food contact surface Byosan, Cleaner Sanitiser + (Ready for use), Byowipe (Byosan liquid inside)

 Food storage, display and check out – floors, shelving, check-out conveyors

Broad spectrum usage: Byowipe – kills and protects / multi surface usage

 People ‘hands’: one of the major contributing factor for food spoilage and pathogens – some statistics claim upto 80% can be attributed to poor hand hygiene

(General public: circa 40% of men and 20% of women do not wash their hands after using the toilet)

(Catering workers: circa 50% do not wash their hands prior to preparing food)

Byocare – hand hygiene programme: soap, sanitiser, dispensers, training programme
by: Simon Doderer

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